London Date (part 2)

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•Simon's POV•

My hands trembled as I found a place to park in London. The entire way here, Harry and I were talking about each other. We had known each other for years, but never had a good chance to get to know the little things that made us who we are today. When I parked, Harry and I got out. We started to walk around. "Wait, you aren't recording?" Harry asked, surprised. I shook my head.

"No. I thought that it would be more fun for us to wander around without recording." I explained and Harry nodded.

"So where are we going?"

"Just wandering around, trying to catch some decent Pokemon."

"I like the sound of that." Harry said while nodding. We started to walk around London. I knew that we probably looked pretty crazy, but I didn't care. We ended up meeting lots of fans, and had lots of pictures taken with us and of us.

"What are you guys doing?" Asked a little boy who couldn't have been older than 11.

"We're catching Pokemon." Said Harry, I smiled. That's what we're doing now. But I have other things planed.

"That's cool!" Said the boy, before his mother called for him. We waved goodbye, and he waved back, smiling as he walked away.

"So where to now Si?" Harry asked, I turned to look him in the eyes.

"How about, we go towards the London Eye? There are probably some good Pokemon there."

"Alright, let's go!" Harry and I walked back to my car. I drove to the London Eye and found a place to park. We wandered around that area for a few hours. I checked the time, it was 7:43pm, we had been out here for almost six hours!

"Harry." I said, Harry turned around. "How about we ride the Ferris wheel?"

"Sure!" Harry said, his eyes lit up. We walked to the Ferris wheel and got in line. The line was shorter than usual, and I was grateful for that. Once it was our turn, the man working there helped us into our seats. Harry was sitting across from me, his eyes were sparkling from the lit up Ferris wheel. I took a deep breath as the man started the Ferris wheel.

"Umm... Harry." I began, I felt my voice tremble. Harry looked at me. "There's something I need to tell you."

"I'm listening." Harry responded, I gulped.

"I... I love you Harry. I have for a while. You make me smile when I want to cry. You brighten up my day when I hear your voice, or your laughter. When I see you, my stomach flips, butterflies start, and my heart pounds faster than ever. I never thought that I would fall in love with one of my best mates, but here I am, telling you that I love you." I repeated what I had been practicing for the past few hours over and over in my mind. I looked over at Harry, who was redder than I had ever seen him before. What if he doesn't feel the same? I could've just ruined our friendship.

"I love you too Si. I never thought that anyone would mean this much to me, and here you are. I have never felt this way about anyone. I love you so much Simon Minter." Harry said, beaming. I grinned.

"Harold Lewis, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course!" We sat in silence for the rest of the ride. But when we got off, I held Harry's hand tightly.

•Harry's POV•

Simon and I intertwined our fingers and walked back to his car. It wasn't that late, but I was still a bit tired. We got a couple of weird looks from people, but I didn't care. All I cared about as that Simon and I are together. I walked to the passenger side of the car and got in. As Simon drove back to the Sidemen house, my eyelids started to feel heavy. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. "Harry?" I heard a faint whisper from my sleep. I felt myself get lifted out of the car and carried bridal style into what must've been the Sidemen house. I knew it was Simon who was carrying me, so I cuddled into his chest. I heard the door open and I was carried inside.

"So, how'd it go?" Asked a voice that I recognized to be Vikk's.

"Pretty well. We're a couple now, incase you didn't see that coming." Simon responded. "But, Harry fell asleep, so I'm taking him to bed." Simon continued walking, and I felt him walk up the stairs. He turned left at the top of the second set and walked into his room. He set me on his bed and pulled the covers over me and kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight Harry." Simon whispered and I felt him lay next to me. Simon wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him. I fell asleep in his arms, I had never felt so safe.

Timelapse to the next morning

I woke up and Simon was asleep next to me, his arms still wrapped tightly around me. I turned around and looked at his sleeping face. He was smiling in his sleep, I brushed some of his hair out of his face. I smiled and kissed Simon on his nose, causing him to wake up. "Good morning Si." I said and smiled.

"Morning Boggy." Simon said groggily. I smiled, this is the first time he has called me anything other than Harry!

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, let's get food." Simon let go of me and we held hands walking to the kitchen. I got out my phone which was in my pocket and turned it on. There was a text from Cal.

Cal: Harry, where are you? Did you spend the night at Simon's?
Me: Yeah. I fell asleep on the ride to the Sidemen house.
(Read 9:27am)
Cal: Okay, I'll see you when you get back to the flat.
Me: Yep, see you then.
(Read 9:27am)

I turned off my phone as Simon and I walked into the kitchen. Josh was the only one up. "Hey Josh." I said, Josh turned around, surprised to see me.

"Oh hey Harry. Wait, how long have you been here?"

"I've been here since last night. You might've been in your room." I explained, Josh nodded and looked at Simon and I. He then saw that our fingers were intertwined.

"So, is Minishaw a thing now?" Josh asked, Simon nodded.

"Yep." Simon replied and squeezed my hand tighter.

"You do realize that you're going to have to tell the viewers, right?" Said a voice from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw JJ standing in the doorway. I sighed, this will definitely be one of the toughest videos to film.

"Yeah, I know. I thought about that before I went to sleep." Simon said, I could tell he was nervous about this too.

"It will be fine Si, I promise." I said, trying not to let my voice sound unsure. Simon nodded.

"What'd I miss?" I turned around and saw Vikk entering the kitchen. He yawned and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Minishaw is real." Stated JJ with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah, I already knew that. Simon told me last night while carrying Harry inside, since he had fallen asleep." Vikk explained, JJ looked back at his food.

"Well, other than that, just the fact that they need to film a video about it at some point." Josh explained, looking through one of the cabinets. "And the sooner the better. You don't want the viewers to make speculations and assume things that may or may not be true, do you?"

"Yeah." I agreed, I certainly didn't want people to assume untrue things about Simon and I's relationship. "We should probably make the video after breakfast, don't you think so Si?"

"Yeah, definitely." Simon responded. We quickly ate breakfast and discussed what we would put in the videos that would go up on Simon and I's channels.

A/N: Sorry that this part took a while to come out. I just wanted to have this part be as good as it could be. So I hope you enjoyed it!

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