GTA Trolling

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•Simon's POV•

I was sad to see Harry go, but we would be recording later, so I guess that made everything better. I walked downstairs to the living room, where Vikk was sitting by himself on one of the couches. "Hi Vikk." I said, Vikk turned his head to look at me. It looked like he was trying to hide something from me.

"Oh, hey Simon." Vikk replied, he looked at the floor, in an almost guilty way.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked, tilting my head. Vikk gulped, I knew he was hiding something. I walked up to the couch he was sitting on, and sat next to him.

"I... I can't tell you..." He mumbled, so quietly that I could barely hear him.

"Yes you can. We've known each other for long enough. We're mates, you can tell me." I assured him. Vikk looked up, so that we were eye to eye.

"Alright," Vikk began, sighing. "we all know how you and Harry feel about each other. You haven't done a good job about hiding your feelings." He giggled a bit at the end. I was in shock. I knew that I hadn't done a good job hiding my feelings, but now I knew how Harry felt too?! This was too much.

"Who is everyone?" I asked, wondering how many people knew about this.

"Josh, JJ, Ethan, Tobi, and me! But some viewers might figure it out, especially when that Cards Against Humanity video goes out. And Lewis, JME, Deji, and some of those guys might know too..." Vikk explained. That's a lot of people, I might as well tell Harry how much I care about him. Just to get people to stop talking about it.

"Okay... I'll have to find a way to tell Harry how I feel. Any ideas?"

"Not really... But... Maybe, go play Pokemon GO together and take him somewhere... Maybe the London Eye? And tell him there."

"I like that idea. Vikk you're a genius!" I gave Vikk a quick hug out of excitement and ran out of the living room. I bolted up all of the stairs and into my room. The clock read that it was 4:23pm, I looked at what I was wearing, and realized that I was in the same clothes as yesterday. I changed into a black SDMN t-shirt with orange letters and a pair of jeans.

"Hey Simon! We're recording soon!" I heard Josh shout from downstairs.

"Thanks Josh, I'll start setting up!" I shouted back. I styled my hair and walked over to my red and black chair. But before I could sit down, I had to move the other chair out of the shot, so I did that pretty quickly. I sat down in my chair and started up my face cam, I looked at myself in it and realized how tired I was. There were dark circles under my eyes and there were small bags too, but I didn't really care. I started up my lighting system and made sure that it was how it needed to be, which it was. And finally I loaded up GTA, which took a little while, but that didn't bother me. Finally I made sure that I could clearly hear everyone and that they could all hear me. I ran a short test, and we all could hear each other. Then I started my screen capture and we started recording.

"Simon you prick!!" Shouted Ethan after I had killed him with a missile, which might have been a bit of an overkill. I started to laugh, and I could hear Harry and Vikk join in.

"And welcome to GTA with all of the Sidemen!" Said Josh, causing all of us to laugh again.

"Yeah, Harry decided to join us for once." Said JJ, I could hear a bit of sarcasm in his voice. JJ and everyone else but Harry and I started to laugh.

"Not funny." I stated, I was glaring at my computer, flaring with anger. Everyone stopped laughing and there was a few moments of silence. Then JJ spoke up.

"Alright, sorry Harry. Not the warmest welcome back to GTA." JJ apologized, I smiled. At least JJ apologized to Harry, if he didn't, I would not be happy.

"It's alright JJ." Harry said, his voice was back to his normal tone.

•Ethan's POV•

Of course it would be Simon standing up for Harry. We all know that they have feelings for each other. So why don't they tell how they feel? We know Minishaw is real. I was pulled away from my thoughts by Josh talking. "Earth to Ethan. Are you there mate?" He said, with a bit of mockery in his voice.

"Yes Josh, I'm here." I replied. Today's GTA would probably be weird now that we all knew about Minishaw. But it would make everything a bit more interesting at the same time.

"And incase you are wondering," Vikk began, probably talking to the camera. "This video will be on the Sidemen channel, using all of our perspectives. That is why we all have face cams in this video. Also, our own perspective will be on our own channel, not our main channel, but our second channel."

"So if you want to see my perspective," Tobi continued. "You can go to my channel, and if you want to see anyone else's perspective, go to their channel."

"That's literally what Vikk just said, but simpler." Stated Harry, I nodded.

"Yeah. Exactly." I agreed. "Who wants to do a race?" We all agreed to do a stunt race. But, JJ, Josh, Vikk, Tobi, and I had a plan. To troll Harry, we chosen one that some of us had already done before. But if someone wasn't in that GTA episode, we told them which race to practice on. I was laughing almost silently while picking my car. I chose one that had a high acceleration rate, and then made it red, my GTA color.

"Reminder for Harry," began Josh in a robotic voice, "your color is blue." I almost burst out laughing, but stopped myself from doing so.

"Yeah, I remember." Harry replied, and shortly after, we started the race.

"Wait, haven't we done this one before?" Asked Simon, who we had left out of the plan.

"No, you're crazy." Replied Vikk, I was trying not to laugh, but I failed. I burst out into my crazy laughter.

"Why are you laughing Ethan?" Asked Harry.

"Because Simon thinks we've done this before!" I said, while still laughing. The count down began.

"GOT THE BOOST BOYS!!" We all exclaimed.

"Aw shit, I didn't get the boost!" Vikk said, clearly frustrated as he drove into one of the sides of the starting line. I drove past him.

"No, we've definitely done this before." Simon said, then almost as if he had a lightbulb go off in his head, he exclaimed: "This is the one with the half pipe that has buildings and stuff in it! You wanted to trick Harry! You bloody bastards!" I knew that Simon was angry now, but we didn't want him to find out. I was a little bit afraid of Simon when he got this mad.

"Is this true?" Harry asked, I wanted to tell him, but JJ spoke first.

"Maybe yes, and maybe no." JJ said, which was the worst answer ever. I could almost feel Simon's anger surrounding me.

"Harry, it is true." Said Vikk, I was happy that someone spoke up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone along with this."

"Me too, this is no way to welcome you back to GTA." I said, and I meant it. Everyone else apologized to Harry, who accepted their apologies.

"Now that that's settled." Simon began. "Let's get back to the race!"

Timelapse to the end of recording

"Alright, that has been GTA with the Sidemen. Hopefully Harry will be able to join us more often. And we hope you enjoyed this episode. And see ya!" Simon said the outro. I turned off my screen capture and my face cam. But I made sure that I could still hear everyone.

"So when should we have our individual videos up?" Tobi asked, knowing that we would have to put our videos together to make the one to go on the Sidemen channel.

"I would say..." Began Simon, who often was the one to make these types of decisions. "Have your video edited by Sunday. Then we can meet up at the Sidemen house on Monday to put the big video together."

"Sounds good." Harry replied, I nodded even though the others couldn't see me. Shortly after, we said our goodbyes and I stopped hearing the others. I started to record a Rocket League video, I'll start editing that video after. I continued playing Rocket League.

A/N: So, there are plans for a Minishaw unofficial date. That will be in the part. But what do you guys think of the story so far? I hope you are enjoying it so far.

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