Stay-at-home Date (Part 2)

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•Harry's POV•

I woke up and looked around, almost forgetting where I was. I looked behind me and saw Simon, half asleep. I was still being held tightly in his arms. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked, Simon's eyes opened wide, woken up by my voice.

"A couple of hours." Simon replied as he yawned. "So much for not being able to sleep."

"I guess." I said while turning my whole body so that I could face Simon without turning my head. Simon pulled me into an embrace and I felt myself relax even more.

"Please never leave. I don't want you to get kidnapped again." Simon begged, his voice was shaking and he sounded desperate and scared.

"But what if I want to see my family again?"

"Take me along with you. Harry, when you were gone, I was terrified just thinking about what could be happening to you. I cried every night and I just couldn't bring myself to record videos without knowing that you were alright." Simon said and he began to cry. His tears splashed into the top of my head. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and I could see tears on his eyelashes and running down his face. I kissed him and began to dry his tears.

"Alright. You can come with me on holiday if it will make you feel better."

"Thank you. I love you too much to ever let a chance of you getting kidnapped happen again. And if that means staying with you, then I will." Simon vowed, I smiled.

"Whatever will get you to stop worrying so much Si." I teased and Simon kissed me on the nose.

"Alright Boggy. I love you."

"I love you too Si." I said as Simon pulled me up closer to him. I was looking in his gorgeous eyes now. He had one hand on my waist and the other on the back of my neck. He pulled me closer to him and I felt his lips touch mine. It was a much more passionate kiss then before, and I loved it. I grabbed onto his shirt to keep from slipping. Simon pulled away, and I looked down at his chest, disappointed that the kiss was over.

"Something wrong Love?" Simon asked, my eyes grew wide at him calling me 'love'.


"Yeah. Love, since I love you. You can call me Love too, if you wish."

"Alright Love." I responded and cuddled into his chest, hiding my face in his shirt. I felt Simon's lips gently press against my head and he stroked my hair. "Well, what now?"

"I have an idea, follow me." Simon said, I got off of him and he grabbed his phone and lead me to the kitchen. He turned on his music and a slow song started playing.

"I can't dance. I have two left feet." I confessed, Simon shook his head.

"You can dance, trust me it's simple. I'll lead, and you follow." Simon walked over to where I was standing, I looked in his eyes. If only you knew how much you mean to me. But words can't describe the amount of feelings that rush through me when I see you.

•Simon's POV•

I guided Harry's right hand onto my left shoulder as I slid my left arm around his waist. I took hold of his left hand with my right and raised it until our elbows were a little bit bent. He rested his head just below my chin. We started to dance around the kitchen, Harry still looked a bit unsure about his dancing. "You're doing fine Boggy." I said and I felt him smile. Harry turned his head so that his voice wouldn't be muffled by my shirt.

"You think so?"

"I know so. Did they not have dances in Guernsey?"

"If they did, I didn't go. I don't think I would've had much fun at a dance. I would've rather stayed at home and filmed videos."

"Well, for never going to a dance, your dancing is pretty good." I said, and then I had an idea. "I'm gonna spin you okay?" Harry nodded. I spun him underneath my right arm and then dipped him.

"Your a really good dancer!" Harry pointed out when he was standing upright again. I smiled.

"Would you believe me if I told you I had only been to two dances?"

"No. You're too good of a dancer for that to be true."

"Well it is true." I watched as a shocked expression crossed Harry's face. "I'm only this good because I looked up dancing videos on YouTube and practiced at like three in the morning without anyone knowing."

"When did you started practicing?"

"The same day I came up with this date idea, so I've been practicing for a while. That's why I know what I know, at least when it comes to slow dancing."

"I wish it could always be like this. Just us two. Not needing to worry about our fans who might hate us for this decision. Or the completely mad fangirls."

"Well, you could move in. We have the spare room which could be yours if you want. And then we'd never have to worry since we'd always see each other."

"Alright. But what about the Cals? They might need help to pay the rent for the flat."

"They'll find someone else, and they'll be fine. But there's only one you." I pointed out, hoping that my logic would make some sense. Harry nodded slowly, I could tell that he was thinking. "You don't need to make up your mind now. You can have as much time to think as you need."

"Thanks Si." Harry said, he yawned again. "I'm kinda tired."

"Go up to my room. I'll bring the blanket." I said and Harry walked away from me. I watched as he walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I walked into the living room and grabbed the blanket off of the couch. I rolled it up and carried it up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and saw that Harry was already asleep in his boxers. I smiled as I covered him with my blanket. I changed into my boxers and got in bed next to him. I smiled again and kissed him on the cheek. "Good night, Love." I said and closed my eyes, I was asleep within minutes.

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