Late Night (part 2)

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•Harry's POV•

I heard the cooker beep from the kitchen. I started to get up, but Simon was still curled up next to me, using me as a pillow. "I'll get the pizzas!" Shouted Josh from downstairs, I couldn't tell if he was on the second or first floor. The cooker stopped beeping and I heard excited mumbles from the kitchen. I didn't want to wake up Simon, but if I didn't, the others would get suspicious.

"Hey Si." I whispered, he started to wake up and mumbled something. "Pizzas are ready." He released his hold on me, and we both got up and walked down to the kitchen. Josh looked at us, I could tell that he knew something. What does he know? Does he know about my feelings for Simon? If he does, that's not good.

"Please tell me you guys left some pizza." Simon said, breaking the silence to my relief.

"Well yeah. There's almost a whole other pizza still." Said Vikk, gesturing towards the second pizza. I thanked him as Simon and I got a couple slices each. All of us quickly ate our pizza, JJ even had three more slices!

After we had eaten, we all walked to the living room. Simon sat to the right of me on one of the couches. Vikk sat with JJ, and Josh sat between the two couches on a beanbag.

"What should we watch?" Asked JJ looking at each of us for suggestions.

"How about... A football match?" Said Vikk, JJ gently smacked Vikk on the back of his head. Vikk placed his hand where he had just been smacked. "Ouch... What was that for JJ?"

"I don't know. Just shocked that you would suggest that." JJ responded and shrugged his shoulders. "But I agree, a football match would be a good idea. Maybe if we watch some pro level football players, we'll be able to come up with some strategies for our match against the YouTube Allstars!" JJ concluded, Simon nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's stop talking and start watching!" Josh said and grabbed the remote. Josh turned on the TV and turned it to the sports channel. There wasn't much to watch, since none of us were rooting for a specific team, but we watched the match anyway. Simon fell asleep pretty quickly on my shoulder again. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but then the rest of the guys would suspect something.

"This team does lots of cross passes between the strikers. We should implement that, don't you think so Simon..." JJ's voice trailed off when he saw Simon asleep on my shoulder. "How adorable. Minishaw is real, right?" Everyone turned to look at me, I felt my face heat up for embarrassment.

"Well, I'm not sure yet... Honestly." I said, while talking I looked everyone in the eyes. I knew I was lying, but they didn't need to know that my feelings for Simon are real, at least not until I know how he feels about me. Simon put his right arm on my chest, across my shoulders and his left arm on my back, and curled up into a ball next to me. This caught me off guard and made me blush more than ever before.

"Someone get Simon his blanket." Said Vikk, Josh nodded and went towards the stairs. I heard Josh's footsteps growing quieter as he walked up the stairs. "Harry, you can stay in the spare room." Vikk said while looking at me.

"I'm not leaving. I mean, that will just cause him to fall sideways, and possibly make him wake up. And he's exhausted." I said, rushing my explanation a little bit. Simon was still curled up next to me when Josh came back with a blanket. I said goodnight to JJ, Josh, and Vikk, and all three of them walked up the stairs to their rooms. I placed the blanket over Simon and I, he smiled a bit in his sleep. I ran my fingers through his hair, and rested my head on top of his. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep as well.

•Vikk's POV•

Timelapse to the next morning

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was almost 11am. I put on a pair of jeans and a SDMN t-shirt. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I poured cereal and milk into a bowl. I was about to take a spoonful, when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Josh came from around the corner. "Vikk," he began, exhaustion clear in his eyes and voice. "have you noticed anything, weird, about the way Simon and Harry have been acting lately?" I thought back to last night, Simon and Harry seemed awfully comfortable around each other.

"Yeah, I wonder what this is about..." I saw Josh look down at the floor. I had lived with him long enough to know that when he does this, he knows something. "What do you know?"

"I don't know anything for sure..." Josh began, this time looking at me straight in my eyes. "But I think they have feelings for each other." I nodded, that was exactly what I was thinking also.

"Well glad we're on the same page. But, do they know about each other's feelings?"

"I don't think so..." I was about to say more, but JJ barged into the kitchen.

"Mates, I'm pretty sure that Simon and Harry have feelings for each other!" He said. But unlike Josh, there was no tiredness in his voice at all.

"We were just talking about that." I stated, should we tell Ethan and Tobi about this too? I'll ask these guys. "Should we tell Ethan and Tobi?" I asked, Josh and JJ nodded.

"I think if the rest of us know, it would be better." Said Josh, he was taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Wait," I said holding up a hand to stop Josh. "We should call them upstairs, that way if Simon or Harry wake up, they won't hear us." JJ and Josh nodded and the three of us walked upstairs and into Josh's room. Josh called Ethan, who picked up pretty quickly.

"Hey Josh, why are you calling this early, we aren't recording for another six hours." Said Ethan, who was about to say more when Josh cut him off.

"Vikk, JJ, and I are pretty sure that Harry and Simon have feelings for each other." Josh said, there was a short moment of silence before Ethan's response.

"Yeah, I could tell. During lunch at Nandos, they kept on looking at each other, just for a second. And then if the other one looked back, they would both blush and look away." He responded.

"Alright, so we'll talk later, see ya!"

"Yep, bye." Ethan said before hanging up. I looked at Josh, who was already calling Tobi. The phone rang and Tobi quickly picked up.

"Hey Josh. What's up?" Asked Tobi, there was a tiny bit of exhaustion in his voice.

"Have you noticed anything weird about how Simon and Harry have been acting?" Josh asked, he raised an eyebrow while asking that question.

"Yeah... They seem closer than normal friends would."

"Well, the rest of us think that they have feelings for each other."

"Yeah, that would explain just about everything."

"Well that's why we called. We'll talk to you during recording. Bye."

"Okay, bye Josh." Said Tobi before hanging up. I felt my stomach growl, I clutched it.

"Okay... Now can we eat?" I complained, Josh smiled.

"Yes Vikk." Josh responded. I ran down the stairs and ate my cereal. I decided to go to the living room to check on Harry and Simon. They were still asleep, Simon was curled up next to Harry, and Harry's head was on top of Simon's. I'm not sure how to react to this...

A/N: Oh no, Josh broke his promise. But if Simon doesn't find out, he should be fine.

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