Gone Missing

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A/N: this portion of the story was suggested by ErinMarshall749 and will probably be at least two chapters, maybe three. They will have different names though.

•Callux's POV•

It had been a couple days since Harry had gone on holiday back to Guernsey. He would be coming back the next day. And according to Cal, Simon had already kissed Harry. "Oi! Callux! What do you want for dinner?" Cal shouted from the kitchen.

"You can choose! I don't really care that much!" I shouted back and continued playing FIFA. Honestly, I didn't care about what Cal and I had for dinner, as long as it was something. Cal called me to the kitchen a few minutes later with two bowls of pasta on the counter top. I grabbed one and put sauce on it. I sat down on the couch and started eating my pasta. Cal sat down next to me.

"Is it weird that Harry hasn't answered any of my calls, texts, or replied to any tweets?" Call asked after swallowing a mouthful of pasta. I let that question sink in.

"Yeah... He hasn't been on any social media lately. And that's pretty rare, even for Harry who hardly ever uploads." I said and Cal nodded.

"Simon might be freaking out, I should call him." Cal said and pulled out his phone.

"Hey, put it on speaker. I want to hear what he has to say and talk to him too." I said as Cal pushed the speaker button on his phone. His phone rang a few times and then Simon picked up.

"Hey Cal! Have you heard from Harry? It's been three days without a word from him and I'm starting to panic!" Simon said, I could clearly hear the panic in his voice. I decided to speak up.

"I haven't heard from him, but I'm sure that he's fine Simon. You have nothing to worry about." I lied and Cal caught me lying and shook his head in disappointment.

"Oh! Hi Callux! So you guys haven't heard from him either? I hope everything is alright! I don't know what I would do if something happens to him." Simon said, his panic was rising, and his voice was speeding up.

"Yeah. It's been a few days without a word. I'm starting to get worried too." Cal confessed, I heard Simon sigh. I wasn't able to read the emotion that came with the sigh, it was too complex.

"If he doesn't come to the flat, you need to call me right away! Deal?" Simon pleaded.

"Deal!" Cal and I said at the same time. I knew that Simon would probably be grinning in his room.

"Alright, thanks guys! I just hope he's okay..." Simon said before hanging up.

"Okay... If Harry hasn't even sent a text to Simon, something miiiiight be wrong." Cal said and I gulped.

"Yeah, you have a point. But if he doesn't come back tomorrow, then we need to call Simon." I pointed out and Cal gulped.

"But maybe a couple hours later, since he might've missed his flight. That sounds like something he would do. Doesn't it?" I nodded, I just hope Harry's alright.

•Harry's POV•

I woke up in a small, dark room. There was a tiny bed, a chair, a desk, and an on suite. One of the walls to the room was replaced by iron bars reaching from the floor to the ceiling, that I might be able to slip through. There was also a small window, but there were bars over it. The window was close to the ceiling and I could barely see the ground, meaning I was in a basement. I heard crazed laughter from behind me, I turned around, my vision still blurry. I felt my head, it was pounding, I felt my pockets for my phone, keys, anything, but I didn't feel anything. "Look who's finally awake..." Said the blurry blob from the other side of the bars that acted as a wall.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked, and for some reason, my throat was sore. Was I shouting earlier? Why was I shouting? Why can't I remember what happened earlier today?

"I'm just... A fangirl. One of Simon's fangirls." The girl said, I focused my eyes to see a young woman around my age. She had fair skin and black hair. Her eyes were bright green and she was wearing all leather. "And I want him, and to do that, I had to get you out of the picture. Oh, and don't even try looking for your phone or keys." She held up her hands to reveal my phone and keys. "Now... How about I text someone?" She turned on my phone, I saw how many times Simon had tried to get through to me. I felt my heart plumbing to my feet as the girl started to say what she was texting.

"Don't do this!" I protested, tears forming in my eyes. I knew what she wanted to do, she wanted to ruin Simon and I's relationship by pretending to be me! "You have no idea what this will do to him! This will break him! He won't do anything, he might cut! He loves me so much, and I love him! This will break him to the point of no return! You doing this will hu-"

"Oh save your breath Harold!" The girl ordered, I closed my mouth and watched in horror as she began texting Simon. "Hey Si. Sorry for not texting in a while. Got caught up with family issues. But... I've been feeling so much better since leaving you and the others behind in London! Oh! And you know how there's that saying that goes something along the lines of "distance makes a relationship stronger"? Well, if that's the case, then I guess there was no relationship in the first place and we should break up, forever!" She pondered for a moment and nodded. "And send!" She grinned evilly and I screamed.

"You bitch! You fucking stupid ass bitch! This will break him so much more than you know! You just broke Simon Minter! Does this really make you happy?!" I yelled and shook the bars of the cage that served as a room.

"Shut up!"

"At least tell me your name!" I begged and she nodded.

"I won't tell you my name... But what I will tell you is what you can call me. You will address me as V. Not anything else, just V." V said, I nodded.

"Alright then, V. Do I at least get good food?"

"Of course. I just want to keep you away from Simon, I don't want to kill you. What do you want to eat?"

"Mac and cheese." I said, keeping the emotion out of my voice and trying to push back the tears that had already started to roll down my face.

"Alright. I'll bring it to you when it's done. And don't even try to get out, there are booby traps, and only I know where they are and how to turn them off." V said while walking upstairs into what must've been the rest of her house. I heard my phone buzz and my heart broke, knowing it was Simon. I was terrified about what he might be doing and thinking at this moment. My heart stopped for a second and I sunk to the floor and cried.

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