Final A/N

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So, I just wanted to first say thank you to you all for the amazing support that this book has gotten, you guys are amazing!!

And now for what this is really about. I already have some other stories on my account. Here is the list:

•My Missing Link: A Wesari fanfic.
Mari has just gone through a messy break up with Peter. She is getting sadder and sadder as time goes on. She doesn't even smile that often anymore, only Wes has made her laugh since the break up. She never thought that this would happen, and yet it did.

Wes has been single for a while, and is his happy self. He knows about Peter dumping Mari, and is furious with him. He tries to make Mari smile, and sometimes it works! He begins to realize how much Mari means to him, but doesn't want to tell her after such a horrible break up.

The viewers and subscribers notice Mari's unhappiness and don't want to watch the videos anymore. The channel starts to lose popularity and money. Will Wes be able to make Mari happy again and save the channel?

•The Rapper and The Gamer: a Kstar/KSIstar fanfic.
Olajide, or JJ for short, has always been the loudest and most confident of the Sidemen. He loves to show off his skills and look cool. He also has a particular enjoyment of tackling his friends, especially Vikk.

Vikk, or Vikkstar123 on YouTube, is the smallest of the Sidemen, making him an easy target for #Vikkabuse, almost always caused by JJ. But Vikk knew that JJ never meant to hurt him, it was always for fun. Vikk spends most of his time recording and editing the three daily videos to go up on his three channels.

But JJ starts to say more suggestive things about him and Vikk. And people figure out JJ's feelings before he does. The Sidemen are the first people to find out due to JJ not being able to hide his feelings well enough.

•The Seven: a Sidemen AU
After YouTube shuts down, many YouTubers and YouTube groups turned to a life of crime. The Sidemen, well... they ended up becoming a gang. Their rivals, The Pack, a group of MineCraft YouTubers from all over the world, they too became a gang.

Both gangs want to do their job, no matter what the cost. They have to live hidden, and separated from family and friends. Or else they will be taken away.

WARNING: blood and swears

•Two Crazy Boys: a Septiplier fanfic.
Jack hears voices
Mark has multiple personality disorder

This is the story of two boys... two crazy boys to be exact. They were pushed to the point of doing things they never thought they could. They have demons... demons that they need to overcome.

•He IS Real: a Phanfic
When Phil was growing up, he had an imaginary best friend named Dan. But, Phil didn't know that Dan was just a figment of his imagination. Dan and Phil did everything together. Until one day, Dan disappeared from Phil's imagination.

Phil is now in his last year of secondary school. He has become a pastel. His light colored clothing, good looks, and bubbly personality make him loved by all.

One day, a new kid comes to school. He wears black everything and always has headphones in. He keeps most of his life a secret, making him the school's mystery boy. He goes by the name Dan.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In this story Dan and Phil are in the same grade. They also look like younger versions of themselves as of 2017 (along with any other YouTuber I throw in here). And also, let's just pretend that Phil's hair is naturally black.

Everyone on the same page?
Good. Enjoy.
So these are the ones that already exist... I have three others planned though. Here they are:

•Eternity: a Minishaw fanfic/supernatural AU.
          -Basic Description:
Angels and demons live together in a world called Cosmoa. There are rules though, two major ones relate to relationships. A demon and an angel can not be together. Two beings of the same sex can not be together. Anyone who actively revolts against or breaks either of the two rules above will be banished.

Harry is an angel in his junior year in high school.

Simon is a demon in his junior year in high school.

How will this all play out? Read the book to find out.

(BTW, this one could have sequels if there was a lot of interest.)

•Tattoos: a Minishaw fanfic/soulmates AU.
          -Basic Description:
Your soulmate's initials show up as a tattoo when you are thirteen.

Your soulmate's birthday shows up as a tattoo when you are sixteen.

A tattoo that starts simple, but grows more and more complex and beautiful the more you interact with your soulmate shows up when you are eighteen.

Sometimes you dream of your soulmate. Their eyes. Their hair. Their laugh.

Simon and Harry have not found their soulmates yet. But they will...

•Mr. Bradley: a Zerkstar fanfic.
          -Basic Description:
Josh is the young heir of his parent's fashion kingdom. He is 21 years old and is in need of an assistant.

Vikk is a gifted high school senior. He is 18 and in need of a job.

Their worlds collide and sparks fly.
That's it! Let me know what you think of these books in the comments. I would love some feedback. Again thank you so much.

One last thing before I go! I decided on a fashion kingdom so that Vikk might have to model some of Josh's designs! I think those chapters might be interesting and funny. And I also called it a kingdom because his parents are extremely well known in the fashion business and are called the King and Queen of fashion. (This will be explained in the actual book)

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