Meeting The Fans

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•Harry's POV•

The room had cleared of the fans and now it was just us seven. Simon wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I smiled in response. "Now what?" I asked as I looked into Simon's deep blue eyes.

"Now we go and meet the fans and take pictures with them." He replied and smiled with not only his mouth, but his eyes as well. I felt my heart melt as I beamed.

"Hey you two!" JJ shouted from the other side of the room, catching my attention. "Time to go to the Meet and Greet and photo shoot!"

"Coming!" Simon and I shouted as we laced our fingers together and walked with the others. We walked to where the Meet and Greet would be. There was a background with XIX all over it and a camera set up in front. We also managed to have a few different consoles with FIFA 17 on them for the fans, and us, to play.

"So... when does this start?" Vikk asked and looked around the empty area. I shrugged, I wouldn't know until the doors opened and fans started to flood into this area.

"Soon." Josh said, I rolled my eyes, he noticed. "What was that for Harry?"

"It's just obvious that this will start soon." I responded and shrugged, as soon as I did we were urged to stand in front of the camera. Once we were in place, the doors opened and the fans flooded the room, but were then ushered into the lines. I smiled as the first fangirls approached us, smiling and gleeful.

"Hi!" One of them said, she was in her earlier teens and had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She and her three friends were all wearing SDMN shirts, each a different style.

"Hi. How are you all doing?" Simon asked and smiled his perfect smile.

"Awesome now that we've met you guys!" The blonde replied, still smiling.

"That's so nice." I said and smiled back.

"Let's take the picture." JJ said and the person behind the camera waited for us all to be ready. Once we were, he counted down from three, we all smiled and then the camera flashed.

"Thank you all so much!" The blonde said as her two of friends started to walk away. "Yeah, they're not as big fans as we are." She continued. "Can I get pictures with each of you?"

"Of course!" Tobi said, the girl handed her phone to her brown-haired friend and she hugged Tobi. Her friend took the picture and then she hugged the rest of us.

"Thank you so much! You guys have gotten me through so much. I don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't come across your channels."

"No problem. I hope you have an amazing day." Vikk said and smiled, the two girls smiled back and nodded.

"Thank you!" They both said and ran off to their friends who were pretty far away at this point.

"Fangirls are so energetic." Josh pointed out and sighed.

"Yeah, if only we had that kind of energy." Ethan agreed. "I mean, just imagine what we could get done!"

Three hours later

I laced my fingers with Simon's as we made our way to the cabs. We weren't spending much time here in Boston, we were actually leaving in a few hours. "Hey Si?" I asked from out of the blue.

"Yes Boggy?"

"Have you been ice skating?"

"Not in a while, why?"

"I want to take you ice skating! Just the two of us! On a date!"

"I love that idea." Simon quietly responded and lightly squeezed my hand. I felt my cheeks burn up at the small and meaningful gesture as I rested my head on Simon's shoulder. "We also haven't met my parents yet... we probably should do that soon."

"Good point. But can it be after ice skating?" I asked and put on my best puppy-dog face.

"Yes Boggy. But why ice skating?"

"Because it's fun! And... romantic in a cliche way."

"Fair enough."

"Cabs are here!" Josh shouted as two yellow cabs pulled over next to us. I smiled as I got into the first cab, Simon was on my left, Tobi was on my right, and Josh was in the front seat. Vikk, JJ, and Ethan got into the cab behind us.

"Where are we headed?" The driver asked. Josh told him the name of the hotel and we were on our way.

"So, what did you guys think of Pax?" Tobi asked, breaking the silence that felt like had lasted for an eternity, but had really only lasted a few minutes. The silence between us was weird, we were always a chatty bunch. But now that we weren't home, we were quieter.

"So. Many. Screaming. Fangirls." Josh said, intensionally pausing between each word. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"What? Sorry, can't hear you. My eardrums have been destroyed by constant noise." Simon joked, causing us four to burst into laughter.

"Meh, you get used to the constant screams, shrieks and squeals." I pointed out and the others nodded.

"Fair point Harry." Tobi said and smiled, I smiled back.

"Thanks Tobi." I replied and rested my head on Simon's shoulder. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I could see the cab driver smile in the mirror.

"Ah love." He said and continued with his driving. I smiled and blushed at the driver's remark.

Half an hour later

The cabs pulled up in front of the hotel and we got out as Josh paid the driver. We thanked him as he drove off. Simon and I walked to the lift, hand-in-hand, and got in. The others were still in the lobby talking about who-knows-what, but we were going to pack up our things. "How much have you vlogged?" Simon asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Not very much..." I confessed, all I had were some shots of us goofing off before the Q and A and the meet and greet.

"They'll still love your vlog, I know it." Simon said as he opened the door to our room. We started to pack, which didn't take long at all, and then watched a movie ok the couch.

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