The Party (part 1)

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•JJ's POV•

I was sitting in the kitchen with Josh and Vikk. Simon and Harry went upstairs to film their videos almost half an hour ago. "I'm gonna go check up on them." I said while leaving the kitchen. I walked up the stairs and turned towards my room to get to the third floor. I looked into Simon's room, I saw Simon and Harry playing FIFA 16. I silently walked up behind the two of them and shrieked. They both screamed.

"JJ! What the fuck?!" Simon shouted, I burst out into laughter.

"You should've seen your faces!" I exclaimed, still laughing. I placed my hands on my stomach which hurt from laughing so hard.

"Not funny JJ." Mumbled Harry, Simon nodded and put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"It kind of was..." I whispered to myself. Thankfully Simon and Harry didn't seem to hear what I said. "So... Have you guys filmed the videos yet?"

"Yeah. They've both been uploaded." Simon said, barely turning his head away from the screen. "You can watch them if you want. One's on my channel and the other is on Harry's channel."

"Alright, I'll watch them." I said before walking over to Simon's computer. I quickly watched both of the videos, I was proud of them. It must take a lot of courage to admit to millions of people that you fell in love with your best mate.

"So, what did you think?" Asked Harry from the chair, they were still playing FIFA.

"I think you guys are awfully brave for telling everyone so quickly. But we should look at the comments." I responded, I didn't know if they would want to see the comments or not, but they should at some point.

"But, I feel like there's gonna be a lot of hate. And I don't really want to deal with that right now..." Harry said, his voice trailed off at the end. Simon took Harry's hand and gave him a smile. I saw Harry relax a bit and smile back.

"Everything will be fine. I promise Harry." Simon responded and held Harry's hand tighter. I smiled, I'm happy for them. They make each other feel safe in an instant, and can comfort each other so easily.

"Well, maybe we should see if Ethan, Tobi, and the Cals can come over tonight for a Minishaw honoring party. How does that sound?" I asked, Harry and Simon looked at each other with uncertainty. Then they nodded.

"Alright. Sounds good to us." Simon said, I nodded.

"Cool, I'll tell the others." I waved goodbye and walked down to find Vikk and Josh. They weren't in their rooms, so I went back to the kitchen, where they were still seated. "Hey guys, we're having a Minishaw party tonight. Ethan, Tobi, and the Cals are also invited. Let's say it starts at noon." They nodded.

"I'll call Tobi." Said Vikk, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"I'll call the Cals." Josh pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"And I'll call Ethan." I took my phone out, and called Ethan. He picked up pretty quickly.

"Hey JJ. What's up?"

"We're having a Minishaw party at noon today. You're invited."

"Cool! I'll be there! Is it a formal event?"

"I'm not sure, I'll text you when I know."

"Ok, I'll see you then." Ethan said before hanging up. Josh was still on the phone with one of the Cals, I couldn't tell which. Vikk was done talking with Tobi.

"So, is this a formal event or no?" I asked him, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't think so. Probably not."

"Alright, I'll text Ethan that. You should tell Tobi."

"Okay." I pulled out my phone and started to text Ethan.

Me: Hey Ethan, this is not a formal thing. So no need to wear a suit.
(Read 10:25am)
Ethan: Alright, I'll see you at the party!
Me: Cool, see you then.
(Read 10:26am)

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I was excited for the party!

•Harry's POV•

The party was starting in less than an hour. But, since I didn't bring any extra clothes, I was borrowing some of Simon's clothes. "You look great Boggy." Simon complimented me, causing me to turn a bright red.

"Thanks Si." I said while blushing. Simon giggled and poked my cheek

"You know, you're adorable when you blush. You blushing is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

"Si, that's so sweet. I've hardly seen you blush, but you are definitely the most handsome person I've ever met." I winked, and I saw Simon blush for the first time. "And you also look quite adorable when you blush."

"Thank you Harry. We should probably go downstairs, the others will be here soon." Simon said while taking my hand. We walked downstairs to the first floor to see that no one had arrived yet.

"Hey guys, Ethan said he'd be here in about five minutes, and the others will be here in about ten minutes." Vikk informed us.

"Thanks Vikk!" Simon and I said at the same time.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, Vikk shrugged his shoulders.

"Not sure, it's really up to you two."

"Alright. I have no ideas right now... Do you Si?" I asked, Simon shook his head.

"Maybe we could... Watch a movie? Or go somewhere?" Vikk suggested, I shook my head when he mentioned hound somewhere.

"I like the idea of a movie. We could order some pizza or something, and just hang out." I suggested, I'm not quite ready to go out in public. It's not that I'm ashamed, I just care about what others think, Si knows this.

"How about we watch Suicide Squad? It was a fun movie!" Simon asked, I nodded.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea! I'd love to watch that movie!" I agreed, I want a chance to snuggle up with Si. And to watch that movie of course.

"Hey, I'm here, open up!" I looked out the window and saw Ethan standing outside. I laughed and opened the door for him. The others got to the house not too long after.

"Wait, you brought extra clothes?!" Callux asked, shocked.

"No." I responded. "Si let me borrow some of his." Callux nodded. We all walked to the living room and started the movie, I snuggled up next to Simon, feeling as safe as ever.

A/N: So, updates will slow down quite a bit in a couple weeks because school is starting. Until then, I will write as much as I can. But when school starts, I will try to update once a week, probably on Saturdays. I hope you are enjoying this story!

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