A Special Trip

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•Simon's POV•

I walked into the Sidemen house, dragging my suitcase behind me. The seven of us had just gotten back from Pax, and I had to get something. I dropped my suitcase off in the entryway and sprinted into the garage. "Where are you going Si?" Harry shouted from the kitchen.

"I'll be back soon!" I shouted a goodbye. "I love you Boggy!" I said before closing the door that lead to the garage.

"I love you too Si!" I faintly heard Harry shout after I had closed the door. I smiled as I started my car and began my trip.

One hour later

I walked into the jewelry store and looked around. I smiled as I saw the owner of the shop, his name was Johnathan, we had met in secondary school. He and his girlfriend co-owned the store together. "Hey Simon!" Johnathan said and waved, I smiled and waved back as I walked over to the counter.

"It's been a while hasn't it mate?"

"Yeah. So, who's the lucky girl?"

"You mean the lucky guy." I corrected and a look of shock crossed his face.

"I-I'm sorry I assumed. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course Johnathan." I said and he lead me to his office. He sat down at his desk and I sat down next to him.

"Now, what kind of design are you looking for?"

"I already have a picture to go off of." I said and showed Johnathan the picture on my phone.

" I said and showed Johnathan the picture on my phone

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"Good choice. Anything you would like to change about it?"

"Actually, yes. I would like the letters XIX engraved on the inside. And can the stone have a blue tint?"

"Of course Simon."

"Thank you. Thank you so much Johnathan!"

"No problem. The ring should be done in about a month or so. Is that alright?"

"Yes. That's fine." I said and a grin of pure happiness appeared on my face. "And I took the measurements of his ring finger while he was asleep. Here." I added and handed Johnathan a piece of paper with a couple numbers scribbled on it.

"Thank you. I'll email you when the ring is ready. I'll just needed you to write your email down right here." He said and pointed to a line on a sheet of paper. I quickly filled it out and smiled.

"Thank you so much Johnathan."

"No problem mate. Have a nice day." Johnathan said as I paid him and rushed out of the store. I began my drive home, smiling the whole way.

Another hour later

I parked my car inside of the garage and made sure it was locked before going inside. The door creaked a little bit and before I knew it, Harry had tackle-hugged me. "Oof!" I said as the air escaped my lungs and I landed on the floor.

"I'm sorry Si! I didn't know that I had tackled you that hard!" Harry said, panicking as I sat up slowly. I rubbed the back of my head tenderly, and felt a small lump on the back of my head.

"It's fine. I promise Boggy. I'm fine, look." I said and gestured to myself. "There's just one small bump on my head." I guided his hand to the bump so that he could know how small it really was.

"Ok... as long as you're actually fine and not just saying it."

"I promise you, I'm perfectly fine. It's the smallest bump ever. I'll survive Boggy, and that's a promise."

"Well, we just ordered take away from Nandos. I made sure to order your usual."

"Thanks Boggy." I said and kissed him on the cheek as I stood up. "Come with me for a second." I said and took his hand and lead him to my room. I closed the door behind us and smiled. I walked up behind Harry and tugged the collar of his shirt down just enough to see the hickey I had given him. "Aw... it's still there."

"Yeah. It's probably gonna be there for a while. So tight collared shirts until it's gone!"

"Alright. I can see why you wouldn't want the others to know." I said and gently tugged on his hand, he twirled into my arms and I held him close to me. "I never want to lose you." I whispered into his right ear and he rested his head on my chest. Harry spun out of my arms and smiled.

"That won't happen again." Harry assured me and kissed my cheek. "That's a promise."

"I know, because I won't let it happen." I said and snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. I kissed him and I felt him smile into the kiss. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck, asking for more. I kissed back and dipped him. I stood him back up and let go of him. "Let's go back to the others."

"Okay." Harry replied an adjusted his shirt so that it covered the hickey. I took hold of his hand and laced my fingers with his as we walked downstairs.

"Hey! Take out's almost here!" JJ said as soon as he saw me.

"Good. I'm surprised they even take orders at one thirty in the morning." I remarked and shrugged.

"This is why Nandos is a blessing." Harry added with his perfect smile. I smiled because of his smile as the three of us walked into the living room. "I'm just happy I recorded a couple extra days worth of videos so I don't need to go back to recording right away."

"I'm glad I took your advice on doing that." I said and squeezed Harry's hand lightly. Vikk and Josh were already sitting on opposite ends of a couch. Harry and I rushed to the second couch and he snuggled against my chest. I smiled as I thought of what will be held in store for us. Next month will be the best month of my life. I just hope I have the courage to ask him.

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