Preparing For Pax

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•Harry's POV•

I woke up cuddled up against Simon's bare chest. I hugged him tightly and got out of bed quietly so that I wouldn't wake him up. I turned around and saw that the TV was still on, so I turned it off. I changed, and rummaged through the box of food that we got by coming here. Thankfully, there was plenty of American cereal. I got out two of the Honey Nut Cheerios containers and began to eat one. I heard some stretching noises and knew that Simon was waking up. "Morning Si!" I said with a smile, even though he wouldn't be able to see it, since I was facing away from him. I heard Simon slowly get out of bed and walk over to me. He hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Morning Boggy." He mumbled, his voice still groggy and full of sleep. I showed him the cereal and he smiled. "Thanks." He said before devouring the cereal.

"So when are we meeting the others?" I asked and Simon shrugged.

"I'll text them." He said, and then both of our phones started to go off.

"Drunk texts?"


"Why didn't we get them before?"

"No idea... maybe they just reached service. Or maybe our phones just went off of Do Not Disturb."

"Either way, let's read them." I said and reached for my phone. The first text was from Ethan.

Ethan: appels r pirpel.

We burst out into laughter. The next one was from JJ.

JJ: Where's the pineapple fairy?! Vikk said you know her

The next text was actually a video from Vikk. It was of Tobi and Josh having a dance battle, while waisted. "So Vikk was sober." I said and Simon nodded. We watched the video of the "dance battle", which was really just the two of them madly flinging their arms and legs, trying not to vomit, yelling at each other, and leaning against other drunken dancers. Another drunk text was from Tobi.

Tobi: shdjsl avwkrog bsmdksbwoe geb she end sk djeld dlsva fkska dowveje

"Did he face palm his phone?" Simon asked and we both laughed again. Simon then took out his phone and read a drunk text from Josh.

Josh: Hiiiiiii I'm jooooosh. I'mmmmmm a dancerrr.

"Did he use voice texting or something?" I asked, and we both laughed again. "Imagine their faces when they read the drunk texts they sent."

"And the hangovers right now. We made the right choice to stay in."

"Yeah. We should get ready. I'll text the guys to meet us down in the lobby in half an hour." I said and made final adjustments to my shirt, I had to make sure that no one could see my hickey or they would be suspicious. Once we had both changed, we began to gather all of the pens and sharpies we had brought to sign the merch. We each grabbed our backpacks and put our cameras, phones, chargers, and sharpies in them, and then we waited.

30 minutes later

Simon and I walked out of the lift and into the lobby. Vikk and JJ were there, but there was no sign of Tobi, Josh, or Ethan. "Hey guys!" Vikk said and waved at us. We walked over and sat down in chairs next to them.

"Hi!" I happily replied, then I saw JJ. He looked so tired and sick, I felt bad for him. "JJ, how much did you drink?"

"Too much." JJ muttered with his head between his knees. "This is the worst hangover I've had in a while." He raised his head and took a sip of water from his water bottle.

"Sorry we're late." Said a familiar voice which I recognized as Tobi's. I turned around and was met by Josh, Tobi, and Ethan walking towards us. "I had to knock on their doors, these two were pretty hungover."

"Not our fault that we like to party!" Ethan defended the two of them while smiling.

"Well, the cabs will be here soon, and it's gonna be pretty loud. So best of luck to you." Simon said and laughed at the end.

"So... what did you two do?" Josh said in a suggestive tone.

"Watched a movie." I said, it wasn't a complete lie, we did watch a movie. But they don't need to know what we really did. "And cuddled." I added and smiled as Simon wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my left temple.

"S'cute." Vikk said and smiled. I had a feeling I was probably wearing a faint blush. My thoughts were confirmed when Simon poked my cheek.

"Red's a good color on you." He teased and I smiled.

"Well, of course you would say that, it is your favorite color after all." I responded, causing Simon's eyes to widen.

"How do you know that? I never told you."

"It's the color of your car, and your chair, and you wear a lot of red. You're even wearing a red Sidemen shirt right now."

"Fair enough." Simon said and we caught sight of the others, who were walking away.

"Where are you guys going?" I shouted while grabbing Simon's hand and running to catch up to them.

"The cabs are here." Vikk said and the others nodded.

"We said that, but you two were off in your own world." JJ teased and elbowed Vikk in the side.

"JJ?! What the fuck mate?!" Vikk responded, JJ just ruffled his hair.

"Vikk's too easy to tease." Josh said to Ethan who nodded in agreement.

"Stop making fun of Vikk." Tobi said as he scowled at JJ, Josh, and Ethan.

"Yeah, thanks Tobi." Vikk responded with a grin.

"Anytime mate." Tobi said and returned Vikk's smile. I caught sight of two cabs, they were Ubers.

"Okay, so Harry, Simon, Ethan, you guys are in one cab. Vikk, JJ, Tobi, and I will go in the other cab." Josh said as we split up and walked to our cabs. Simon and I held hands and got into the cab. I sat in the middle, Simon was on the right, and Ethan was on the left.

"Where are we going?" The cab driver asked.

"Pax." Ethan responded and the cab driver nodded.

"I know where that is." The cab driver stated as he started the cab and we were on our way to Pax!

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