Rewatching and Planning

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•Harry's POV•

I walked into my flat and found that the Cals were nowhere to be found.
(A/N: Calfreezy will be called Cal, and Callux will be called... Well... Callux, I know so original)
"Hey guys!" I shouted cheerfully as I closed the door behind me. I had just finished filming a video with Simon and the rest of the Sidemen.

"Hey Harry." Shouted Callux from the living room. "How was filming?"

"Oh... You know, fun as always!" I smiled and walked off to my room, making an immediate left turn, and shut the door to my room. I slipped off my shoes and put them on the second floating shoe wrack. I walked to my bed and fell backwards onto it. I then pulled out my phone and texted Simon.

Me: Hey Si, when do you think the video will be up? I think the subscribers will really enjoy it!
(Read 8:26pm)
Simon: Probably tomorrow, and I agree, it was super fun to film. And we'll have to film another video soon.
Me: Okay. Do you want to see if the rest of the Sidemen want to get Nandos tomorrow?
(Read 8:28pm)
Simon: Sure! :) That sounds fun!
Me: Cool! Hope to see you tomorrow! Bye Si
(Read 8:28pm)
Simon: Okay. Bye for now.

I sighed and put my phone on my chest. Why do conversations with him have to end so quickly? I mean he's my best mate... Right? I covered my face with my pillow, I was sure that I was blushing. Why am I blushing??? I quickly sat up and got off of my bed.

"Hey Harry!" I heard Cal knock on my door.

"Yeah?" I shouted through the door.

"We ordered pizza for dinner, it'll be here in about an hour."

"Thanks Cal!" I said and heard footsteps fading away from my door. I sat down in my chair and turned on my monitors and quickly went onto YouTube. I searched "Sidemen take over Thorpe Park" and clicked on the first video that came up. It has always been one of my favorite videos. I watched the whole thing, but I paused at the moment I kissed Simon. I grinned at the memory. Tobi and I had the idea to act like crazy fans, so I took the chance to kiss Simon. I was acting, maybe... I don't know, but if I wasn't acting, the rest of the guys still don't know that, and I planned to keep it that way. I didn't know how I felt about Simon myself, so I sure as hell didn't need the guys to assume things about me.

Timelapse to dinner

"Harry! The pizza's here!" I heard Cal shout. I got out of my chair, and closed the YouTube tab, which was still paused to when I kissed Simon. Can't let the Cals see that. I walked to my door and opened it. Cal was paying the pizza guy, and Callux was probably in the living room. I slid around the hallway in my socks and reached the living room with Cal just behind me. And as I suspected, Callux was in the living room, he was laying down on one of the couches.

"Callux, food's here!" I said and Callux immediately sat bolt upright. Cal and I laughed, and Callux shook his head. "Come on mate, don't be like that." I said, smiling, Callux ended up smiling too.

"So what did you and the Sidemen film today?" Asked Callux while getting a plate for himself.

"We did another crossbar challenge." I stated and bit into my pizza. After I finished the bite I added, "It took us a lot longer than we expected. But I think it's gonna be worth it." I concluded when I heard my phone start to ring.

•Simon's POV•

I called Harry. His phone rang once, twice. Then he picked up.

"Hey Simon, what's up?" He asked, causing something unusual to happen. What the fuck? Why did my face get hot? Maybe I'm getting a bit sick...

"I told the others about the Nandos plan, and their all in. I said that we could meet up at the Sidemen house at around half past noon. Is that alright?" I told him everything about the plan, and waited for his response.

"Yeah! I'll be there!" He said enthusiastically, but what he said next broke my heart the tiniest bit, for who knows what reason. "I have to go now Si, but I'll see you tomorrow at half past noon, I promise."

"Alright," I said, trying not to sound too sad. "Goodnight Harry." Why am I sad? He's my best mate. I just saw him today anyway!

"Goodnight Si." And then he hung up. I put down my phone and went downstairs to the first floor, and into the kitchen. Vikk was in there.

"So is Harry coming?" He asked while holding a glass of water.

"Yeah. So that means, all of the Sidemen are going to Nandos together. I think I should vlog it, some subscribers want me to vlog more often." I stated, I could feel my face start to get hot. Oh no, am I really blushing now?! In front of Vikk?! What's wrong with me?!?! I turned and walked to the fridge and looked, I didn't see anything I liked. So I decided to raid the cupboards.

"Well that's awesome!" Said Vikk from behind me. "Night Simon!"

"Night Vikk!" I responded and continued to look for food. When I finally found something to eat, I walked with it back up to my room. I knew that I had to edit a video, but I was so tired... I looked at the clock, it was only 9:34pm. I looked at my computer, I just don't have the energy to edit right now. But then I looked at my controller, okay, I do have enough to energy to play video games though! I played lots of FIFA, some Rocket League, and a bit of Dead By Daylight. When I looked at the clock again, it read 12:16am. I turned off all of my monitors and changed into just a pair of boxers. I fell face first onto my bed and worked my way under the covers. I closed my eyes and smiled, tomorrow was going to be amazing. The Sidemen, at Nandos, just hanging out! This doesn't happen often... I wish it could happen more... I fell asleep in minutes.

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