GTA Editing

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•Harry's POV•

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 11:34am. I had finished editing my GTA video last night and now I had to go to the Sidemen house to edit some more. I looked out my window and saw that it was raining, but not too badly. Typical London weather, at least I'll be inside. I changed into a pair of jeans and my Nike shirt. I put on my W2S sweatshirt and got my phone, flat keys, car keys, and wallet. I walked out of my room and into the living room. Cal and Callux were sitting on one of the couches watching the TV. "Hey guys, I'll be back soon." I said, the Cals turned around.

"By Harry, have fun." Cal said.

"Bye Harry." Callux said. I waved goodbye and walked out of the flat and to my car. I started my car and my phone buzzed, it was from Si.

Si: Hey Boggy. See you soon, drive safe.
Me: Thanks Si, I will, see you soon. And no, I'm not texting while driving, I haven't left yet.
(Read 11:42am)

I started the car's engine and drove to the Sidemen house. When I got there, Simon opened the door before I reached it. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I buried my face in his chest. "I missed you Boggy." Simon said while giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head.

"I missed you too Si." I said, he gently took hold of my right hand and we walked inside. I looked around and saw that I was the last person to arrive.

"Hey, Harry finally showed up." JJ teased, Simon scowled at him.

"Yeah, I was up until around 4 this morning filming and editing." I explained, JJ nodded.

"Oh alright. That's logical." JJ concluded. We all went upstairs to Simon's room and crowded around the computer. All of us had already sent him our individual videos, so we didn't have to download anything.

"So, let's get to work!" Vikk said once everyone could see the screen. "Let's use Simon's perspective for the first part, you know, when he kills Ethan with a missile."

"I like that idea!" Josh agreed, Simon started to edit, but we got hungry.

"Is there any leftover pizza?" Asked Tobi, referring to the pizza we had at the party a few days ago.

"No. JJ had the last slice for dinner last night." Simon responded, without turning his head away from the computer screen.

"Hungry Tobi?" Josh asked, Tobi nodded and I heard his stomach growl. After his stomach growled, mine did the same.

"Can we eat before we do more editing?" I asked, Simon nodded.

"Yeah, let's quickly eat." Simon said and JJ ran down the stairs. I shook my head.

"One day he's gonna trip down the stairs, you know that right?"

"Yeah, but it'll be his own fault, and he has enough money to pay for hospital if it's bad enough." Simon and I laughed at the thought of JJ being dumb enough to do that. Once everyone was in the kitchen, we started to raid the cupboards. Each of us found a snack that we liked so we went back upstairs to Simon's room.

"Now let's get this done and uploaded!" Ethan said enthusiastically. We worked as quickly as we could, I looked out the window, it was still raining. Then we all heard a clap of thunder, the storm must be picking up a bit.

"No, let's not use that..." Began Josh, squinting at the screen. "Let's use Harry's perspective instead."

•Simon's POV•

"I don't have a problem with that." I agreed with Josh. I looked over at Harry, who was smiling and blushing a bit. His smile caused me to smile, like it always has.

"Simon, you've made Harry blush again." Vikk pointed out, Harry shook his head, possibly to shake off the blush.

"How adorable..." I whispered to myself, no one seemed to hear me.

"Alright, so let's use this." Tobi said, pointing at the screen. I nodded and put the part that Tobi had pointed out into the video.

"We're almost done!" Vikk noticed, I nodded.

"Yeah, only a few minutes left!" Harry said excitedly, I nodded.

"Aaaannnnddd... We're done!" I said, clicking the upload button. "Now it just needs to upload!"

"Well, I gotta go. Oh and I told Manny about filming with us, and he said that would work. So yeah, anyone else coming?" Tobi said, Ethan nodded.

"I asked Lewis, he said he'd be there." Ethan said.

"Deji will be there too, so will JME." JJ added.

"And the Cals will be there too." Harry said, I nodded.

"So everyone will be at the pitch tomorrow! That's awesome!" I said excitedly.

"Now what?" Vikk asked, looking at each of us to see if we had any ideas.

"I got nothing..." Josh said, but then, I saw his eyes light up. "What about a Sidemen Q&A?"

"Let's do that some other time, to give people more time to ask better questions. And that way we'll also have more options." I said, the others nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's post it on Twitter. They should use #askthesidemen." Josh said.

"Sounds good to me." Tobi agreed. We all took out our phones and went into Twitter. I started my Tweet.

Hey guys, we're doing a sidemen q&a, if you have a question, use #askthesidemen for us to see it.

I posted it and people started to use the hashtag pretty quickly. "I think we'll have a lot of options to choose from." I said while closing the Twitter app.

"Yeah, it might take a while to find good ones, so before we film, take screenshots of the ones you thing are the most interesting." Harry suggested, I nodded.

"Sounds good to me Boggy." I said and put my arm around Harry's shoulders.

"You guys do realize that there will probably be a lot of questions about your relationship." Tobi pointed out, I nodded.

"Yeah, but maybe we could answer those in a Q&A with just Harry and I." I said, Harry nodded.

"I like that idea." Harry agreed.

"Then it's settled." I began. "We'll do this Q&A and then Harry and I will do a separate on, dedicated to Minishaw questions." The others nodded, and after a few minutes, Tobi and Ethan left to go back to their flats.

"Bye Si." Harry said before leaving. I pulled him close and kissed him on his forehead.

"Bye Boggy." I replied. Harry put on his sneakers and walked back out to his car, started the engine, and pulled out of the driveway.

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