Happily Ever After (epilogue)

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Five and a half months later...

•Simon's POV•

I woke up and smiled as I looked at Harry's sleeping form next to me. He was smiling as he slept. I brushed some of his dirty blonde curls away from his face and lightly kissed his forehead. Harry stirred, but didn't wake up, he's a heavier sleeper. I pulled Harry closer against my bare chest and I felt his breathing against me. I smiled as he pulled himself even closer to me. We stayed like for around ten minutes before Harry's perfect, blue eyes slowly fluttered open. "Good morning Boggy." I whispered and kissed Harry's forehead.

"Good morning Si." Harry said in his morning voice. "What's for breakfast?"

"How would you feel about making pancakes together?"

"I'd love that! Let's go!" Harry replied, smiling, and with a sudden burst of energy, bolted out of bed. I smiled and followed him, still somewhat in awe of the flat we bought. It was a penthouse flat with three floors, we almost had too much space. I slowly sat up and wandered into the kitchen, which Harry was tearing apart looking for the ingredients to make pancakes.

"Find everything Boggy?" I asked with a laugh, Harry spun around and smiled, a mixing bowl in one hand and a frying pan in the other. I continued to laugh, Harry joined me. My phone buzzed:

Josh would like to FaceTime

I accepted the call and beckoned Harry to come over to me. "Hey Simon and Harry." Josh said as he spun around in a circle.

"Hey Josh. How've you and the others been?"

"We've been good. Ethan and Tobi are still getting used to living with us, but we're all making the transition smoothly." He said and scratched his beard.

"How long have they been living with you lot?" Harry asked and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Three and a half months. One month after you two moved out."

"It's been that long?" I asked, my eyes grew a bit wider. Time had flown by and I hadn't been noticing.

"Yep. But don't get me wrong, we're all happy for you two, it's just different for us all. But a good different, you know?"

"Yeah. But we're still the Sidemen and nothing is ever going to change that." Harry said and yawned.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." I agreed. Josh nodded.

"We're still filming at the pitch Saturday, right?"

"Yep." Harry and I said.

"Alright I'll tell that to the others. I've gotta go record. See you soon. Bye."

"Bye Josh." We both said before Josh hung up.

"Let's get some breakfast." Harry said and kissed my cheek. He took my hand and lead me to the counter where all of the ingredients had already been spread out. We began to make the pancakes, somehow Harry ended up getting flour all over him. When I wasn't looking, since I was flipping pancakes, he gave me a tight, floury, hug.

"Boggy!" I said with a laugh. Harry ran out of the kitchen, I followed him. But, Harry cornered himself in the living room. I picked him up and took him back to the kitchen. "So, there's something the fans want to see..."

"Oh Jesus Christ Simon, that could be anything. Your fans are crazy."

"Your fans are crazy too. But they want to see a Minishaw Q and A."

"Didn't we do one of those a while ago?"

"Yeah. But they liked it so much that they want another one."

"Breakfast first."

"Of course... it might be burnt though if we don't go back now."

"Oh shit! Let's go save the breakfast!!!" Harry exclaimed and dashed off to the kitchen, a faint trail of flour spiraling in the air behind him. I shook my head and followed him. Just as I thought, that pancake was burnt. "We still have more batter though!"

"And as long as I don't chase you around the flat, we'll get to eat." I said somewhat sternly, but Harry nodded with a smile. Finally, breakfast was ready. We ate together in the dining room, the view was amazing. "I really could get used to a view like this." I said, not looking at the cityscape, but at Harry. Harry blushed and looked down.

"Yeah," Harry began, "I could too." He said and looked into my eyes. I smiled and took a sip of coffee.

One hour later

"Hey everyone!" I began my intro in my office. "You guys wanted it so here it is, the second Minishaw Q and A! But, where is my other half?" I asked as Harry opened the door on cue.

"I'm here!" He said and walked over to sit down in the empty chair beside me.

"Here he is! Wroetoshaw or Harry!!"

"Hello!" Harry said with an adorable smile and wave at the camera.

"So let's find some questions!" I said and scrolled through Twitter. "Here's one: Is Minishaw real?"

"I mean, we dated, he proposed, and now we're married. Sooo... you could say it's real."

"And if you say it's real, then you're right!" I said and grinned, I could see Harry beaming from the corner of my eye.

"What's next?"

"Is Harry your number one fan?" I read the question and raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"Yes. I am Miniminter's number one fan." He stopped talking and I saw a light bulb turn on.

"You're thinking. What's your idea?"

"You'll see." Harry replied before getting up and motioning for me to move the chairs out of shot. I did so and then joined him. He stood on my left and smiled. "Miniminter!!!" He said as he jumped up and down. "Can I be in one of your videos? I'm your biggest fan!!!" Harry then wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my left cheek, making a loud kissing noise. I smiled, I remember this moment well.

"Oh. My. God. Wroetoshaw kissed me!!!" I said, raising my voice a bit at the end like I had done originally.

A/N: So yeah. That's it. I hope you all enjoyed this book. There will be another chapter, which will be an A/N talking about other books I have planned. Don't worry though, this is not the last Minishaw fanfic I will write.

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