Part 2

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Last Time on when Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

A mysterious cloaked figure reads post about crew needed by C.J.S. crazy bunch at the inn, Sugarcube? Dauntless Cake! For Narnia! Katmiss and Legolame, dead glue, adventure! Wormtongue!

Continue Part II

Gandalf took charge after the vile wormtongue was roughly thrown out in the streets.

Author- let's make it a stormy night with hail and snow and lightening!

So wormtongue was thrown out in the stormy, snowy night and got struck by lightening!

Gandalf called attention and spoke:

"I'll be the interviewer who will be interviewing all the interviewees"

As expected, no one understood but agreed anyway. Before long a table was set up and Gandalf sat on one side, pen and paper in hand ready to get a crew/company together.

everyone was a little nervous, no one wanted to be first to be interviewed by a wizard. As they gathered in small groups they decided to play dragon, dwarf, arrow to see who would go first.

Legolas and Katniss began.

"Haha! Dwarf kills Dragon!" Exclaimed Katniss!

"No way! Dragon eats Dwarf! Arrow kills dragon!" Shouted the elf.

"You want to see arrow kill elf?"

"Not before arrow kills tribute!"

"I'm a Victor!"

While those two went back to "archery" practice, the game continued until Newt was chosen first to be interviewed.

Strolling up to the table and says,

"What's this adventure you got in mind?"

Gandalf looks at the boy curiously.

"A deadly game."

"There are worse games we could play!" Katniss shouts from across the room.

Gandalf ignores the comment and countinues. "A most awful-"

"Sugarcube?" The inn keeper asks as he walks up to the table and flashes a smile.

"We are in the middle of something!" Gandalf says gruffly.

The inn keeper walks off, offended.

"This particular quest is one of rarity. One that most, if not all of you , will most likely perish."

Newt chuckled. "You ever been in one of Dashner's books?" You ain't see nothing yet. Sign me up."

"But I haven't gotten to interview you."

"What more could you want to know? I got a bum leg, I became a cranky zombie thing and was killed by my friend. What else do you need to know?"

"That'll do." Gandalf said slowly.

Suddenly the door to the inn slammed open and to the surprise of everyone, in walked a large and mean looking orc.

The inn keeper stormed up to it, holding a trident and said roughly,

"I don't serve your kind!"

The Orc locked his yellow eyes on the man and said simply in an evil and haunting voice,


The inn keeper went numb and backed away in fear. Dropping the trident as he left. The Orc went to pick it up when an arrow missed his hand by a hair of a hair of a hair.

"I'd leave if I were you." Legolas said darkly to the beast.

The Orc stood and made his way to the elf, who stood his ground.

"Where is C.J.S?"

For no reason in particular he spoke the following words.

"I'm C.J.S."

"I wanna join the crew."

"ALL postions are filled."

At that moment, Gandalf shouted,

"Who's next to be interviewed to join the crew that has almost all of its postions open, not filled. Anyone and anything can be interviewed. Right now, come on up and be interviewed."

The Orc gave a wicked smile and proceeded to be interviewed.

Speeding things up a bit.....

"All have been interviewed and I shall now read off the list of those I found capable and willingly to go on a most dangerous adventure." Gandalf began.

Holding up a paper he cleared his throat and began.

"The crew is as follows:"

To be continued!!!!!

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