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Previously *

Sighing, he answered the call.

"hey mom" he greeted nervously.

"Do you know what the time is?" he could tell she was angry by the sound of her voice.

"Um.." he didn't know the time. What Ethan did know was that he was in trouble.

"It's a quarter to ten pm Ethan! I called your school and your coach said there was no football practice. Shane and Dave were at the restaurant today and none of them knew your whereabouts. Where the hell are you Ethan?" she demanded sternly.

"I'm sorry mom. I'm at friend's place".

"If you know what's good for you, you better get your ass back here asap!" she said and hung up.



Shuddering under the covers, Mitchell's eyes opened to take in the old dark room. Why was it so cold, he wondered. Just minutes ago, he felt so warm and peaceful and now, not so much as he did before. He hadn't slept so peacefully as he did last night.

Stretching his arms as he yawned, he successfully raised the covers from himself and got out of bed. Looking at the other side of the bed, he sighed. Of course, he left. Why wouldn't he? Why would he stay?

Not only would he not want to stay the night with someone like him, he would also want to pay him back for leaving as he had done the night he was in his house.

Mitchell's reasons, the ones he had cooked up for Ethan, seemed logical enough and fair, he decided. Since he left Ethan's house during the night, it was only fair that Ethan did the same.

You think he remembers? An inner voice taunted.

Mitchell sighed and sat on the bed. Ethan probably didn't remember. Maybe he just couldn't stand him at all. No one could anyway. All he was good at was crying and who in their right senses would want that. Everyone had their lives to live, so did Ethan, and it was understandable. He wasn't a child to be cared for all the time.

Although, Mitchell couldn't find it in himself to accept that. He was going to call Ethan out for doing that. For allowing him to get comfortable with him and then just leaving him at the mercy of his inner thoughts. For allowing him to trust him and then throwing that trust out the window just like that. It hurt more than anything. And even though Mitchell knew it would take a while for him to say it, he was willing to.

He just needed to work out enough courage.

So getting up from bed, Mitchell did his morning routine and got ready for school. He picked up his usual attire, a black T-shirt, black jeans, black cardigan and black sneakers. He wore his bracelet, brushed his hair and went to his desk to pack his books for school.

It was then that he saw the assignment that he was supposed to do the day before. Two of the questions were answered and there were examples on a sheet of paper by the work. Confused, Mitchell sat down at the desk and looked through the work.

Was this Ethan's way of telling him that he was dumb?

Mitchell shook his head. He wasn't dumb. Ethan was only trying to help.

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