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•Callux's POV•

It was around one in the afternoon when I heard a knock on the flat door. Then it opened. "Cal! Callux! I'm back!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the front door.

"Harry!" Cal shouted from next to me on the couch. We both jumped up and ran to the entryway, trying not to slip as we sprinted across the slippery wooden floor. We hit the wall by Harry's room and used it to bounce off of, and practically into Harry.

"You're back!" I said as Cal and I pulled Harry into a hug, this also pulled Simon into the hug.

"Yeah!" Harry said and smiled, Simon gave him a gentle nudge, reminding him of something. "But not for long. I've decided to move into the Sidemen house. Simon and I are here to start packing."

"Oh... but we'll still get to play Football together, right Harry?" Cal said, I could tell that he was more upset than I was. His eyes were tearing up and his smile started to fade away, but then again, Harry and Cal were pretty much inseparable.

"Of course Cal. Just because I'm moving in with Simon doesn't mean that I won't see you, or play Football with you, I still will." Harry assured Cal, and Cal started to smile again.

"Alright. If you say so. And if you think this is for the best..." Cal said as we pulled away from the hug. Cal wiped away the single tear that had managed to roll down his face.

"I promise it will be." Simon answered as he wrapped his hand around Harry's waist.

"Let's start packing Si." Harry said as he and Simon walked to Harry's room. Cal slowly walked down the hall and into the living room, I followed. We sat down on the couch next to each other, Cal's head was hanging and he was frowning.

"You alright Cal?" I asked, Cal shook his head. "What's wrong?" I pried, feeling like I was talking to a sad little kid.

"I can't believe Harry's leaving. Where are we going to find a flat mate as good as him?" Cal said after a few moments of hesitation, his eyes were still looking at the floor. I patted his shoulder as a reassuring gesture.

"Everything will be fine, trust me Cal. Plus, Chip could move in with us."

"You're sure?"

"Not entirely." I said, being as honest as I could. "But no matter what, everything will be perfectly fine." I said, and saw Cal's smile returning.

"Alright I'll believe you." Cal agreed and assured himself that everything would turn out alright. "But what if it isn't perfectly fine?" His facial expression turned worrisome.

"It will be. And even if we can't find another flat mate, we'll be fine." I said and smiled, trying to comfort Cal. This must've really hurt him, I've never seen Cal act like this before. But he needs to know that everything will be fine. We'll get through this together, and it's not like we'll never see Harry again. Right?

•Harry's POV•

"So are we just packing everything in your suitcases? You know, since we didn't bring boxes." Simon said as he was taking things off of the shelves.

"I guess that'll work." I agreed and went to get my suitcases. I heard faint crying from the living room and I went to investigate. I turned the corner and saw Cal crying with Callux trying to comfort him. I've never seen Cal cry like this before. Sure he sometimes cries during a forfeit, but those can be painful sometimes. But these are tears of pure sadness. "Is everything alright?" I asked, causing both Cal and Callux to turn around in the couch. Cal's face was stained with tears.

"I don't want you to leave. We're never going to find a flat mate as good as you. And we just got you back!" Cal exclaimed and burst into tears yet again. I walked over to the couch and pulled Cal into a hug. His tears running down my shirt.

"Everything will be fine. I know that you two can manage without me. And we'll still see each other, that's a promise." I said as Cal continued to cry, Callux joined in on the hug. We stood like this for a couple of minutes and then Cal broke away from the hug.

"Alright. You should go back to packing." Cal whispered as I turned away and got my suitcases. I carried one in each hand and walked back to my room.

"What was all that about?" Simon asked as soon as he saw me.

"Cal's pretty upset that I'm leaving. He was crying, so Callux and I just hugged him for a bit."

"That's very sweet of you." Simon said as he stood up and walked over to me. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed my softly on my forehead. I closed my eyes. And to think that just a few months ago I was dreaming of things like this happening. And now my dreams are my reality. Dreams really do come true.

"It's really the least I could do, but let's get to packing!" I said as I walked over to my wardrobe and started to take out my clothes and shove them into a suitcase. Simon was placing the things that he had taken off of the shelves and into a suitcase. He seemed to have a song stuck in his head since he was doing really subtle dance moves. "Si?" I asked, Simon turned around. "Do you have a song stuck in your head?"

"Yeah. Here, I'll play it." Simon replied as he got his phone out of his pocket. I waited for a couple moments and the the familiar song 'I'm A Pro' started playing. I tried to suppress a laugh as Simon started lip syncing and dancing. I joined with him and before I knew it, Simon pulled me off of the floor and we both started dancing.

Timelapse to done packing

"Well, that's it." Simon said as we packed the last suitcase full.

"I guess so!" I said and smiled, Simon returned the smile. "I'm officially moving in with you!" I gave Simon a tight, loving, hug. I felt Simon's hand rubbing up and down my back, it was comforting. I buried my face in his chest and smiled some more. Finally I get to move in with my Love. I've been waiting for this for what seems like an eternity.

"We should probably go say goodbye." Simon said as he pulled away from the hug, I nodded. Simon held my hand as we walked to the kitchen. "Bye guys." Simon said, causing the Cals to turn around.

"See you soon!" I said and they both smiled. Cal's smile was a bit weaker that Callux's. Simon and I made our final trip to his car with a suitcase in each hand and he opened the back seat of the car. We placed the suitcases in the back, closed the doors and got ready to leave. Simon put on his glasses and began driving.

"I love you Boggy." Simon said, I felt my face burn up instantly.

"I love you too Si."

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