Football Video

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•Simon's POV•

I woke up and got out of bed. I remembered that we we're filming a Football video with all the Sidemen and a few others, so I changed into a Sidemen XIX shirt and a pair of athletic shorts. I opened my window, it wasn't too cold outside, so I didn't change out of my shorts. "Simon! We're leaving in half an hour!" Vikk shouted from the second floor.

"Alright! I'll be ready soon! I'll bring a few cameras!" I shouted back. I quickly grabbed my backpack and threw in my Football boots, and some spare cameras that I didn't use that often. I combed through my hair and styled it in its usual style. I put my backpack over my right shoulder and put my phone in my pocket. I walked downstairs to the first floor and into the kitchen.

"Morning Simon." Josh said, there was almost no trace of sleep in his voice, but then again, it was almost noon.

"Morning Josh." I replied, I looked around, Vikk was quickly eating a bowl of cereal, but JJ wasn't in the kitchen. Josh noticed my confusion.

"JJ's in the living room."

"Oh, okay I was wondering where he was." I grabbed a snack from the cupboard and ate it. Then my phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Harry, I smiled just seeing his name on my phone screen.

Harry: Morning Si, how are you doing?
Me: Morning Boggy. I'm fine, just a little tired.
(Read 11:36am)
Harry: Yeah, me too. The Cals had the great idea to jump on my bed in order to wake me up... Callux almost jumped onto my shin, and Cal almost landed on my stomach.
Me: Well that's a really rude awakening!
(Read 11:37am)
Harry: Yeah, anyways I'll see you at the pitch Si. <3
Me: Alright, see you then! <3
(Read 11:37am)

I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket, then I realized something. "Hey guys, who's bringing the baseball bat?" I asked, no one spoke for a moment.

"I'll see if Deji has one." JJ said, in the doorway while taking out his phone. He called Deji, who answered almost immediately. "Bro, do you have a baseball bat? We need it for today's video." JJ nodded. "Cool, thanks."

"Well?" Vikk began. "Does Deji have a baseball bat?"

"Yep, and he's letting us use it." JJ said and smiled.

"That's awesome!" Josh said, I nodded in agreement, then looked at the time.

"Guys it's noon. We have to go, I'll drive." I said, JJ shook his head.

"I'm gonna take my Lambo." JJ said and got his keys. "Meet you there!" He said while closing the front door.

"Well, let's go." I said and got my keys. Josh and Vikk followed me to the garage, Vikk opened the garage door and got in the back seat, I put my backpack beside him. Josh got shotgun. I put on my glasses and backed out of the garage, closing the garage door after backing out. I plugged in my aux cord and started the music. The traffic wasn't as bad as it normally is, so we were there before I thought we would arrive. I got out of my car and looked around. I saw Manny, Tobi, JJ, Deji, Lewis, JME, and Ethan, they were already practicing. Harry and the Cals weren't there yet.

"Si!" I heard a voice from behind me shout, and before I knew it, I was giving Harry a piggyback ride. I felt his lips gently press against the top of my head. I smiled.

"Hey Boggy. Did you miss me?"

"Yeah." Harry said while getting off of my back. I turned to Vikk, who was holding my backpack in his hand.

"Thanks Vikk! Now let's film this video!"

•Harry's POV•

I held Simon's hand as we walked over to the pitch to set up cameras and put on our Football boots. Simon has brought quite a few cameras including a Go-Pro, and their tripods. "Where should we set these up?" I asked Simon, who as always, already knew.

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