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•Harry's POV•

I couldn't sleep. It was after 5am, normally I would've been asleep an hour ago. Hopefully Simon will answer. I opened my phone and went onto FaceTime, Simon was the most recently called contact. I pressed on his name and began the call. I was lying down on my bed in my childhood bedroom and everyone else in my family was sleeping. I could hear my dad snoring from his room. My door was already closed, so I didn't need to worry about talking loudly. Seconds later, Simon picked up and I was greeted by his look of concern. "I can't sleep." I said, and Simon shook his head.

"Why not Boggy?"

"I miss you." I replied without any hesitation, knowing it was true.

"I miss you too. But you get to see your family again. So that's good, isn't it?"

"Good point. But don't you miss your family?"

"Yeah, but I try to visit when I can. But it's not that often when I get to see everyone. Most of the time at least one of my brothers is on holiday, sometimes my parents are too."

"We should visit when they're all around."

"Yeah, they'd love you... but not nearly as much as I do."

"I feel kinda bad for saying this... but I almost want to go back and see you again. I want to feel your arms wrap around me as we drift off into sleep. I want to feel your kiss against my lips. I want to hold your hand. I just want you." I confessed as tears slowly rolled down my face. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't stop. I curled up into a ball and cried even more.

"Love, please don't cry. This is your second day back home, after today, you'll see me in five more days."

"But... that's so long."

"Do I need to buy a ticket to see you?"

"If you want. But what about your channel."

"The subscribers can last a few days without videos. And I can put all of the videos I have already done to render."

"Well? Do you want to see me?"

"Of course Love. I'll book a ticket now." Simon said as he took his phone with him from his bed, to his desk. He turned on the computers and I could see him thinking. I heard the definitive click of the mouse as Simon selected the flight. "I'll be there later this evening. In about twelve hours. You can make it until then right?"

"Yeah. I can. But I wish I could be that time now..."

"I know you do Boggy. I do too, but all good things to those who wait." Suddenly someone knocked on Simon's door. "Who's there?"

"Josh. Do you want to record some videos? Like a forfeit FIFA or something?"

"I guess... just give me a few minutes okay?"

"Talking to Harry?"


"Hi Harry!!!!" Josh shouted as he burst through the door.

"Hey Josh." I said and the three of us burst into laughter. Josh looked at the computer screen and raised an eyebrow.

"Going to Guernsey?"


"Okay. But what about the vi-"

"Don't worry about my channel. I'll be fine, they an go without videos for a little while."

"He has it all figured out." I assured Josh, who nodded.

"I knew you would. I'll Skype you in half an hour. Bye Harry." Josh said as he waved and left Simon's room.

"Bye Josh!" I replied and waved as well. Simon smiled at me, causing me to blush. "Wh-what are you looking at Si?"

"You. I'm taking in every single feature of you."

"You certainly know how to make me blush Si." I said as I looked down and quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap. Trying to hide my problem.

"Something wrong?"


"If you say so." Simon said before I yawned. "Hey you yawned."

"Yeah. Talking to you makes me feel more relaxed."

"I know what you mean. Maybe now you could get some sleep. You need it Love."

"Maybe... yeah, I'm gonna try to sleep now. Goodnight Simon, I love you."

"I love you too Harry. Get as much sleep as you need. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll text you when I'm in Guernsey."

"Okay. See you then." I said and blew Simon a kiss. We then hung up at the same time and I walked over to turn off my light. Once my light was off, I felt my way back to my bed. I wriggled my way underneath my blue blanket and rested my head on my pillow, falling asleep within seconds.

The next day

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I quickly checked the time, it was half past noon, a little bit later than I normally woke up, but that was fine. Simon would be here in less than five hours. I can't wait to see him. I covered my face with my hands as I felt my cheeks burn up. "Harry? Are you up yet?" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mum!" I shouted back as I wandered out of my room and downstairs. I followed where the voice was coming from, which was the kitchen. "Thanks mum." I said as I looked at the plate of eggs, bacon, and toast that my mum had prepared for me. Both Josh and Rosie had already eaten and mum and dad would have to leave for work soon.

"No problem Harry." My mum said as she kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Oh and Simon is coming later this afternoon." I said as I shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"That's wonderful. Josh and Rosie will love to know him more, and so will your father and I." My mum replied, a smile plastered across her face at the mention of Simon coming.

"That's good. I'm really glad you all are fine with me dating a boy. You honestly have no idea how nervous I was to introduce him to you."

"I could tell. Now, your dad and I have to go to work. We'll be back later tonight. Josh and Rosie have practice until 6:30 tonight and I'll pick them up. I love you."

"Love you too mum." I said just as dad walked out of the living room.

"Be Harry." He said as he and mum held hands and walked out of the house.

"Bye dad." I replied as they shut the door. Only a few hours until Simon gets here. God, I miss him so much... I can't wait. My thoughts brought a smile to my face as I sat alone and ate in silence.

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