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•Simon's POV•

The plane landed on the runway and I texted Harry.

Me: Hey Boggy. Plane just landed. See you soon!
(Read 5:02pm)
Harry💖: Alright. I'm coming to get you now. See you soon Si!

And with Harry's short, yet joyful response, I turned off my phone. Once we had stopped, I quickly got my carry on, which was the only bad I needed since I would only be here for five more days, and left the plane. I waited until Harry arrived, munching on some crisps and drinking a Red Bull that I had bought. I watched the people as they rushed to their planes. A few people recognized me and we took pictures together. My smile grew brighter with every fan I saw. The amount of people that recognize me and smile when they see me... it just makes me so happy. I'm so happy that I can bring joy into people's lives. Before I was completely consumed by my thought, I was greeted by a pair of familiar arms pulling me into a hug. "Hey Boggy." I said before kissing the top of his head.

"I missed you Si." Harry replied and buried his face in my sweatshirt.

"I missed you too Love." I replied whole heartedly. I smiled as I felt his breathing against my chest. Quick and excited, like he was at this moment. I took his hand and he lead me out of the airport to find his car. Harry had managed to park quite closely and so we found his car really quickly. He got in the driver's seat and I got in the passenger seat. I smiled as he held my right hand with his left, he smiled as well.

"So mum and dad know that you're staying here, but Rosie and Josh don't, they had left for school when I told my parents."

"Okay. Feeling better?"

"Yes, now that you're here." Harry replied and lightly squeezed my hand, I squeezed back and we smiled. These smiles always felt so natural, I loved them.

45 minutes later

We arrived at Harry's house and got out of the car. He lead me to his room and we sat on his bed. I smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck. I kissed the top of his head and I felt his lips curl into a smile on my shoulder. I pulled Harry onto my lap and kissed him, he leaned upwards and kissed back. I took his bottom lip between my teeth and gently tugged on it. There was a knock on the main door followed by three sets of footsteps. "Harry! We're home!" A voice exclaimed from the entryway. I let go of Harry's lip and we separated from each other.

"Hi mum!" Harry replied enthusiastically.

"Hi Harry's mum!" I said and waved, even though she couldn't see me.

"Oh, Simon how long have you been here?"

"A couple minutes!" I replied just as Josh started to walk towards Harry's room. Harry got off of my lap and sat beside me and put his head back on my shoulder.

"Hi Harry." Josh said. "Hi Simon."

"Hey Josh. How was school?" Harry asked, Josh shrugged.

"It was alright. I made a new friend today. His name's Peter. He plays Football with me." Josh said. My eyes widened.

"Does he live with his aunt and uncle?" I asked. Harry stayed silent beside me, I could tell he could believe what he had just heard.

"Yeah. And his cousins too. Have you met him?"

"Yeah actually. He's a really nice kid."

"He's really good at Football too. He's a striker, like you Simon."

"I didn't know that."

"You guys should come to my game tomorrow. It's at noon, since tomorrow is Saturday after all."

"We'll be there." Harry said and Josh smiled.

"Awesome!" Josh said before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"So, Peter is a striker." Harry said, awe in his eyes as we recalled the small, shy, scared boy who had helped us a while ago. If it wasn't for Peter, Harry would still be in that basement cell with V. Just thinking about her gives me the chills, I hate her. I can't believe how crazy she is.

"Yeah. I just can't believe that he knows your brother."

"I'm glad they know each other. Especially once Peter finds out that I'm Josh's older brother." Harry added with a grin teasing his lips upwards.

"He'll probably freak out. But, you know, in a good way."

"Most likely." Harry said and laughed.

"Do you want to play FIFA?"

"Of course." Harry said and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. He began to set up everything. Soon after, we were playing a game. We were on the same team, just like we would always be. This is how I always want it to be. The two of us on the same team. Against the hate. Against the crazy shippers. We'll get through it, together. I pulled Harry back into my lap and he let out a surprised squeal. I set him down and wrapped my arms around his torso so I could still play the game. I put my chin on his left shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine. I studied his features from our of the corner of my eyes. His wavy blonde hair that had a mind of its own. His beautiful bright blue eyes that I could get lost in for hours. The way he leaned closer towards the players on the screen in concentration. How he shouted when something good or bad happened.

"Boys!" Harry's mum yelled. "Supper!"

"Coming!" We shouted in unison. I was quite hungry, I hadn't eaten anything all day. Harry got off of my lap and then helped me up, since my legs were all pins and needles. I wrapped my right arm around his waist as we walked to the kitchen to eat. I'm so happy to see him again.

A/N: Yes, I have decided to put Peter (V's sister) back into the story, at least for a little bit. I really liked his character, and I hope you guys did too.

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