The Room

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Ok before this chapter starts, can we just take a moment to appreciate whoever photoshopped this picture? Sorry Tobi and JJ, but this was going to happen eventually. Now, back to the story.

•Simon's POV•

The cabs arrived and we got in. I was with Harry, Tobi, and Ethan. We threw our luggage in the back and got into the cab. Tobi was in the front, Ethan was on the left, I was in the middle, and Harry was on the right. Tobi told the cab driver where we were going and the driver started the cab. Harry rested his head on my shoulder and smiled. I smiled back and wrapped my arm around his shoulders and brought him closer to me.

Skip car ride

The cab stopped in front of the hotel and the four of us got out. We walked to the back of the cab and got out all of our luggage. The other cab pulled up a couple seconds later and Josh, Vikk, and JJ got out and waved. I held Harry's hand as we waited for the others to walk over to us. "So, are we going to like a bar or something?" JJ asked, Harry and I shrugged.

"I just want to stay in tonight." Harry said and I smiled.

"I'll stay with you Boggy." I said and Harry smiled.

"Alright. So the five of us will go to a bar." Josh said and motioned to everyone except Harry and I. "And you two are staying."

"Yeah. And now that we have this stuff figured out, let's go inside!" Vikk said and started to walk towards the hotel. It was late in the evening, so there weren't that many people in the lobby. We all checked in and went to our rooms, which were all in the same hallway on the third floor.

"How about before we go to the bar, we go explore the city and check out the building that Pax will be in?" Tobi suggested once we had entered the lift, the others nodded.

"I like that idea." Ethan agreed, and then he looked at Harry and I. "Are you sure that you guys don't want to come?"

"Yeah." I answered, I could see the disappointment in his eyes. "Maybe next time." I have other plans for tonight.

"Well, have fun then you two." Vikk said as the lift ride ended. We left the lift and walked to our rooms. Vikk left first, then JJ, then Ethan, and then we arrived at Harry and I's room. We waved goodbye to Josh and Tobi and I unlocked the room. Harry let go of my hand and ran over to the bed. He dropped his luggage and then stood on the bed. Harry jumped a couple of times and then smiled.

"This is fun!" Harry said as I was closing the door, making sure that the Do Not Disturb sign was on the handle facing into the hallway. I made sure the door was closed tightly and then walked over to Harry. I grabbed onto his hand and smiled as I pulled him off of the bed.

Smut Warning!!

"Simon? What are you doing?" Harry asked as I wrapped my left arm around his waist and slid my left hand under his shirt onto his back, causing him to shiver. I placed my right hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me.

"Just trust me Boggy." I whispered in his ear before kissing him. I walked forward and pushed him against the wall. I stopped kissing him, and then started to plant little love bites on his neck. I quickly found his sweet spot and sucked on it. Harry tilted his head back and a moan escaped his open mouth.

"S-Simon! You're gonna give me a hickey!" Harry moaned as I grasped both of his hands and held them above his head, pinning him to the wall.

"Wear a jumper then." I said and kissed him on his forehead. I switched my grip so that I was holding Harry's hands with my left hand and began to creep my right hand underneath his shirt. I looked into his eyes, asking for permission, he nodded. I used my right hand to take off his shirt and kissed him on his chest. I put both of my hands on his exposed waist and kissed him again. I moved him over to the bed and gently pushed him down onto it. I stood at the end of the bed and looked at him. I took off my shirt and threw it on the floor next to me. I looked back at Harry and saw that his mouth was open and his eyebrows were raised. "Like what you see?" I teased, Harry nodded.

"Yeah, I definitely do." Harry said as I crawled onto the bed and placed myself so that one of my legs was on either side of him. I took my hands and put them on top of his and laced our fingers together. I kissed him again and then started to kiss down his neck. Harry was moaning as I kissed him all over. I started to kiss his chest and down to his stomach in a straight line. I lifted my head up and smiled, I kissed him again and got off of him.

End of smut!!

"I love you Boggy." I said as I collapsed on the bed next to him. Harry cuddled closer to me and tucked his head underneath my chin.

"I love you too Si." He said and kissed my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled. I caught sight of what was going to be a hickey by tomorrow morning and smiled even more. I grabbed the remote that was on the nightstand and turned on the TV. I sat up and Harry rested his head on my legs. I played with his hair as we picked something to watch.

"Still nervous about tomorrow?" I asked, Harry adjusted himself to look me in the eyes.

"Not if you're by my side." He replied with his eyes shining. I smiled and kissed his forehead, Harry blushed.

"I'll always be by your side."

"Then I'll never have anything to be afraid of."

A/N: sorry if the smut was sub-par, I've never written anything like that. And as always, I hope you are enjoying the story!

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