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•Simon's POV•

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I read Harry's text. I cried as I wrote my reply.

Me: If that's how you really feel, then I respect your decision. But I still love you Harry, and I always will.

I turned off my phone and closed my door. I went onto Twitter to tell everyone that there would be no video out today, or maybe for a couple of days. I hurled myself onto my bed and cried into my pillow. "Hey Simon!" JJ shouted from downstairs. "Food's ready!"

"Not hungry!" I shouted back, turning my head just enough so that my voice wouldn't be muffled by my pillow.

"Alright." JJ shouted back, I could hear the confusion in his voice. I covered my entire body with my blanket and shoved my head under my pillow. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. My eyes were dry and I felt my heart still breaking. What am I going to do now? I love Harry and he just dumped me. It feels like a part of me is gone. Harry... I hope everything is alright.

"Simon! I brought you food!" Vikk said from the other side of my door.

"Alright. I might not eat it though. I'm not hungry right now." I replied, trying not to let my sadness show through my voice.

"Okay, feel better..." Vikk said hesitantly. I didn't reply as I heard Vikk's footsteps growing quieter. I turned on my phone and looked at my front camera. My eyes were red from crying and there were dried up tears on my face. I threw my phone at the wall and didn't bother going to get it again. I continued crying under the covers of my bed.

"Why? Harry why?" I whispered, letting my thoughts travel from my brain to the air around me. "I still love you. Please tell me you were drunk when you sent that to me, or that it wasn't you. Just... Don't let that be how you really feel." I pleaded to nothing but the air in front of my face, my blanket, and darkness. I remembered all of the times we had spent together. It hurt to remember, but I did so anyway. I remembered all of the laughs, smiles, and pranks we had shared. That time he fell off of his chair during the Minishaw Q&A, that was fun. Him getting double bluffed and getting a cake in his face, also fun. But now all of those memories are gone, and my heart is broken, shattered, smashed. I tried smiling, but grief took over and I cried again. I must have been crying quite loudly because I heard three sets of footsteps approaching my door.

"Simon? Are you alright?" Josh asked, Vikk and JJ were probably right behind him.

"No..." I said just loud enough for them to hear.

"We're coming in." Vikk said and I heard my door open. Josh, JJ and Vikk entered my room, I could hear Josh set my plate of food on my desk. I pulled the covers down from my face and took the pillow off of my head and they looked at me, shocked.

"Hey bro, what's wrong?" JJ asked while they all sat down on my bed next to me.

"Someone get my phone, it's over by the wall. I threw it. The best way to tell you guys is to show you." I said and Vikk got my phone. I unlocked my phone and showed them what Harry had sent me. There was still no reply, the message hadn't been read either.

"This doesn't sound like Harry at all." Vikk said while reading the message.

"Well," Josh began, almost like he was questioning Vikk. "What do you think happened? Someone took his phone and sent this awful message to Simon?"

"I swear to god as soon as Harold fricken Lewis gets back here he'll regret ever breaking your heart! I'll make sure of it!" JJ said, his eyes full of rage.

"No, don't do that." I said while sitting up and curling into a ball. "I... I still love him. And I think Vikk is right. This doesn't sound like something Harry would say. At least, I hope it's not." I started to cry again and Josh hugged me, Vikk and JJ doing the same a moment after. Please be alright Boggy...

•Harry's POV•

I woke up shivering underneath the sheet that acted as my blanket. This must've been about the third day I had been trapped down here, in this cell. I turned towards the bars and saw a bowl of cereal and a carton of milk. I looked around for V, but I didn't see her. I looked cautiously at the cereal and decided to eat it, after all V said that she wasn't trying to kill me. "Morning Harold." Said a voice from the staircase, it was V.

"Hi V." I said quietly. She turned around, got my phone and turned it on.

"Oh, looks like lover boy Simon didn't take your break up too well. He said: If that's how you really feel, then I respect your decision. But I still love you Harry, and I always will." V placed her hand on her heart and pouted in a mocking way. I scowled. "How sweet of him to say. Well, I have some news for you. I'm going to London and until I get back my younger brother will watch you. And I will leave your phone and keys, but they will be just out of reach. I'll get my little brother now so you two can formally meet."

"Fine." I said and continued eating my cereal. V walked up the stairs and seconds later was leading a teenage boy by his ear downstairs. She flung him forward and he landed on his hands and knees on the cement floor.

"This is Peter. He will be taking care of you when I leave, which is now. Goodbye Harold, hopefully I'll meet Simon this time! And make him mine!" V said and grinned. She walked up the stairs leaving Peter and I in the basement. Peter had the same fair skin as his sister, actually, it was paler, and he had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was skinny, so skinny he almost looked unhealthily skinny.

"How do you stand living with her?" I asked after I was sure that V was out of earshot. Peter didn't respond for a couple seconds. But when he did, he was hesitant, carefully picking his words.

"I... Didn't have a choice... Our parents died... And she had this house... And enough money for me to go to school... But... She's insane!" Peter stood up, trembling a bit as he did so. I saw how skinny his arms and legs were. He was almost a skeleton with skin and a bit of muscle. "But... You know she's been lying to you, don't you?"

"No. What's she lying to me about?" I asked, shocked that Peter was selling out his sister's secrets.

"The traps... There... There aren't any. Well, except for some barbed wire."

"Can I have my phone?" I asked, Peter pondered this for a moment, then spoke up.

"I guess... As long as Vanessa... I-I mean V doesn't find out." Peter walked over to my phone and brought it to me. "But as long as you don't get yourself out, you should be fine. So you'll have to get yourself rescued. Call friends, call the police, call anyone that could save us from this hell hole. And get us both out, please!" Peter suddenly gained confidence as he handed me the phone.

"Well, in order to call the police, I need to know where we are first. Will you tell me?" I asked, Peter nodded almost instantly.

"Of course! I would hate to see one of my favorite YouTubers living the rest of his life in a cage rather than with his boyfriend." Peter then proceeded to tell me his address and I began to make my phone calls. Peter is really brave to betray his horrible sister V. But... How will Si react if he hears my voice again? I hope V doesn't meet him, that's would be really bad.

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