Last Day In Guernsey

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•Simon's POV•

I was already awake, my arms still around Harry, holding him close to me. His relaxed breathing told me that he was still asleep. I didn't want to move, since if I moved, he might wake up. He was facing away from me, but I could still slightly feel his heartbeat. Our hearts were beating together. Harry stirred and turned to face me. His eyes opened and I looked into them, almost getting lost in his perfect deep blue eyes. "Morning Si." Harry said, his voice clawed at by fatigue.

"Morning Boggy." I said before kissing his forehead. Harry wrapped his arms around my upper torso and pulled himself closer to me. I kissed his forehead, nose, and then his lips. He giggled after each kiss. "I love you Harold."

"I love you too Simon." He replied and snuggled even closer to me.

"We're going back today, remember?"

"Yeah. I don't know what to do until then..."

"Go spend time with your family. Film some videos with your brother."

"But what will you do?"

"I'll figure something out."

"But I-"

"But nothing Harry!" I gently protested, he needs to spend time with his family, that's why he came here in the first place. "You need to spend time with them, I'm keeping you away from the people who love you as much as I do. I'll be fine Boggy, I promise."

"Okay... can we at least eat breakfast together?"

"Of course." I say before we both get out of bed. We didn't bother changing into clothes for today yet, so we went to the kitchen in our pajamas. I poured the last of the cereal into two bowls and poured milk in after. I brought the bowls back to the table where Harry was sitting. He smiled as he saw me with the cereal.

"Thanks Si." Harry said and kissed my cheek as I sat down next to him.

"No problem Boggy." I replied with a smile. We ate our breakfast, talking about what to do when we go back to London. We came up with a few Football challenges and ways to prepare for the upcoming charity match.

"Harry!" A smaller voice said from behind us. We spun around and saw Josh standing in the doorway.

"Josh! I have some ideas for a video, just the two of us! How does that sound?"

"Awesome! I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to film a video with me."

"Funny coincidence." Harry said and laughed. "Okay, go get ready. I'll join you in a few minutes."

"Okay! Bye!" Josh said and ran off excitedly.

"So I need an idea..." Harry confessed and looked at the table.

"How about a crossbar challenge. But with a twist."

"Like whoever loses has to have the amount of eggs smashed on their head match the number of times the winner hit the crossbar."

"Yeah! I like that idea Boggy!"

"Thanks Si."

"No problem! Now, finish eating and go play Football with your brother."

"Okay. Love you Si!" Harry said before cleaning up his bowl.

"Love you too Boggy." I said as he kissed me on the cheek. I smiled as Harry rushed out of the room to get all set up for the video. I looked around me, not sure of what to do next. I cleaned up and went back into Harry's room. Harry was looking for his camera. "Boggy, can I play FIFA?"

"Sure! You can play on my account, so that way you won't have to log in or anything."


"No problem." Harry replied with a smile and found his camera. "I should probably go set this up, I'll be back soon."

"Okay." I replied as Harry left the room, carefully clutching his camera and tripod. I turned on FIFA and began to build a draft, I wasn't as good at draft building as Harry, but I wasn't too bad. But before I could start the game, I heard a knock on the door.

"Simon. I need your help." I knew it was Harry before I even turned around.


"We need to go find the footballs... they went over the wall again..." Harry responded and shamefully rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alright, let's go Boggy." I said and stood up and took hold of his hand. "How are we getting the footballs back?"

"We have to climb over the wall. That's how we always get the footballs back."

"Alright." I said as Harry and I walked into the backyard, his Football boots leaving dirt and mud behind with every step.

"If you boost me over, I can help you up after me." Harry planned, I could tell he had to do this before.

"Sounds like a plan." I said as Harry and I reached the wall. I let go of his hand and laced my own fingers together, making sure that my palms were facing upwards. He stepped onto my hands and held onto my shoulder for balance. He nodded and I boosted him upwards. He climbed over the wall and was hanging over the top.

"Jump up and I'll catch your hands." Harry said. I jumped and I felt his hand grab onto my wrist. I grabbed his wrist and climbed up the wall as Harry slid down, making it easy for me to get over.

"How many footballs did you end up kicking over here?"


"Is that a new record?"

"No the record's eight." Harry said definitively. I smiled and we split up to find the footballs.

Half an hour later

Harry and I met back at the wall and began to throw all seven footballs over the wall. I then got ready to boost Harry. We made it back over the wall and put all of the footballs away. "I should probably pack up." Harry said when all of the footballs were put away.

"I'll get your cameras." I replied as he kissed my cheek.

"Thanks Si."

"No problem Boggy." I said and walked over to the camera. The camera was still recording. I laughed and stopped the filming and picked up both the camera and the tripod. I then walked over to the goal and took the GoPro off of the side post. I walked back into the house and made my way to Harry's room. Harry was facing away from the door so I snuck behind him and gently wrapped my arms around him. "Hey you." I said in a very gentle voice.

"Hey Si." Harry responded. "I'm all packed, are you?"

"Yeah. To be fair, I didn't really unpack either. I just left everything in my suitcase."

"Okay. Let's go back home."

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