Late Night (part 1)

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•Simon's POV•

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I quickly closed the door behind me. Harry was sitting on my bed, he looked a bit scared. "We pissed off JJ, Josh, and Vikk. I know they're gonna want revenge." Harry said sitting curled up on my bed.

"You're scared of them?" I asked, sitting down next to Harry. I gave him a quick hug, and when I let him go, I looked at him and his face was red. I laughed and Harry joined in, a bit embarrassed. "Are you blushing?" I teased and poked his cheek.

"Nooo... Maybe..." Harry responded and touched his own cheek. I laughed, and looked out my window, it started to thunder. I then looked at the clock, it was 10:32pm. "I should get going now." He said, but I didn't want him to leave.

"And leave me to face the wrath of JJ, Josh, and Vikk by myself?" I began, causing Harry to get back on the bed. "Plus it's late, you should stay here, in the spare room." I ended, Harry looked sadly at the floor, but then he smiled.

"Alright. But let's play a game first!" Harry said, his eyes lit up and I smiled.

"Okay, what game?" I asked, Harry smiled, he clearly had an idea.

"Cards Against Humanity!" He said while beaming. I nodded, maybe playing this game with JJ, Josh and Vikk would be a way of getting on their peaceful side.

"Alright! Let's ask the others if they want to play. And I think I might record and upload this." I said and walked down the stairs, Harry was right behind me. I turned the corner and was met by a shaving cream smack in the face. I looked behind me to warn Harry, but it was too late. JJ had already smacked Harry in the face.

"Smack cam bitches!!!" Shouted JJ, which caused Josh and Vikk to burst out laughing. Vikk stepped out from behind JJ to reveal himself holding a camera.

"Alright, you've gotten your revenge, how about we play some Cards Against Humanity. You know, to upload on our channels." Said Harry, explaining his plan.

"Sounds good to me. But we don't have enough to computers for you to play Harry..." Said Vikk, but I spoke up before anyone else could say anything.

"Harry and I can be on a team!" I said looking at Harry, who nodded. Vikk, Josh and JJ did the same. I looked at Josh, he seemed like he knew something. Does he know about my feelings for Harry? If so, that's not good...

"Well, I still need to unwrap everything on my desk..." Said Josh, looking in the direction of his room. Vikk sighed.

"Me too..." Said Vikk, he walked towards his room. I could hear paper being torn.

"We should help." I said to Harry, who nodded and went to help Vikk. I went to help JJ, since Josh already started unwrapping. I helped rip off the paper from JJ's monitors while he unwrapped his keyboard, mouse, and mousepad. When I finished helping JJ, I walked to Josh's room. Josh was almost done unwrapping everything on his desk.

"You have feelings for Harry, don't you?" Josh asked, looking at me straight in the eyes. This question caught me off guard, shit, he does know, not good.

"I don't even know that yet." I responded, knowing it was a lie, looking at the ground. Josh walked over to where I was standing, he patted me on the back. It was a small act of kindness.

"Alright, if you don't know yet, then I won't tell. And I won't tease you." Josh said, I nodded and quietly thanked him. I heard Vikk shout in anger.

"Why was there an egg there?!" Vikk shouted, Josh and I laughed. I helped find the four dozen eggs and unwrap the monitors. Once that was done, Harry and I went up to my room and loaded Cards Against Humanity.

"What should our name be?" Harry asked, I already had an idea.

"Minishaw, you know, since we're working together on a team." I said, Harry nodded. I pulled up the extra chair and I sat down in my usual red and black chair. Harry sat in the other one. I typed in the password to get into the game and started up my screen capture and Harry turned on the face cam.

•Harry's POV•

"Hey guys!" Simon said, beginning his intro. "We're playing more Cards Against Humanity! I'm on a team with Harry, and JJ, Josh, and Vikk are also playing on their own."

"Alright." Began Vikk, he was starting as the Czar Card. "The first thing that Ethan thinks about when he wakes up is, blank." I started to laugh as one of our cards said "fuck". Simon laughed too.

"Pick it Si." I said while laughing, Simon clicked on that card and confirmed his selection. We were still laughing, this confused everyone else.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Asked Josh, the confusion was clear in his voice.

"Because our card is amazing!" Said Simon, I put his arm around his shoulders while still laughing. He rested his head on my shoulder, still laughing. I felt myself blush like crazy, this almost stopped my laughter. Everyone else played their cards and Vikk began to read them out loud.

"The first thing that Ethan thinks about in the morning is being a stripper in a gay strip club." Everyone laughed, and Vikk continued. "Is fuck" another laughing fit. "And is his Wembley Cup fall." Vikk selected the first one, which was JJ's. Of course JJ's name was BuyFWB. Josh's name was ZRK, and Vikk's name was Swagstar123.

Timelapse to the end of filming

"Alright, that's the end of this video." Said Simon to the face cam.

"Hope you enjoyed watching!" I said right after. "Don't forget to check out everyone else's channels."

"And see ya!" Simon and I said, and we did his signature salute. I turned off the camera and Simon shut off the screen capture. I looked at the clock, it was nearly midnight.

"I'm hungry, are you Si?" I asked as my stomach growled.

"Yeah, we should ask the others if they want something." Simon responded, he looked really tired, there were small bags under his eyes.

"I'll ask them, you look exhausted. Take a short nap." I said and lead Simon to his bed.

"Okay, thanks Harry." He said and crawled under the covers. He fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillows. I sat next to him and ran my fingers through his hair a couple of times. I smiled and walked down the stairs to the second floor.

"Hey, any of you guys hungry, I was thinking about making a pizza." I asked when I saw them.

"Sure." Vikk said.

"That sounds good." Josh said.

"Yeah, alright." Said JJ. I went downstairs and put two pizzas in the cooker. I went back up to Simon's room, and he was still sleeping. I smiled as I entered his room and walked over to his bed. I gently woke him up.

"Hey Si. I put pizzas in the cooker. They'll be done soon." I whispered, and he nodded.

"Thank you Harry." He said while sitting up. Simon put his arms around my shoulders and put his head on my right shoulder. I felt my face heat up as Simon cuddled into my chest.

A/N: First of all, thank you so much for over 100 reads! And second of all, I'm sorry if the two part chapters are getting annoying, but I would rather write like this than have 2000+ word chapters. Thanks for reading!!

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