Preparing For The Flight

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•Harry's POV•

I rubbed my eyes and rolled over in bed, expecting to see Simon lying next to me. He wasn't there, I sat up and smiled as I saw him sitting in his chair editing a video. I smiled as I walked up to him silently. "BOO!" I said right into Simon's ear. Simon jumped and spun around.

"What the hell Boggy!" Simon said as he stood up and tackled me back onto the bed.

"Morning!" I said while laughing, Simon smiled and kissed me. He got off of me and helped me up.

"You ready for Pax East?" He said and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Honestly, I don't know." I began and hid my face in his shirt. "I'm kind of nervous, what if I mess up? What if I can't come up with what to say? What if I-" I was cut off by Simon kissing me, I kissed back, matching his passion.

"That doesn't matter Boggy." Simon said after ending the kiss, still holding me against him. "I know that you'll do perfectly fine, and if you mess up, who cares? Plus, this was your idea anyway remember?"

"Yeah..." I sighed. He was right after all. A couple weeks ago we had decided to do a show and a live Q and A at Pax East, since we hadn't been there in a while. I was the one who brought it up and came up with the idea in the first place. "But now I might regret it."

"You'll be fine Boggy. It's a Q and A, it's not like we have a script to follow or anything."

"You have a point. Let's see if the others are here yet. After we're dressed of course." I said as I walked out of Simon's room and into my own to get clothes. I picked out a pair of jeans and my Biased t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers. I walked to the shower and closed the door behind me.

15 minutes later

I walked back to my room and had just changed when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I shouted and heard the door open from behind me and then close. I felt two arms wrap around my waist, I spun around and was met by Simon smiling. Then he kissed me out of nowhere, I kissed back and we ended up sitting on my bed. "What was that for?" I asked after we had finished the kiss.

"I can't just kiss you because I love you?" Simon asked and smirked playfully.

"Of course you can Si. I love you."

"I love you too Boggy." Simon said and pulled me into a warm embrace, I hugged back.

"Let's go downstairs and see who's here." I said and took hold of Simon's hand as we walked out of my room and down to the kitchen, dragging our suitcases behind us.

"Hey guys!" Tobi said from his chair as he jumped off to give us a hug. "You excited for Pax?"

"Yeah, but a little nervous. I mean, we haven't been there in a while, so it's gonna be a bit weird at first." I said and Tobi nodded.

"Yeah that's pretty accurate to how I feel too. Oh and Ethan texted me a couple minutes ago and said that he had just left his flat. He overslept."

"Sounds like Ethan." Simon said and grinned. "Are JJ, Vikk and Josh up?"

"Yeah, probably recording vlog intros." Tobi said, and I bolted off towards the stairs, Simon chasing me.

"What are you doing Boggy?"

"I forgot to film a vlog intro!" I shouted back and sprinted up the second set of stairs and into my room. I looked behind me and saw Simon dash into his room.

"I forgot too!" Simon shouted from his room. I nodded and ran to my desk and picked up my camera. I turned it to face me, and pushed the power button.

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