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Even I am not sure what is happening in this chapter, but here goes nothing... 🤞🏼

Ethan has been kidnapped by Mitchell's father, James Anderson.
Dave and Shane are on their way to help.
Mitchell and Max, have met Jeremy (Shane's "boyfriend") and are also on their way, behind Dave and Shane. They left Mitchell's house about 30 minutes after the other two had already left.
Tris and Meghan have called the police and McGriffith (Mitchell's FBI friend).

I will switch between Mr. Anderson or James for Mitchell's father. Or simply, the psycho.

I hope this is helpful. Thanks for reading.


"Shut the fuck up before I do something I won't regret!" Anderson shouted at Ethan for the fifth time. The boy wouldn't shut up and kept defying him minute by minute. Having received a text that his boy would be here in less than ten minutes, he was getting anxious and agitated. It also didn't help that Ethan wouldn't keep his big mouth shut. Anderson kicked him in the ribs, making the boy whimper in pain. It was funny how people like this dropped their nasty attitude once you inflicted a small amount of pain, Anderson smirked.

He raised his leg to kick Ethan again but stopped in mid air when he heard voices from outside the room. He couldn't hear them clearly as they were muffled by the sound of leaves. So he decided to go and check out the area and if there were really people out there, he would simply kill them. Or maybe it was Mitchell, the man thought. Strapping on his fun, the man walked out of the room, leaving Ethan still suspended.

Ethan bit his lip to keep from crying out in pain, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth and making him grimace in disgust. It was no wonder he smelt blood everywhere. It also didn't help to ease his worry since his nose and the left side of his face were aching with pain. He wasn't going to him the satisfaction however. And yet, he had never felt this much physical pain in his life before. How could a person be so sick, Ethan wondered. It wasn't what the man was doing to him that made him wonder, but what he was planning on doing to both him and Mitchell.

Lip biting did not help to calm him one bit, it took will power and although Ethan had a lot of that, it was dwindling quite fast. He wasn't sure how long he was going to last. And how could he be sure when the situation he had found himself in was worse than a nightmare? He wasn't going to lie, it was better him than Blue, definitely, but this was hell! He really was not that brave enough to handle it, no matter how much willpower he had. The helplessness he felt also did not do much to help. Ethan hated feeling so weak.

In the end, it did not matter to Ethan how or what he felt. He had to be strong, not only for Mitchell, but for his sisters, his mom, his dad, his friends, even his uncle Robin, and for himself.

He took in a deep breath, trying to relax for a few minutes even though his arms and shoulders ached terribly, with the weight of his body pulling him down. He could also feel his sides hurting but there wasn't much he could do now, except be quiet and listen.

This was when he realized the room was eerily silent. It seemed the psycho had left him alone. Where to, Ethan had no idea. But what did this mean for him?

"I think he's inside," Ethan heard a voice say, except that he wasn't quite sure he had actually heard that. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him.

"Keep your voice down," another voice scolded.

Wait a minute, thought Ethan. Was that Dave? It seemed that was the undeniable deep voice of his other friend. He then made the conclusion that the other person was Shane, and he wondered if they were here to help him. Before Ethan could be glad about his friends coming to his rescue, he was quickly reminded that Mr. Anderson was no longer in the room with him. Had he also heard them? What if he had already seen them and was about to kidnap them as well, or even do something worse?

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