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Simon and Harry have been back at the Sidemen house for a week. The ring will be ready in around two weeks.

•Harry's POV•

The charity match was soon, so all seven of us had to get into our best shape. We were all going on a run today and then we would do some abdominal workouts. I had already changed and had on a pair of sneakers. It was later in the afternoon, as we had to make sure that everyone was up. So it was actually 7pm, and growing dark outside. "Ethan will be here in ten minutes, same with Tobi." Josh announced from the kitchen.

"Okay Josh!" Simon shouted back. We were cuddling on one of the couches. My head was resting on Simon's chest, above his heart. He had his left arm wrapped around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. "Excited for the match?"

"Yeah! Even though it's not for a couple of months. I'm assuming you're excited."

"You assumed correctly Boggy." Simon replied with a smile and laughter. He makes me so happy. A smile formed on my face, just by seeing his.

"I hope we win this year."

"We beat them seven to two last year, so it will probably happen."

"Fair point Si." I replied with a giggle and Simon kissed my temple.

"Hey lovebirds!" JJ shouted from what sounded like the kitchen. "We're going now!"

"Coming JJ!" I shouted in annoyance. Why did he have to ruin our moment? Simon and I laced fingers and walked into the kitchen to fill up our water bottles. Once our bottles were filled, we walked into the entryway and put on our sneakers.

"Everyone ready?" Josh asked as he looked around.

"I think so." Vikk replied with a nod.

"Alright! Let's go run!" Simon said, JJ groaned in response.

"Do we have to???" JJ moaned and looked at the floor.

"Yes JJ." Ethan replied and opened the door. All seven of us sprinted out of the door, but then slowed to a somewhat fast jog.

"How long is this run?" Vikk asked. I looked towards Josh, he was the one who had come up with this idea.

"An hour. Half an hour one way, half an hour back." Josh replied with a shrug.

"Do you want to kill us before the game?" Tobi replied sarcastically.

"No. I want us to get into better shape than what we are in right now." Josh replied, in a more serious tone than Tobi.

20 minutes later

We all stopped to rest for a bit and drink our water. I downed about a third of the water that was in my bottle. Simon wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my right shoulder. "Si, you're too sweaty. Get off." I complained, as Simon's shirt was sticking to mine. Simon quickly kissed my cheek, and then let go of me.

"You're sweaty too." Simon said and spat on the ground, spitting out whatever sweat was on his lips.

"Well, we're running, so of course we're both sweaty." I responded with a shrug.

"Fair enough." Simon said and smiled, I smiled as well.

"Alright, let's start running again!" Josh said, he was the one that was leading us. We groaned, but at least we were running back home. It was hard for me to keep track of time since I didn't have a watch or my phone, but sooner or later, the house was back in sight. I sprinted to the door, suddenly overcome with a burst of energy, and beat the others.

"I win!" I said to Simon, who laughed and kissed my temple.

"Yes you did Boggy." Simon replied and unlocked the house, he was the only one who brought a key.

"Need. Water." Ethan panted and walked to the kitchen, his empty water bottle in his hand. I looked around, everyone was out of breath. Not surprising since we just went on a long run.

"Core next guys. Get water and then go outside." Josh said and walked back to the kitchen.

"We're doing core outside?" Vikk asked, confused.

"Well, we don't have space for us all to do core inside." JJ pointed out, Tobi nodded.

"Guys! Come. On." Josh shouted, he sounded quite annoyed. It sounded like he was already outside.

"Coming!" Tobi shouted back and began to walk off, JJ and Vikk followed. I felt Simon wrap his left arm around my waist and kiss my cheek.

"Less sweaty this time." Simon pointed out with a small laugh. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. We walked out to the others, I was still smiling. Josh was impatiently tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed.

"There you are!" Josh said once he saw us. "Come on, we're starting with planks."

1 hour later

"I think that's enough for today." Vikk said as he sat up from doing sit-ups.

"I agree. We should take a break." I agreed, flat on my back on the ground. As soon as I had spoken, it started to rain. Not a lot, but just enough for it to be noticeable.

"I'm going inside." JJ announced before wandering back inside the house.

"What, are you gonna melt?" Josh called after him.

"Yeah." JJ said and slammed the door tightly behind him. Ethan laughed at JJ's response and lead the others inside as well. Simon and I stayed out here. I stood up and began to walk inside, but Simon gently took hold of my left hand and pulled me into his embrace. I smiled and felt him place his pointer finger underneath my chin. Simon tilted my head upwards until I was staring into his deep blue eyes, the eyes I could get lost in for hours. He bent down a little bit and kissed me in the rain. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips up closer against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled as he kissed me.

"Well, that's one way to end a workout." I said with a smile. Simon winked in response. We began to walk back inside when I saw the others quickly duck under the windowsill. I rolled my eyes and Simon laughed.

"Did you lads like the show?" Simon asked them all once we were inside. No one said a word, and instead, we all burst into laughter.

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