A New Lockscreen

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•Simon's POV•

Harry had been living with us for a few weeks now, and it's been some of the best weeks ever. I had never been able to spend this much time with him before and now that I can, it's so much better than before. I stretched in my bed and sat up, Harry was cuddled up next to me, he rarely slept in his own bed. I slowly and quietly got out of bed to take a shower.

15 minutes later

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked back to my room and Harry was still asleep. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out some clothes. I quickly changed and sat back down on my bed and ran my fingers through Harry's hair. "What?" Harry asked as his eyes slowly opened.

"Morning Love." I said and kissed him, he kissed back while wrapping his arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. Harry pulled away and smiled his gorgeous smile.

"Morning Si." Harry said as he sat up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah. You should probably get ready to record some videos, it is half past 3 after all."

"But I want to stay here, in your room, with you."

"I know, and I wouldn't argue otherwise, but we're filming a Football video today with the Sidemen and the Cals, you know they still miss you."

"Yeah... but I'm sooooo comfy here..." Harry whined and cuddled even closer to me.

"But you need to get ready Boggy." I said and took his arms off of me and stood up. Harry fell back onto the bed and closed his eyes again. I shook my head and took his hands and pulled him off of the bed.

"Nooooo..." Harry mumbled as I helped him stand up, his eyes were still closed in protest and his head was tilted backwards. I smiled as I wrapped his arms around my shoulders and walked with him to his room. He opened his eyes and started to walk on his own.

"Do you need help Boggy?" I said as Harry nodded. I went over to his wardrobe and picked out a SDMN t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. I handed the clothes to Harry and he started to change. Once he had changed, I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked downstairs to the kitchen where Josh was sitting in a stool.

"Morning guys. How'd you sleep?" Josh asked and smiled, a spoonful of cereal millimeters away from his mouth.

"I slept fine, but Harry's still half asleep." I said and smiled as Harry rested his head on my shoulder.

"I wanna go back to bed." Harry whined and closed his eyes.

"Can't do that mate." JJ said from the kitchen doorway, blocking the doorway entirely. "We've got videos to film."

"Yeah, I'm tired too, but we need to film." Vikk agreed from behind JJ. Vikk shoved his way past JJ and burst into the kitchen, almost running into Harry and I. The five of us all ate bowls of cereal and then packed up the cameras, Football boots and footballs.

"Okay. I'll take Vikk and JJ. Simon and Harry, you two take Simon's car." Josh said as we walked to the garage. I nodded and walked over to my red Range Rover and got into the seat and put on my glasses. I threw my stuff into the back seat and Harry got in the car next to me. I smiled and rested my hand on top of his.

Skip car ride

We pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car. We got our things out of the back seat and walked hand in hand to the pitch. "Hey guys!" Ethan shouted as soon as he saw us. This caught Cal's attention and he ran over to us.

"Hi!" Cal said while hugging the two of us, so tightly that I could barely breath.

"Hey Cal." I responded after I caught my breath, still holding Harry's hand. The three of us walked over to where everyone else was standing or putting on their boots. Once I had sat down and laced up my boots I started to take practice shots, since we were going to be filming a penalty shot challenge.

"Did someone bring a Go Pro?" Callux asked and I saw Vikk nod and hand over his Go Pro. I wasn't paying attention when I felt someone jump on my back. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry smiling and laughing.

"So I can see that you're awake." I said and Harry nodded. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was from Vikk. I smiled as I saw that it was a picture of me giving Harry a piggyback ride. I smiled as I responded.

Me: Thanks Vikk!
(Read 4:37pm)
Vikk: No problem mate.

"What was that?" Harry asked and I showed him my phone.

"Vikk took this and sent it to me." I explained, Harry took my phone. "What are you doing now Boggy?"

"You'll see." Harry said, still holding my phone. He handed it back to me. "Turn off your phone." Harry said and I did so. "Now turn it back on." I pushed the power button and smiled. Harry had made the photo of us my new lock screen on my phone.

"Thanks Boggy." I said and smiled, Harry got off of my back.

"No problem Si." Harry said before kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey guys! We still need to film you know!" JJ shouted, ruining the moment. I rolled my eyes as I took hold of Harry's hand and began to walk back over to the others. We made a final check to see if the cameras were where we wanted them to be and then started filming.

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