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•Harry's POV•

I woke up and it was pitch black outside, but all of my lights were turned on. I looked at the clock, it was 10:36pm. I looked at my feet, they were still in my shoes, which I then kicked off. I looked around and out the window. There were so many lights out there. I got out of bed and into my pajamas, which were just a pair of boxers. I wasn't quite tired enough to fall asleep, since I had already slept for about four hours. I looked at my computer and other games, I guess I could play something, or maybe record. Sure I'll record, why not? I quickly put on my blue jumper and walked over to my set up. I put FIFA 16 in the console, and turned on the system. I started up my face cam and my screen capture. I logged into my FIFA account, and started the video. "Hey guys it's been a while, and I know that FIFA 17 is coming out in a couple months, but I thought that I could play a couple more games on here. So yeah, that's why I made this video." I stopped talking as I started to build my draft. In the end it was a 183, which wasn't too bad, but then again, I know I could've done better. I started a random match, their team was rated as a 174, which also wasn't too bad. Then I heard a voice.

"Oi Harry, how long have you been home?" Cal asked through my bedroom door, he must've heard the sounds of the game.

"About four hours, but I was asleep." I explained. "Wanna play FIFA with me?"

"Sure!" Cal opened the door and I got him a chair, which I put next to mine. I turned the lights under my desk to red, Simon's favorite color. Cal got out a spare controller, but then my phone buzzed. I looked at it, and it was a text from Vikk.

Vikk: Hey Harry, Simon's been acting a bit weird since you and the others left. What should we do?
Me: Um... I don't know Vikk. I'll call him soon. In an hour at most.
(Read 11:04pm)
Vikk: Alright, night Harry.
Me: Night Vikk.
(Read 11:05pm)

"Alright let's play some football!" I said after sitting down back in my chair. Cal looked at me, confusion clearly visible in his eyes.

"Who was that?" Cal asked, I thought that he would ask that.

"Vikk." I stated and picked up my controller. I knew that what I said wasn't the entire answer, but it would have to do. The game started, but I was a bit distracted. What did Vikk mean by Si acting weird? What was weird in this case? Is he alright?

"Harry! Snap out of it mate!" Cal snapped right in front of my face, jolting me from my thoughts. "They almost scored!" I knew how competitive Cal was, and he clearly was showing it now.

"Sorry..." I apologized, lowering my eyes and looking right at my controller. "Just a bit lost in thought." Cal nodded, and went straight back to playing FIFA.

Timelapse to the end of Recording

"Alright, that's it for this video. We won the game in the end, which is awesome." I began my out-tro. "Thanks to Calfreezy for joining me, you can go check out his channel in the description below. Leave a like if you enjoyed this video. And I will see you guys in my next video, bye!" I turned off my face cam and saved the video from my screen capture. I looked at my phone, I was recording for less than an hour. I quickly called Simon. I hoped that he would pick up.

•Simon's POV•

I was ready to fall asleep when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID, and it was Harry. Vikk told me that he would call in less than an hour, and he kept his promise, I smiled and picked up. "Hi Harry!" I said, while trying, and failing, to hide my excitement.

"Hi Si!" Replied Harry, he seemed excited to talk to me as well. "So Vikk said that you were acting weird after Ethan, Tobi, and I left. Are you feeling alright?" Harry's excitement slowly turned to concern, his voice changed to a more caring tone.

"Yeah, I just got a bit of a headache, that's all. I went up to my room and played some Overwatch." I had just lied to Harry, and as I did so, my stomach flipped. I didn't want to tell him that my heart felt a bit... What's the word... Torn, when he left.

"Oh, well... Do you want me to come over tomorrow a-and just keep you company?" I felt my cheeks flush bright red and hot. I could sense how hesitant Harry was feeling about asking that.

"Sure, if it's no trouble." I knew that I was blushing like crazy at this point, but no one but me knew that. I almost didn't hear his response.

"No trouble at all!" The joy was back in Harry's voice, I smiled. "When should I be there?"

"Let's say... Noon." I had to be ready by then, or else things might not go so well.

"Alright, noon it is! Are you sure that you're feeling alright though Si? And by sure I mean positive." Harry was still concerned about my well being, making me have to hold in a laugh.

"Yes Harry, I promise. But there's no telling when the next headache might come." There was a bit of silence from the other end of the line.

"Alright." Said Harry after what seemed like an eternity and a half. "I'll see you at noon tomorrow. Get some rest Si, good night."

"Good night." After I said that, he hung up. I plugged in my phone, and got into pajamas. I crawled sleepily under the covers and fell asleep, thinking about what the next day would bring.

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