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Earlier That Day...

Ethan was watching Mitchell from his locker as the boy entered the building. It had only been a day since Dave had been given the responsibility of bringing Mitchell to school and it was already killing him inside. He watched as the boy passed by him without so much as a glance.

With a sigh he turned to his locker, punching it in frustration.

"Hey, easy," said Dave, coming from behind him.

"What do you want?" Ethan asked haughtily.

"Chill bro, I'm not the one you're angry with," Dave said, raising his hands. "Why are you so angry anyway?"

"I'm not angry, maybe frustrated is a better word," Ethan stated. "Mitchell is angry with me."

"Mitchell? Angry?" Dave questioned, shocked because he couldn't imagine Mitchell being angry at anyone. "What did you do?"

Ethan sighed. Of course it was obvious that it was him who made Mitchell angry. He didn't know why he expected a different reaction. "I told him I didn't care that Max had an affair with Mrs. Twist," he explained.

"Oh Ethan. That's really low of you."

"I know. I'm an asshole. But I need to apologize to Mitchell."

"Oh, you think? Why did you wait this long to apologize?" Dave asked.

"Because he won't listen to me. He won't even speak to me. Which is why I need your help."

"What do you want me to do?"

Ethan took in a deep breath. "I need you guys to help me get Mitchell somewhere I can speak to him without him running away or something. Please," he pleaded making Dave sigh.

"I got you bro. Just don't mess this up. You guys are really cute together."

"I won't," Ethan promised. He felt really bad for what he said about Max. Not only because his friends didn't agree with him but also because he had taken their opinions into consideration and came to the conclusion that it didn't matter that he didn't like Max. What happened to the boy was not right and no one should be put through that.

He vividly remembered the day of their fight and how Maxwell had flinched from Mrs. Twist. If that didn't prove that Maxwell had wanted nothing to do with the woman, he didn't know what did.

He also felt sorry for him as well. He had not been through what Max had been through, or even Mitchell, so in essence, he had no say on the matter. He couldn't judge something he knew nothing about. He shouldn't even judge at all. The least he could do was offer them his thoughts, and perhaps, prayers. This was the conclusion he had come to. And to begin that, he needed to apologize to Mitchell.

They both went to class to see Shane already there but Mitchell wasn't. Ethan wondered where he was. Had they been talking to each other, he would have been the one to pick Mitchell up for school. But Dave had been the one to pick him up today? And Ethan had seen him enter the building so why wasn't he in class yet? Many scenarios ran through his head at the thought of Mitchell being hurt, given how scared the boy was that his father could find him. No matter how ridiculous it sounded in his mind - this was Angel Falls after all - he couldn't help but be anxious.

The subject of his worry walked into the class ten minutes after time. Ethan let out a loud sigh of relief making his friends raise a brow at him. Mitchell walked in quietly after the teacher gave him the go ahead. At least, he didn't get detention for being late, Ethan thought. Mitchell sat next to him as usual bureaus him no mind. Ethan opened goalmouth a few times, wanting to ask Mitchell how his night went and how he was doing, but stopped himself. He knew Mitchell was scared of thunderstorms, not only had he experienced them with him, he also knew of the reason behind them. His reason for not asking though was because of what Mitchell had said the day before.

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