Back To Guernsey

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•Simon's POV•

"No, you're not calling a cab. I'm driving you." I said as I tried to take Harry's phone from him. He moved his hand holding his phone away from me and stuck out his tongue.

"I don't want you to worry." Harry protested and pouted. I shook my head and finally snatched his phone from his hand.

"I won't worry if I drive you." I stated, Harry opened his mouth, thinking of something to say, then closed it in defeat.

"Fine... you win Si." Harry reluctantly sighed as I put his phone in my pocket.

"To make sure you don't call a cab." I explained to a defeated Harry. He nodded and finished eating.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." Harry said as he walked upstairs. I resisted my urges to go with him and stayed in the kitchen.

Ten minutes later

Harry bounded down the stairs, his hair still somewhat wet. A few of his dirty blonde curls were clinging to his forehead. "Okay." Harry said, trying to hide his shaking voice. I took his left hand and pulled him into a warm embrace. I kissed his forehead and I felt his head on my chest.

"Don't be nervous. If you need anything, call me and I will answer, I promise." I vowed to him and held him closer. Harry rested his head on my shoulder and I kissed the top of his head.

"Okay, thank you Simon."

"Anything for you Harry." I said and smiled as I released him from my arms. "Ready to go now Boggy?"

"Yeah, let's go Si." Harry replied and grabbed his suitcase. This was one of his shorter trips, it was only going to be a week long. I held his left hand as he dragged his suitcase with his right and walked to the garage. Harry opened the trunk and threw his suitcase in while I started my car and put on my glasses. He closed the back of my car and got in the passenger seat. "I almost forgot how handsome you were when you're wearing your glasses." Harry said with a laugh.

"Never stop laughing and smiling, okay?"

"Okay." Harry replied, his perfect smile lighting up the car.

"So are you going to film some videos with Josh and Rosie?"


"Don't get hurt while jumping off of your roof. Alright?"

"Don't worry Si, I'll be fine. I promise."

"As long as you stay safe. Please."

"Okay, Simon I get it. I'll stay safe." Harry said and rolled his eyes. I opened the garage door and drove out.

40 minutes later

"Bye Simon." Harry said and kissed my cheek as he got out of the car. Before he opened his door, I took his hand and gently tugged him closer to me.

"You missed." I said with a playful smirk and kissed his lips, cupping his face with both of my hands.

"You didn't." Harry replied and smiled after we ended the kiss. Harry left the car and got out his suitcase from the trunk. He waved as he walked into the airport, I didn't leave until I knew that he was inside. Hopefully he'll get over his nerves. I drove out of the airport and back to the Sidemen house.

40 minutes later

I opened the door and kicked off my shoes as soon as I was inside. I clutched my stomach as it growled. I walked into the kitchen to see JJ sitting there eating. "Hey mate." I said, JJ turned around.

"Hey. Harry at the airport?"

"Yeah." I said as my phone went of. I took it out of my pocket and smiled.

"That him?"


Harry💖: Hey Si! The plane just took off and I'm on my way to Guernsey!
Me: That's quicker than usual.
(Read 11:57am)
Harry💖: Yeah, but that's a good thing. I didn't have to wait around.
Me: True. So any ideas on what you're going to film?
(Read 11:58am)
Harry💖: Not sure. Maybe another cross bar challenge. Maybe even in those funny T-Rex suits if I can find some.
Me: That sounds like something you would do 😘
(Read 11:59am)
Harry💖: Yeah. What about you, any interesting videos planned?
Me: Maybe a punishment pack opening. But I want to do a fun video with everyone when you get back.
(Read 12:00pm)
Harry💖: Oh really? What is it?
Me: I'm not telling.
(Read 12:00pm)
Harry💖: You're such a tease. 🙃
Me: I know
(Read 12:00pm)
Harry💖: I'm gonna take a nap.
Me: Sleep tight Love.

I turned off my phone, still smiling. JJ rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'll never get head over heals like you do."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you love Harry so much. It's a good thing."

"If you think so, even if you didn't, I still know it's a good thing." I said with a smile as I rummaged through the fridge and cupboards to find some food. "Nothing good." I said and settled for a bag of crisps.

"Going to record?"

"Yep. I'll see if Ethan can maybe film some Death Run with us. You in?"


"It'll be in a few hours. Since Vikk won't be up until six as usual."

"True. Later mate." JJ said before I left the kitchen. I walked up to my room and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my bead and pretty much collapsed onto it. I was exhausted, since normally I'm not up until 2:00pm. I wriggled my way underneath the blankets, but was unable to fall asleep. I sighed, my eyes closed, but my brain still whirling. If Harry's gone for a week, that means that when he gets back, I'll have to wait around 21 days until the ring is ready. Hopefully I'll have the guts to propose. I shook my head, clearing my head from my nervous thoughts. Deep down I knew I would be able to, I loved Harry more than I had ever loved anyone before. Hopefully he feels the same.

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