London Date (part 1)

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•Simon's POV•

I turned off my computer and my lights and got out of my chair. I walked over to where I had put my phone and called Harry. The phone rang and then he picked up. "Hey Si. What's up?" He asked, I felt myself start to sweat a bit.

"Do you want to meet up at the Sidemen house tomorrow and just wander around London looking for Pokemon?" I asked, crossing my fingers. I knew that this would turn into me asking Harry how he feels, so I needed him to say yes.

"Sure! That sounds like fun! What time should I be there?"

"How about, two in the afternoon."

"Alright, I'll be there! See you tomorrow Si!"

"Bye Harry." I said before hanging up. I looked at my hands, they were shaking. No turning back now. Wait, does this count as a date? I just asked Harry on a date!

"Simon! We're having dinner!" Shouted Josh from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back. I walked out of my room and down both sets of stairs. I turned right at the bottom of the last stairs and walked into the kitchen. Josh and Vikk were in the kitchen, but JJ wasn't. "Where's JJ?" I asked, causing Vikk and Josh to turn their heads.

"He went to work on another rap." Vikk briefly explained before Josh could open his mouth.

"Yeah." Josh agreed, and I nodded. I should tell them what I'm doing tomorrow.

"I'm going to be gone for a few hours in the afternoon tomorrow. I made plans with Harry t-" I was cut off by Josh.

"So, are you going to tell him? You know, how you feel?" Josh asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Yes. That's why I told him that we were going to look for Pokemon. But I'm really going to take him to the London Eye after a couple hours, and probably tell him there." I explained my plan, and I felt myself blush. "But Vikk is the one who deserves the credit. He came up with the idea." I said, motioning to Vikk, who nodded at his acknowledgement.

"I told him that we knew that he and Harry have feelings for each other." Vikk explained, and Josh nodded in understanding.

"You look nervous, are you alright Simon?" Asked Josh, I looked at him. He looked concerned.

"I'm just worried about what other people will think. I mean, I'm literally shipped with all of you guys, and the Cals. So there's gonna be some serious hate." I said, telling them that felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

"It doesn't matter what other people think Simon." Josh said, walking towards me. "We'll support you no matter what. We're your best mates after all." Josh gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder. I took a deep breath, what Josh said was true, it doesn't matter what the viewers think, this is my life.

"Thank you Josh." I said, and gave him a hug. "I just, I don't know how to tell him." I looked at the ground, Vikk and Josh hugged me.

"You could tell him on the London Eye." Vikk suggested, I looked at him and smiled.

"Vikk, you're a genius when it comes to this!" I said, and Vikk smiled proudly.

"Well, let's eat." Said Josh, my stomach growled, and we laughed. We made and ate dinner pretty quickly. I looked at the clock, it was 9:46pm, and I still needed to edit another video.

"Well, I'm going upstairs to edit a video. See you guys in the morning." I said while leaving the kitchen.

"Night Simon." Vikk and Josh said in unison. I waved and walked upstairs to my room. Before I entered my room, I brushed my teeth and changed into pajamas. Then I entered my room and shut my door behind me. I sat down in my chair and started to edit today's GTA video. I had been editing for a couple hours when I started to feel my eyelids get heavy. I saved what I had done so far and walked over to my bed. I pulled the covers over me and instantly fell asleep.

•Harry's POV•

I woke up and realized it was almost noon. I got out of bed and changed into a pair of nice jeans and a SDMN t-shirt with a black background, and white letters surrounded by a red rectangular shape. I combed my hair and walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Cal was on the couch and Callux was on holiday. I grabbed something quick to eat and sat down next to Cal. "Well it's about time you got up." Cal teased, I scowled, but I didn't mean it.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied, and started eating. "By the way, I'm going to be gone for a few hours. I'm going to London with Simon. I have to leave in less than two hours." Cal nodded.

"I know, Josh told me last night." Cal said, my eyes grew wide.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I said, Cal nodded.

"Well he did."

"Well duh. If he didn't, you wouldn't know." I said, Cal rolled his eyes.

"Okay, you've got me there." Cal threw his hands in the air and we both started to laugh. I finished eating and looked at the clock, it was 1:34pm, I had to leave soon. I got up and practically ran to my room. I got my phone, portable charger, wallet, and keys for my car and flat. I put them in a small backpack and put on a pair of sneakers.

"Bye Cal!" I shouted while leaving the flat.

"Bye Harry, see you later!" Cal shouted back, I closed the door behind me and went to get my car. No turning back now.

Timelapse to Harry arriving at the Sidemen house

I knocked on the door, and Josh opened it. "Hi Harry, come in." Josh held the door open for me and I walked in. JJ walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey Harry." JJ said and waved. "Simon! Harry's here!" He shouted up the stairs. Vikk also walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Harry." Vikk said and smiled, I smiled back. I heard footsteps growing louder and saw Simon at the top of the stairs.

"Hey Si." I said, while he walked down the stairs. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a SDMN t-shirt with white letters.

"Hi Harry." He said back, he seemed a bit nervous. "Let's go!" Simon lead me through the house and into the garage. He sat in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat. Simon opened the garage door and we started to drive to London. I wonder what's in store...

A/N: This might be a two or three part chapter, not entirely sure yet.

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