Football Match

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•Harry's POV•

I woke up in my childhood room, wrapped up in Simon's embrace. I smiled and brushed some of his hair away from his closed eyes. His features looked softer in the low light and his smile was so gentle, I felt safe in his arms. I kissed his nose and his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Morning Si." I whispered as Simon pulled me closer to him.

"Good morning Boggy." Simon replied in his rough, scratchy, morning voice. I smiled as he kissed my forehead, which allowed a blush to spread across my cheeks. "What time is it?"

"Eleven." I replied as I turned on my phone and shielded my eyes from the light. To my disappointment, Simon let go of me and got out of my bed. "What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed." Simon said as he grabbed his backpack and opened it. He pulled out a SDMN shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He stripped down and I blushed again and covered my face with a pillow. Moments later, he sat back down again and pulled me into his lap. "You're blushing Love."

"Yeah. I know." I said in a shaky voice, I had a feeling Simon knew why I had blushed, causing me to blush even more. Simon kissed my forehead and then gently took me off of his lap.

"I'm getting some food from the kitchen before Josh's game. Anything specific you want?"

"Not really." I replied. Simon nodded and left my room. I got changed and slid my blue jumper over a SDMN shirt. Simon returned with two bowls of cereal, it was my favorite since mum knew I was coming home, she bought some. I smiled as he sat down next to me and handed me one of the bowls.

"So how are we getting to the match?"

"I think mum left a car for us to take."

"Okay." Simon replied. Silence hung in the air around us. "Are you excited to see Peter again?" Simon broke the silence.

"Yeah. I don't want to think about what would've happened if he wasn't there." But as soon as I said that, my brain began to whir. V would've gotten to Simon. I would still be in the basement. Simon would think I actually left him.

"Love? Is something wrong?" Simon cautiously asked, he could tell when something was upsetting me.

"I'm fine. We should go soon."

"Okay." Simon said, he knew I wasn't alright. He knew I was thinking of something.

Skip to arriving at the match

I parked the car and looked around for my parents and sister. I saw them and my sister waved at me, I waved back before grabbing Simon's hand and practically dragging him to my family. "Are we late?" I asked, panicked, I really didn't want to be late after not seeing Josh in so long.

"No Harry. Right on time actually." Mum replied and gestured to the players coming onto the pitch. I nudged Simon when Peter walked on. He looked so much healthier than when I last saw him. He had more muscle to him and his face had more color to it. Josh was talking with him when he saw us and waved. Peter followed Josh's gaze and his mouth opened.

"We've been spotted." I whispered into Simon's ear, he chuckled in response.

"Let's just hope that him seeing us didn't throw off his game." Simon whispered back. I leaned onto his shoulder and his soft lips pressed against my head. This moment didn't last long though, the game had started and everyone was cheering. Peter scored a goal so quickly, he made it look too easy.

"He has potential!" I said as I watched in awe how Josh and Peter worked well together. They knew where the other was without looking, it was incredible.

Skip to the end of the match

"They won!" I exclaimed as the ref blew the final whistle. I saw Josh sprint back to his coach along with the rest of the team. I was so happy I tightly hugged Simon who gasped for air as I held him against me.

"Boggy. Can't. Breathe." Simon said as well as he could. I instantly let go of him and he caught his breath.

"Sorry Si. I was just happy for them." I explained and looked at the ground. "Hey, let's go see Peter."

"Ok." Simon said before the two of us walked over to the team.

"Good game guys." I said and high fived Josh. Simon waved at Peter.

"Josh, you didn't tell me Harry was your brother." Peter said, his eyes wide in awe.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, and Simon too. Remember my crazy sister?"

"Yeah, V."

"She umm... can I tell him?"

"Sure." I said and nodded, Peter gulped before speaking again.

"Ok. V kidnapped Harry and I helped him get in touch with Simon who came to rescue him."

"That's why Simon came back with you last time you were here. You were kidnapped by a crazy lady!" Josh practically shouted, his eyes grew wide in realization of what had happened.

"Pretty much, yeah." I said and laughed. The others joined in with me.

"How about we play some Football?" Simon asked, Peter nodded.

"Of course! I've always wanted to play with you guys, the others too, but mostly you two." Peter confessed before sprinting over to his aunt and uncle and grabbing his football. "They want to leave soon, so it'll have to be quick." Peter explained.

"I think that'll work." Simon said and added a half smile that made me weak in the knees for a second.

"Let's play!" I said as Peter kicked the ball to me.

"So I guess it's you and Peter versus Josh and I." Simon said as he sprinted towards me. At the last second I passed back to Peter. Simon flew into my arms and almost lost his balance, but I caught him. He gave me a quick kiss and we both ran towards our teammates.


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