Vlog Intro

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•Simon's POV•

I woke up and smiled, we were going to Nandos today! I quickly bolted out of bed and checked the time. It was only 10:47am, so I had almost two hours before Harry and the others would show up. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I went back to my room in a towel and I slipped into a pair of boxers, a pair of red sweatpants and SDMN t-shirt. I combed my hair and shook out the rest of the water from it. I didn't bother eating breakfast since we were going out to eat. So instead I worked on editing the video we recorded yesterday.

"Simon! You up yet?" It was JJ shouting at me from the second floor.

"Yeeeeesssss JJ." I shouted back, trying to sound like an annoyed little kid. "I'm just editing the video we filmed yesterday."

"Oh okay!" I heard JJ say, then I heard footsteps going downstairs to the first floor. I walked over to my vlogging camera to see if it was charged enough, which it wasn't, so I plugged it in. I walked over to my chair and sat down. I started to edit, cutting out the minutes it took us to retrieve the footballs.

"Do it for the unpaid workers!" Harry shouted in the video to encourage Vikk to hit the crossbar, I smiled at the words of encouragement that had turned into a bit of an inside joke between us and our subscribers. Vikk missed the crossbar though and we all sighed. I put in some cool music for when people started their run up, faded it into the derp song when they missed, and kept the song going when they hit the bar.

"Hey mate, you're here early." I heard Josh say from the bottom floor. I checked the clock, it was 11:56am. "Simon hasn't come out of his room yet, incase you wanted to know." I heard footsteps coming closer to my room, and then a knock.

"Come in!" I shouted and the door opened.

•Harry's POV•

I opened the door to Simon's room, he didn't turn around. I walked over to him, silently. "What're you working on Si?" I asked, he spun around in his chair, shocked to see me early.

"Oh... I'm editing the video from yesterday." I looked at him, he looked exhausted.

"You seem a bit tired." I said, he nodded.

"Yeah... I decided that I didn't have enough energy to edit, but I did have enough to play FIFA, Rocket League, and Dead By Daylight... I was up until quarter past midnight... And then I fell asleep..." His voice trailed off, as he closes his eyes, as if saying the word "asleep" had put him to sleep. I decided to look at the video so far. I tried not to laugh when JJ "smashed it" and the football went flying over the fence. Simon edited in a part of the song I Believe I Can Fly, his editing skills never stopped amazing me.

"Go get the ball JJ." Said Simon and I in unison in the video. JJ trudged off to get the football, looking at the ground. I let out a laugh, this caused Simon to wake up.

"Wha-What?" He asked confused and groggy from his little nap. This caused me to laugh even more.

"I was watching the video." I explained, I saw a lightbulb go off in Simon's head.

"Thanks for reminding me!" He said as he got out of his chair and walked over to one of the outlets. Now it was my turn to be confused.

"What did I do?" I asked as Simon unplugged his vlogging camera. He turned to face me and I felt my face start to heat up. No... This can't be happening... I don't have feelings for him. Please don't notice this Simon! But he seemed to be oblivious to my tomato-red cheeks.

"I planned on vlogging our trip to Nandos last night... But then I forgot. And now you've reminded me!" He smiled and so did I. "I think I'm going to film the intro here!" He said and motioned for me to come closer. "Come over here and be in the intro!" He stood up in the middle of the room and turned on the camera.

"Alright, ready!" I said, and Simon turned on the camera.

"Hey guys, so a lot of you have been wanting me to vlog more, and Harry had a great idea yesterday." Simon motioned at me to tell the camera what my idea was. I nodded.

"I thought that it would be cool if all of the Sidemen got together and went to Nandos! You know... Since we never get to do stuff like this." I finished, Simon continued the intro where I had left off.

"So yeah... We're leaving here in a few minutes, and I'll see you guys when we get to Nandos!" Simon reached over and turned off the camera.

"Tobi and Ethan are here now too!" Shouted Vikk, his way of telling us to get ready. I grabbed my phone and the camera and ran down the stairs.

"Whose cars are we taking?" I asked while walking down the stairs.

"I don't really care." Said Vikk. "Just as long as everyone can fit in one trip." I nodded, I wanted to drive my car, but it only fits two people... But whatever. We got into the cars and started to drive to Nandos.

A/N: the rest of the vlog will be in the next chapter.

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