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Holy motherf***ing shit! I am so sorry. I just realized that it's still the same day from Chapter 12...what the..?? I thought I was done with that. Wow!

Sorry for that rant over there...please continue..

Dedicated to xxgay_kiwixx thank you so much for reading.

Ethan was all smiles as he drove home. He couldn't believe his luck. Who knew that Shane of all people would be gay? He kept replaying the scene in his mind over and over again, a shudder running through him every time. It was as though a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. It was like he had been carrying a dead person on his back for the past years and now that he finally told Shane about himself, that dead weight had been tossed aside.

He sighed. Ethan knew he had to tell Dave too at some point, because, in the end, Dave was also his best friend and he deserved to know just as much as Shane did. However, for some unfathomable reason, he just couldn't bring himself to decide when and how it was going to go down.

Either way, today had been a great day after all, well, with the exception of what happened with Mitchell.

Of course, Ethan thought. Blue had to get back into his head, someway, somehow.

"Go away," Mitchell had said. That feeble and very scared voice haunted Ethan to no end. Ethan hadn't wanted to have forgotten about Mitchell for the rest of the day but it seemed that whatever God was out there helped take his mind off Blue for a while.

The boy had looked so scared and angry that Ethan couldn't even figure out which was more prominent. He just hated seeing Mitchell like that.

Now that he thought about said boy, he hadn't seen him after lunch, which was unnerving, because where else could he have gone to?

Maybe he went home, Ethan thought. Yeah, that seemed like the most probable answer.

As Ethan neared his house, he realized that he couldn't stay there. His sisters were probably out with Grandma, his dad was at work as well as his mom. Being home alone would just give him ideas and he didn't know if he could stop himself before he drove over to Mitchell's place.

And the boy had asked for space, had he not? Because Ethan would go to hell before he left that boy alone.

So Ethan did what he thought was best; he took a detour to the diner to help his mom out. Just to get himself from rushing to Mitchell's house and scaring him even further. It was probably because he was overbearing, the green eyed boy thought.

What if Mitchell was tired of him?

They had already shared a bed together, twice. Nothing happened on both counts. Didn't Mitchell want more than that as much as Ethan did? Or had Ethan read the situation wrong?

He didn't really know the boy but this should count for something right? Because if anything, Ethan knew he didn't just want to be friends with the boy. He liked him a little too much.

Heaving out a heavy sigh of frustration, Ethan hit his head against the steering wheel, only to come back to his senses when he heard the honk of his car.

Shocked, the boy turned the car away from the road, trying to find his balance, so as not to hit a tree or the mail box on Mrs. Betty Fran's lawn. The old woman would have his head for it is he didn't die already.

Ethan managed to park on a lay by, just a few feet from the house and took deep breaths to calm himself.

"Fuck!" he cursed loudly. He could have died, he thought. When he felt calm enough, he turned on the car and began to drive, pausing when he heard a murmur from a passerby.

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