Phone Calls

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•Harry's POV•

I turned on my phone and decided to call Simon. I finished dialing his number and gulped, he probably won't trust me after the things that V said. But... He has to trust me if I want to get out of here! "Boggy?" Simon said when he picked up, his breath caught and I heard him start to cry. "Why? Why did you say those things and then decide to call me?"

"Si, please believe me when I tell you this." I took a deep breath and began to explain everything. "I was on holiday as you know, but a few days ago, the day before I was supposed to come back, I was kidnapped. Her name is Vanessa, but she makes everyone, including her younger brother, call her V. She took my phone and sent you that text. She wants you to be her boyfriend, so she had to break us up. And I've been trapped in her basement for... I think four days and V's brother Peter gave me my phone to call people. I wanted to call you first because I love you. Si, please, please, just trust me. I would never hurt you, I love you too much to do that. Please believe me!" I started to cry, Peter went upstairs and came back with some tissues.

"Here. It's the least I can do right now." Peter said while giving me the tissues. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose. I heard Simon crying at the other end.

"Harry... I... I love you too! Now tell me where you are and I'll get you back!" Simon said, both of us were still crying.

"I'll give Peter the phone. He has the address memorized, I literally just forgot it." I replied and handed my phone to Peter.

"Hi Simon." Peter began, his voice shaking a bit as he talked. "I'm so so so sorry for everything that V did. I never wanted this to happen to you and Harry. Trust me... V is just... The worst person in the world! I wasn't working with her or anything I promise! She locks me in my room for days and only slides bread, water, and sometimes rice under my door. She punishes anyone who has anything she wants."

"Hey... Peter it's alright." I faintly heard Simon say from my phone which was now pressed against Peter's fair skin. "Just... Tell me where you are and I'll come rescue both you and Harry. I'll report your sister to... Something or someone who can help. Just, tell me where you and Harry are please!" Simon pleaded and Peter told Simon where we are. Peter handed my phone back to me and I thanked him.

"Just be careful." I warned Simon. "V should be arriving in London soon. So if you see a girl about my age with fair skin, black hair that's straight as an arrow that reaches her mid back, and bright green eyes, don't talk to her."

"Okay, thanks for the warning Boggy. I'll catch a flight in a few hours, I love you."

"I love you too Si, but we're gonna need to find my car..."

"No need for that!" Peter chimed in. "What do you think V drove to get you here? She drove your car."

"Oh! Never mind then Si. Apparently my car is at the house. I'll see you soon." I said before hanging up. I turned to Peter, who was walking away with his head hanging down. "Hey Peter, thank you for everything."

"You're welcome Harry. But I am truly sorry that you had to go through this."

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. Your sister's the one who needs to be punished."

"I agree."

•Simon's POV•

I frantically threw an extra change of clothes, a jumper, my phone and changer in a SDMN backpack. Once that was done, I went online to see when the next flight to Guernsey was leaving. Turns out there was a flight leaving in two hours. "Guys, I'm leaving in about an hour!" I shouted downstairs to the others who were in their rooms, probably recording something or just playing games for fun.

"Why?" Vikk shouted back. Do I tell them about what happened to Harry? No. Harry can explain that.

"I have to catch a plane. And it leaves in two hours."

"Do you want a ride?" Josh asked, I shook my head and then remembered he couldn't see me.

"No. I'll drive myself." I shouted down the stairs and put my keys in my pocket. "And I'm gonna go now." I said while walking down both sets of stairs and into the garage. I sat in my car and threw my backpack in the seat next to me. I put on my glasses and drove out of the garage. I drove to the airport, parked my car, took off my glasses, and put my keys in my backpack. I ran into the airport and went through the security check. I found my gate and checked the clock, realizing that I had an hour left to wait. Instead of wandering around, I stayed at my gate. I didn't want to meet V and her flight could be landing soon. Finally, the hour passed and the flight attendants started to let people onto the plane. I showed the flight attendant my ticket and she let me on the plane. I found my seat, took out my phone, put my backpack up top in the cabinet, and sat down. I didn't pay much attention to the people sitting next to and around me, all I cared about was rescuing Harry and reporting V to either the police, child services or both.

"Excuse me sir," said the flight attendant next to me in the aisle. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No thanks, I'm fine." I replied and she walked up to the next row of people. Harry, I'm coming. Just wait for a few more hours and I'll be there, I promise!

A/N: I'm trying to update as much as I can since school is starting and that will slow down the updates. So this is a heads up that updates will slow down a bit.

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