Plane Ride

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•Harry's POV•

I rested my head on Simon's shoulder and smiled as he kissed me on the top of my head. We laced our fingers together and smiled. "I love you Boggy." Simon whispered before kissing the top of my head yet again.

"I Love you too Si." I said and felt him let go of my hand and then rub my arm with his hand, it was comforting. I felt my eyes grow heavy, but I still strained to keep myself awake. I looked across the aisle and saw that JJ was bouncing in his seat, Vikk and Ethan were both trying not to get slapped by one of JJ's hands. I laughed at the sight and nudged Simon. He looked at me, confused, until I pointed to them. Simon laughed, his laughter made me smile and melted my heart in the best way. Gosh I love him.

"Are you nervous Boggy?" Simon asked, concern and caring very present in his eyes and voice.

"Yeah. There's probably gonna be a lot of questions about us... I won't know how to answer them. I might not want to answer them at all."

"If you don't want to answer those questions, I will. And I'll try to put both of our opinions into my answer. Deal?"

"Deal." I said and kissed Simon's neck. Josh and Tobi made "awww" sounds and I giggled.

"So cute." Vikk said to JJ, who nodded and smiled. I'm so lucky to have Simon as a boyfriend and to have these guys as my best mates. I don't know what I would do without them.

"You good Boggy? You seem lost in thought." Simon pointed out, drawing me away from my thoughts and back into the real world.

"Wha? Oh, yeah I was."

"What were you thinking about?"

"How lucky I am. I wouldn't be who I am today without you guys."

"Yeah, we're all lucky to have each other. We're the Sidemen after all."

"Ouch! That was on purpose wasn't it you little prick?!" Ethan exclaimed at a guilty looking JJ.

"JJ, did you slap Ethan?" Josh asked, JJ shrugged.

"It was just for bants though mate." JJ said, in an effort to defend himself. Ethan wasn't buying it, he slapped JJ back.

"Now we're even mate!" Ethan said after he slapped JJ. Vikk, who was about half asleep, jolted awake.

"Do you mind?" Vikk asked, clearly annoyed with their fighting.

"Not at all." JJ said and ruffled Vikk's hair. I looked over to Simon, he was vlogging. I laughed and cuddled closer to him so that my head was tucked underneath his chin. Vikk threw his hands up in frustration and defeat and tried to go back to sleep. I took hold of Simon's camera and pointed it towards us.

"Just another plane ride with the Sidemen." I said and smiled. Simon grinned and kissed me swiftly behind my left ear.

"Yeah, we're trying to be all cuddly over here. And then there's them." Simon said and put his hand over mine and turned the camera away from us. Josh and Tobi were trying to calm JJ and Ethan down. Ethan and JJ were still fighting. And Vikk, he was sitting in his chair with his neck pillow around his neck and his eyes tightly shut.

"It was just for bants Ethan." JJ said, still arguing the same point that he was five minutes ago.

"I don't give a bloody fuck if it was just for bants! The point is, you slapped me!" Ethan exclaimed and turned away from JJ.

"Yep... another flight with the Sidemen..." Tobi sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Simon and I laughed as he turned off the camera and put it back in his backpack. Simon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

A few hours later

"Harry. Time to get up. We're landing soon, so you need to buckle up." I heard the soothing sound of Simon's voice. I opened my eyes and stretched, almost hitting Simon in the face. I pulled myself out of Simon's embrace and sat in my own chair. I quickly buckled up and the plane started to land. Once we had landed, I unbuckled and stretched my legs.

"I always forget how cramped my legs get after a long flight." I muttered as I reached for my backpack. I put my backpack on my back and felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked to my right and saw Simon, he was smiling so brightly and excitedly that I could feel joy radiating off of him.

"Let's go!" Josh said and started to walk out of the plane, the rest of us following behind. We got out of the plane and were swept into a sea of people all trying to get to different places. I stayed close to the others as we walked to the luggage pick up. We all got our luggage and found our way to the entrance of the airport. Simon and Tobi opened the doors and we were met by a blast of freezing cold air.

"I forgot how cold this place was during autumn." Vikk said, I nodded. My teeth chattered a bit, I wasn't used to this type of weather.

"Boston: home of the ugliest snow you'll ever see anywhere." JJ remarked, causing all of us to laugh. I took off my backpack and got out my camera. I turned it on and pointed it at Simon and I.

"We're in Boston!!!" I shouted, Simon laughed and kissed my cheek.

"It's cold!!" Ethan complained, JJ nudged him.

"Oi, stop complaining mate." JJ said, I waited in anticipation to see what Ethan would say next.

"What do you mean stop complaining? I haven't said anything about it being cold until now!" Ethan shouted and pushed JJ. They both ended up laughing it off seconds later.

"Did someone call a cab or two?" Tobi asked and Vikk nodded.

"Yeah. They'll be here in ten minutes. But we have to wait here." Vikk explained.

"Of course it was Vikk who called the cabs." JJ teased and smiled.

"At least I called them in the first place." Vikk teased back and tried to reach up to grab JJ's hat. JJ saw this coming and moved out of the way and Vikk stumbled sideways.

"You brought that on yourself mate." I said and laughed. Everyone joined in, even Vikk. Simon grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. I smiled at the gesture and he smiled back.

"They've gone fully mad." Simon whispered and I grinned.

"They're our friends, we're just as mad." I pointed out and we both laughed. The others all turned around and looked at us, confused, causing us to laugh even harder.

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