Wedding Day

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•Harry's POV•

I looked in the mirror and smiled. Today was the day I would become Harold Christopher George Minter-Lewis. It's a mouthful, but I love it. The wedding was in a couple of hours and I had finished getting ready. I adjusted my tie when there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and looked through the peephole to see who it was. It was my groom's men, Cal, Callux, Vikk, and Chip. Cal was my best man, since he and I were the closest and filmed a lot of videos together. I opened the door and they all hugged me. Vikk adjusted my baby blue tie and smiled. Simon and I wanted the Sidemen's ties to match their GTA colors, it might look weird, but it was symbolic to us. "So today's the big day. You ready Bog?" Cal asked as we all let go of each other.

"Yeah. I'm so excited!" I said and laughed.

"You did remember to switch your ring to your right ring finger, didn't you?" Vikk asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, see." I replied and showed him my right hand, which now had my engagement ring on the ring finger.

"I'm so happy for you Harry!" Callux said and Chip nodded in agreement.

"Thanks everyone." I replied and grabbed a comb.

"Why are you combing your hair again?" Callux asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I guess I'm just nervous." I said with a nervous laugh.

"You'll be fine Harry." Vikk said and gave me another hug.

"Thanks Vikk."

Time lapse to the wedding

I was nervous. What if I tripped walking down the aisle? What if I walked too fast? What if Simon says no? I shook my head and looked at my dad who would be walking me down the aisle. "I always thought I would be walking Rosie down the aisle." Dad said, and then looked over at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you and happy for you Harold. And I will always love you."

"Thanks Dad. I love you too." I replied as he wiped away his tears. Then, the piano started to play and the double doors opened. I looked up at Simon who was standing by the alter, JJ was behind him, then Josh, then Ethan, and finally Tobi. We decided that since he proposed, he would be standing at the alter. And we wouldn't have Here Comes The Bride playing, we just hired a pianist and told them to improvise. Simon smiled and I saw tears roll down his cheeks, tears of pure happiness. I smiled as I walked down the aisle to meet the love of my life. Simon looked perfect as always. Dad smiled at me again and went to sit next to Mum once he had given me away. Simon let tears of joy continue to roll down his face as he smiled and took my hands.

"Dearly beloved," the minister began and looked out at everyone. "We are gathered here today to unite these two people in holy matrimony. They have decided to live the rest of their lives together. And now, the rings." The ring bearer stepped forward and presented the rings. Simon took a ring and looked at the minister. "Now, Simon, repeat after me. I Simon Edward Minter."

"I Simon Edward Minter,"

"Do take Harold Christopher George Lewis,"

"Do take Harold Christopher George Lewis," Simon repeated and looked into my eyes. I smile and blush in his gaze, but I don't turn away.

"To be my lawfully wedded husband."

"To be my lawfully wedded husband."

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. Till death do you part."

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. Till death do us part." Then Simon slid the cool band of gold around my ring finger.

"Harold, take your ring." The minister said and I took the second ring. "And repeat after me. I Harold Christopher George Lewis."

"I Harold Christopher George Lewis."

"Do take Simon Edward Minter,"

"Do take Simon Edward Minter,"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband,"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband," I repeated, loving the way the word husband sounded.

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. Till death do you part."

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health. Till death do us part." I said before sliding the ring onto Simon's finger. I looked into his dark blue ocean eyes and we smiled.

"I now pronounce you husbands in holy matrimony." The minister said, I knew what was coming next. "You my now kiss the groom." The minister said. Simon smiled and I felt his hands on my waist. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and Simon pulled me closer to him. Then we kissed. I smiled as it happened. My last kiss as Simon's fiancé, and my first kiss as Simon's husband. My first kiss as Harold Christopher George Minter-Lewis. The groomsmen all cheered as they saw two of their best mates get married. Before I knew what was going on, Simon dipped me, his lips still locked onto mine.

"I love you Harry." Simon said after our kiss.

"I love you too Simon." I replied and we turned to face the guests.

"I am honored," the minister said. "To be the first to introduce you to the Minter-Lewis husbands." Everyone cheered as Simon and I walked back down the aisle. We walked outside of the church and I picked up a football that had "Just Married" written on it. We walked over to the photographer and began to take pictures. One of them was us kissing and holding up the football, the picture only showed our lips down and was mostly focused on the football. I liked that one the most.

"Let's go to the reception." Simon said and smiled as he took hold of my hand once we had finished taking pictures.

One hour later

After all of the toasts and our meal, it was time for the first dance. Simon and I stood up and made our way to the dance floor. The song "Say You Won't Let Go" began to play. (A/N: this is a good song, you all should listen to it! BTW, it's by James Arthur.) Simon wrapped his left arm around my waist and I put my right arm around his upper back, right under his neck. We joined our other hands together and held them up at shoulder level. I rested my head on Simon's chest, above his heart. "So I've been thinking..." Simon began, I looked up at him and saw that he was smiling down at me.


"Us obviously. How would you feel about us owning a house?"

"An actual house? Or a flat?"

"Which ever one fits our needs and wants better."

"I'd love it." I replied and kissed Simon on the cheek and put my head back on his chest. The song ended and it was time for me to dance with my Mum. Mum walked over to me, practically glowing with happiness, and the song started.

"I'm so proud of you Harry." Mum said as we danced. "You found someone that you're truly happy with and who you love. I couldn't be happier for you, and Simon as well."

"Thanks Mum." I replied as we danced in silence. The song ended and Simon began to dance with his Mum. At one point, Simon was facing me and he smiled. I returned his smile instantly. That song ended as well and then everyone flooded onto the dance floor.

"Having fun?" A voice asked from behind me, I spun around and was met by Simon.

"Obviously. Simon, this is the happiest day of my life. Why wouldn't I be having fun?"

"I feel the same way Boggy. Now, let's dance!" Simon said and lead me onto the dance floor where we danced the rest of the night away.

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