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Ethan had texted Mitchell earlier on Monday morning to ask if he would come to school but Mitchell didn't reply. Considering it was only six in the morning, he figured Blue would still be asleep so he just let it slide. He got up from his bed and went to his bathroom.

After brushing his teeth, he set up the warm water and took a shower. The warm water was soothing and relaxing which was perfect for Ethan's morning. He preferred not to be stressed out on a Monday morning. He finished taking his shower in a few minutes and went to dress up.

Before he picked up his clothes, he checked his phone in anticipation of a message from his Blue. He smiled as there was a notification and he opened it but his smile turned to a frown when he realized the message was from Shane who asked to be picked up. He rolled his eyes and threw his phone on the bed.

He pulled on a pair of faded blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He checked his assignments which were due today and sorted the papers out. His eyes fell on another piece of paper that he knew he didn't put there. A big thank you was written on it and Ethan's lips curved into a big smile. It was really thoughtful of Mitchell to do that.

He laced his converse shoes, picked his bag and phone and headed downstairs. It was now seven am and after checking his phone again for probably the fifth time, he became worried. Why wasn't Mitchell replying to his messages? Maybe he was just overthinking and getting worried over nothing. Maybe Mitchell was not a morning person. He hoped that was the reason and actually couldn't wait to see him in school.

He told his parents that he was not hungry when his mom asked him to have breakfast. It took a lot of reassurance to get her off his back and when she finally let him go, he sighed in relief and went to his car. He drove to Shane's house slowly in the hope that by some miracle, he would see Mitchell walking towards the school. Their town was a small one so there were no buses. Aside from a car or any other form of transportation, they normally would walk to wherever.

He kept glancing sideways but he didn't see him on either side of the road. He wasn't sad per se, just worried. He kept wondering if he had done something to offend Mitchell. He didn't mean to if that was the case. Also, he didn't remember saying anything offensive either. Or could it be the use of the nickname Blue that Ethan had come up with? He wasn't sure, but the blue eyed boy didn't ask him not to use it either. Ethan didn't know. He only hoped that they were on good terms.

Shane was already outside his house waiting for Ethan. He wore a blue short-sleeved button-up shirt with black skinny jeans and white converse shoes. Ethan thought he looked nice. Not just nice, but really nice which was unusual because Shane never dressed up. Not even for Meghan when they went on their first date. He shrugged however and pulled to a stop for Shane to get in.

"Thanks, bro," he smiled at him as he buckled his seat belt.

Ethan only nodded and went back to driving. His mind was still on Mitchell and he tried really hard to fight the urge to check his phone for a message. His ears were tingling with the hope that a beep would come from the phone, signaling a message. But none came.

Mitchell seemed okay when they texted the night before. His replies may have been short but at least, there was some form of communication. But this morning, Ethan saw that the boy had read his good morning message but he didn't reply. Or was he already fed up with him?

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