The Announcement

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•JJ's POV•

I drove my Lamborghini into the garage of the house. Turns out I didn't need to stay at the studio as long as I thought, so I could go home today. I walked into the house and towards the stairs. "Hey! I'm home!" I shouted and heard no reply. I decided to walk up to Simon's room to see if he was home. His door was open, but he wasn't in his chair. I entered his room and looked at his bed. My mouth dropped open, in shock of what I saw. I saw Simon spooning Harry, both of them still fast asleep. The blanket was pulled halfway down to reveal the fact that they were both in nothing but their boxers. I decided to take a picture to show the other guys. But then quickly deleted it, thinking about what Simon would say if he found out. I walked out of Simon's room and closed the door behind me.

"Simon I'm home!" I heard someone shout from downstairs, I quickly recognized that voice to be Josh's. I ran down all of the stairs and waved to Josh.

"Simon and Harry are sleeping. Why are you back so early? I thought you would be gone for another day."

"Well... Let's just say that things didn't go as planned... And don't even try getting me to tell you what happened."

"Alright, I won't." I agreed as Josh looked at the ground. Something didn't just go against the plan, something went wrong. But, if Josh doesn't want me to know, then I won't ask.

"So, why does it look like you saw something shocking?"

"Because I did. Follow me!" I said and lead Josh up the stairs to Simon's room. I slowly opened the door and Josh walked in.

"It's not that out of the ordinary." He whispered as he left the room. "They're dating. People who are dating do that."

"I know. But still, they started out as best mates, and now they're dating. I'm still having trouble getting used to it."

"Yeah. But if they're happy, then I'm happy. And I'm proud of them for their decision."

"Alright Father Josh. I will remember your words of wisdom." I teased and smiled, Josh returned the smile. "So, are we going to play some Dead By Daylight?"

"Probably when Simon and Harry wake up. Since, even though Vikk is at his parent's house he still has a computer and Ethan will probably film with us too."

"Well then, let's wake them up!" I suggested and started to walk back into Simon's room. But Josh grabbed the back of my shirt collar and pulled me back.

"No. We're going downstairs and having breakfast."

"You mean lunch. You know, since it's noon!"

"Yes JJ. Come on mate, let's go." Josh said as he lead me down the stairs and into the kitchen. I got the bowls and cereal as Josh got the milk out of the fridge. We sat down and began eating, hardly saying a word to each other. Something must've gone pretty badly for Josh not to talk. Or maybe I'm overreacting, yeah I'm probably just thinking about it too much.

•Harry's POV•

I woke up and tried to move, instead, I was pulled backwards. I turned around and was met by Simon's face less than two inches away from mine. His eyes were already open and he smiled. "Morning Boggy. How'd you sleep Love?"

"I slept well, thanks Si." I said and gave him a gentle, quick, kiss on his nose. "I'm starving, let's eat breakfast!" I said as Simon let go of me, slowly.

"Harry, Love, it's half past twelve in the afternoon."

"Well, let's have lunch then! And then I should probably go back to my flat."

"Aw... But I want you to stay longer."

"Well, I'm going back to my flat to pack my things. I'm going to take your offer and move in with you!" I said as I hugged Simon, still lying down.

"Alright! Do you want me to help you? You know, pack?"

"Sure Si! But let's eat first. Seriously, I'm starving." I said while getting out of bed.

"Here." Simon said while handing me some clothes. I took them and kissed Simon on the cheek.

"Thanks Love." I said and put on the clothes he gave me. I noticed that Simon's face had turned a bit red, I smiled. "Si are you blushing?" I teased and smiled.

"Yeah." Simon said and took my hand and we walked downstairs into the kitchen. Josh and JJ were sitting in silence and eating cereal.

"Hey guys! Guess what?" I said, a bright smile on my face.

"What's up?" Josh asked, his eyes full of confusion.

"Yeah, what?" JJ said, he looked a bit excited for whatever I was about to say.

"I'm moving in with you guys! I'll be in the spare room." I announced, still holding tightly onto Simon's hand.

"Cool! That's awesome Harry!" Josh exclaimed, a smile appearing on his face.

"I'm glad you're moving in with us mate!" JJ said while grinning. I looked over at Simon who was smiling as he squeezed my hand for an instant. I returned the smile and rested my head against his chest. Simon kissed me on the top of my head.

"Well, we're just going to have a quick lunch and then go to Harry's flat to start packing." Simon explained as he let go of my hand and walked over to the cupboards. Simon grabbed a box of cereal and two bowls. He poured the cereal into the bowls and then walked over to the fridge to get the milk. Once Simon was done preparing the bowls of cereal, he walked over to me and handed me a bowl. "Here you go Love." Simon said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks Si." I said and smiled. We all ate quickly and then Simon and I walked to the garage. He opened his door and I opened mine, Simon put on his glasses, which he looked rather handsome in, and started to drive to my flat. How will the Cals react to seeing me again after so long? And then finding out that I'm moving? Will this be too much for them?

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