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•Simon's POV•

I was smiling the whole way to Harry's house in Guernsey. I was so happy to have him back, it felt like years since I had last seen his smile. When we got to his house, I gulped. Before he opened his door, I grabbed hold of his left forearm. Harry looked at me, confused. "Do they know? You know, about us?" I asked and Harry shook his head.

"No... I was so excited to see them again that I forgot to tell them. Sorry Si." Harry said and looked at his feet, upset with himself. I kissed him on his cheek.

"Don't worry about it Boggy. We can tell them now if you want."

"Okay, let's tell them." Harry said and we opened our doors and left the car. Harry held my hand and lead me to the front door, he knocked and gulped. When the door opened, Harry's little brother Josh was revealed.

"Harry's back!" Josh shouted and pulled Harry into a hug, this pulled me along too.

"Yeah, but not for that long. Are mum and dad around?" Harry asked, and as soon as he did, his mum and dad walked into view.

"I'm pretty sure they are." I whispered sarcastically, and saw Harry smile.

"Harry! What are you doing back? I thought I dropped you off at the airport about a week ago!" Harry's mum exclaimed, Harry sighed.

"Yeah... It's a long story. We should sit down, let's go to the living room. Josh, can you go play FIFA? You probably don't want to hear this." Harry said. Josh began to protest then he nodded and walked away. I followed Harry to the living room and we sat on a couch across from his mum and dad. "You guys know Simon right?"

"Yes, he's one of the lads in your YouTube group the Sidemen. Right?" His dad asked and Harry nodded.

"Basically, but he's more then that. Mum, dad... I... I love Simon... And he loves me." Harry began, his voice was shaky and unsure. I put my left arm around his shoulders and placed my right hand on top of his right hand. Harry smiled and I smiled back.

"This is why you haven't brought a nice girl home." Harry's mum realized, and Harry nodded.

"But I brought home the best boy." Harry defended and looked me in the eyes, I smiled and felt my face growing hot.

"Yes you did. I'm proud of you Harry, for telling us, and I assume you put up a video on your YouTube channel." Harry's dad said, almost as if he was thinking aloud.

"Yeah. Now back to the story. So, there's this crazy fangirl who's obsessed with Simon. And let's just say that she wasn't too thrilled to find out that we're dating. I don't remember how I got there, but somehow, I ended up in her basement. It had a bed, a desk, and a bathroom, so it could've been worse. And after a few days, she left for London to hopefully find Si. Oh! And her name is Vanessa, but she makes everyone call her V. Luckily, V has a younger brother named Peter, who watches and loves all of the Sidemen's YouTube videos. Peter didn't want me to be trapped in a basement forever, so he gave me my phone and I called Si and told him everything I knew."

"Once Harry called me, I booked a ticket for the next flight to Guernsey. I called a cab and got to the house where Harry was being held hostage. Peter and I had to look in V's room, which by the way, was covered in photos of me, to find the cell key. We did and I unlocked the cell door. And now we're here." I finished explaining, I saw that Harry's parents were shocked. They nodded, but I wasn't quite sure if they believed the story.

"And now we need a ride to the airport and tickets back to London." Harry added, his parents looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll pay for the tickets Harry." Harry's dad finally said.

"Thank you!" Harry said and stood up. I also stood up.

"Where are you going Boggy?" I asked, Harry turned towards me and smiled.

"To take a shower." Harry said, still smiling and walked away.

•Harry's POV•

I had just finished my shower and wrapped my lower half in a towel when I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked through the door.

"It's me, Si. The plane leaves in an hour and a half."

"Thanks Si." I said and heard his footsteps grow quieter as he walked away. I dried my hair off using a towel and drip dried the rest of me. I put on a t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and a pair of sweatpants. I put a SDMN jumper on over my shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and looked for Simon. He had gone into my room and was just standing there, looking at it. "What are you doing?" I asked, Simon spun around.

"Just looking."


"I have no idea. I guess just to get a better idea of where you grew up." He said, looking at me up and down.

"What?" I asked and felt myself blush.

"Come here." Simon said as he sat down on my bed. I sat next to him and he put his arm around me. I wrapped both my arms around his ribs and placed my head on his chest, around his heart. I heard it beating quickly, I didn't know why. Maybe he's nervous about something.

"Are you nervous about anything?" I blurted out, Simon thought for a moment before answering.

"No. How could I be nervous when I have you back?" He responded and planted a soft kiss on the top of my head. I blushed even more and snuggled closer to his chest.

"Harry! Simon!" My mum shouted from the entryway. "We have to leave now if you guys want to get back to London!"

"Coming mum!" I shouted back and reluctantly pulled myself away from Simon. "Back to London!" I said to Simon who took my hand as we walked out of my house and into the car. Mum was driving and Simon and I decided to sit in the back seat.

"Bye Harry! Bye Simon!" Josh shouted from the house. I waved, I was sad to leave Josh, but I was finally going back to London!

Timelapse to London arrival

Simon held my hand as we walked out of the airport. He led me to his car and we got in. "I don't want to go back to my flat just yet." I said as Simon put on his glasses.

"You can spend the night at my place if you want." Simon said and I smiled. Yeah, that's exactly what I hoped you would say.

"That sounds good to me!" I said as Simon started to drive us to his house.

A/N: What do you guys want me to write about in this story? I'll be open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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