Ice Skating

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•Harry's POV•

I woke up in Simon's arms in his bed. I relaxed in his arms and turned to face him. He was smiling in his sleep and I moved some of his blonde, tangled, hair out of his face. I smiled and kissed his nose before looking at the clock, 11am as usual. Instead of lounging around for an hour like I usually would, I got out of Simon's bed, trying not to disturb him. I'm taking him ice skating today. This will be amazing. Once I was out of Simon's room, I walked to my room across the hall, which I hardly ever slept in, and picked out clothes for the day. I picked out a pair of black sweatpants and a black long sleeved Sidemen shirt with blue letters, I also got out my "famous blue jumper" and set it on my bed. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

25 minutes later

I put my shirt on and went to see if Simon was awake. I slowly and silently opened the door to his room and peered in, he was still asleep. He probably won't be up until at least 2, I won't disturb him. I closed the door and went back to my room to record some videos. Living in the main Sidemen house has helped encourage me to upload more often. I turned on all of my recording software and began to play some FIFA 17. I sat down in my chair and recited my intro. "Hey how's it going guys? And welcome to another FIFA 17 video! This one might be a bit quick as I have plans later on today, but I'll make this work. So I'm going to be building a draft today as there are no decent packs out right now. So yeah, let's start out with a formation." I said and picked out a formation and began to choose players.

15 minutes later

"And there we go! Here's the squad! 186 rated, I could've done better. But we got the 100 chem so that's good! I'm gonna leave this one here. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in my next video!" I ended my video and turned off my recording software. It was still too early for Simon to be awake, and Vikk had most likely just gone to bed a few minutes ago.

"Fucking hell!" I heard JJ shout from his room downstairs, followed by a crash. He probably got mad at a game and threw his controller again. I sighed at the usual occurrence and sat on my bed, took out my phone from my pocket, and looked at my social media. There wasn't much going on, but then my phone buzzed and it was from Cal.

Cal: Harry! Will you be able to record an irl Football video today?
Me: Sorry Cal. Today won't work. I'm taking Si ice skating. Maybe some other time.
(Read 11:37am)
Cal:Okay. See you then.
Me: Bye Cal.
(Read 11:37am)

I set my phone beside me and sighed again, this time in sadness. I had been neglecting the Cals for Simon. But Simon is my boyfriend after all. And I had a flight for Guernsey tomorrow that I hadn't told him about yet. Ever since the V incident he hasn't let me go travel by myself. But Josh and Rosie miss me, and I miss them too, so I want to go back. These thoughts brought tears to my eye and I began to silently cry. I heard a knock on my door, huh, weird. "Come in!" I shouted,  trying to hide my quivering voice. The door opened to reveal Simon standing in the doorway, up three hours earlier than usual. He rushed over, he probably noticed my tear-stained cheeks and blood red eyes.

"What's wrong Love?" He asked as I felt his arms wrap around and pull me close to his chest. He sat next to me on my bed, and I instantly snuggled next to him.

"I have to go to Guernsey tomorrow."

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"I don't want you to worry about me."

"I won't. Remember, we took care of V. She's in jail now." Simon said in a soothing voice. I didn't know how to reply, I just continued crying into his bare chest. He rubbed his hands up and down my back to calm me, it only worked a little bit.

"I think I'm more scared of this trip than you are."

"You have the right to be. If you want me to come with you, I will. If you need me to talk with you until you fall asleep, I will. Whatever you need me to do in order to make you feel safe, I will do it because I love you Harry."

"I love you too Simon." I said before he kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You might want to get a jumper." I said after he pulled away, he looked at me, confused.


"We're going ice skating today, remember? And no vlogging."

"Alright. I'll go and get ready."

"And I'll call a cab." I said as Simon kissed my forehead and got off of my bed and left my room. I quickly called a cab and they said that it would be here in 25 minutes. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to get some breakfast. I found some cereal and milk and poured it into two bowls. Moments later, I felt two arms wrap around me from behind and a soft kiss was planted on the back of my neck.

"Did you call a cab?" Simon asked, his eyes widened and he smiled when I handed him a bowl of cereal. "Thanks Love."

"No problem, and yes I called a cab. It will be here in around 20 minutes."

"But we don't even have skates."

"We can rent them there, I checked."

Skip to arrival at the skating rink

"Thank you." Simon and I said to the man who handed us our skates. I was so excited, I took Simon by the hand and we practically ran to the lockers. We rented out a locker and put our shoes, keys and phones in there and put on our skates.

"Ready?" I asked Simon, who seemed unsteady on his skates.

"Maybe." Simon replied and bit his lower lip. I smiled and took his hand yet again as we walked out onto the ice. Once we reached the rink, I let go of his hand and stepped onto the ice. The ice was very slippery, but I began to skate around easily. I looked over to Simon, he was still not on the ice yet. I skated over to him and offered my hands, which he took and held onto tightly. I guided him onto the ice and helped him keep his balance. I was skating backwards so that way he could still hold onto both of my hands and skate forward. "How do you do this so easily?" Simon asked, his perfect smile not fading for an instant.

"Lots of practice. When I was younger, I loved skating almost as much as I loved Football. I would beg my parents to drive me to a nearby rink almost every weekend. Sometimes I would even sneak there after school." I said and let go of Simon's hands. He wobbled a bit and attempted to gain his balance. He almost fell, but I caught him just before his hands touched the cold ice. We laughed and smiled as I took his left hand with my right and we began to skate together. "Left. Right. Left. Right." I said to keep us skating in sync. It got to the point where we could feel each other's rhythm and we had no use of speaking. I let go of Simon's hand and he began to skate on his own. I was skating next to him, smiling at his triumph.

"I'm doing it!" Simon exclaimed, a bit louder than he should've. His voice echoed through the rink.

"Good job Si!" I replied, matching his excitement. He took my hand and we skated out of the rink. Once we had gotten our shoes on and shoved our phones and keys in our pockets, we walked back out to return our skates.

"Thank you." The man said and smiled at us. We smiled back and walked out of the building.

"That was fun." Simon said and lightly squeezed my hand.

"Yeah. I'm glad you liked it."

"I'd like anything as long as I get to be with you."

"I couldn't have said it better myself."

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