Part 3

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

A deadly game of dragons, Dwarfs and arrows, Newt's interview, orcs among us, scared sugarcube and the final list to be read!

Continue Part 3

Just as Gandalf was about to list the first victim-

*author- Opps sorry I meant, uhh crew member. *laughs awkwardly* no one will die in uhhh *clears throat* on with the story!

A strangled cry was heard and Minho fell to his knees.

"No! Don't read the list!" He cried in agony.

"I have to!" Gandalf insisted.

"No! The last time a list of names was read off to me, Newt had the flare!"

All turned to Newt and gave him odd glances.

Newt rolled his eyes and waved his hand in annoyance.

"Ignore him and countinue."

"Chill out! No need to let your temper flare!" Thomas said as he glared at Newt.

Newt's face flushed and he gave Thomas a death glare. "Watch what you say or I'll tell a certain someone who killed a certain someone's best friend."

Thomas went pale and said nothing. Minho could never know!

"May I countinue or is this a bad time?" Asked Gandalf.

A monkey wearing a pirate hat jumped over a table, crashing into a glass mug which then crashed to the floor, causing a caterpillar (who was merely crawling about minding his own business) to be impaled with a shard of glass and withered in his slow and painful death.

Of course no one took notice of the caterpillar as Gandalf began to read off his list:

"The crew is as follows:

I Gandalf the Grahite- "

"What's Grahite?" Asked Katniss.

"Gray and white." Gandalf replied huffy.

"Why are you both gray and white?" The scary orc cried out.

"It is a long and very involved story for which we don't have time to go through."

"But you said all we have to do is to decide what to do with the time that is given to us!" Shouted Newt.


"And they call me a crank!" Newt muttered to himself.

"I am not a crank nor I am cranky!" Gandalf argued.

"If the ring fits." Legolas said under his breath.

Gandalf snapped his head and glared at Legolas.

"Excuse me, Greenleaf?"

Legolas simply shrugged. "No one can deny that you tend to get a little cranky on adventures- the way you wave your arms and raise your voice and- and you told us to fly you fools."

Legolas began to tear up and before long his sniffles grew.

"I dont- don't know how to fly!"

Katniss gave a wicked grin. "I'm surprised, you've got the ears for it."

Legolas tried to compose himself but it was useless.

This adventure seems lost before it could even begin. And it would have been too if-

Eager reader: If what?

Me: patience!

Eager reader: how do you expect me to be patient?

Me: easily

Eager reader: ohh is it a new character?

Me: *stares blankly*

Eager reader: will a giant turtle attack them?

Me: *grows exasperated*

Eager reader: ohh good word! And I'm growing exasperated at the lack of your writing!

Me: Maybe it's cuz you keep talking!

Eager reader: oh.

Me: now where was I?

Eager reader: *menacing voice* I am patient, I can wait!

Me: well good for you because you've used up my alloted time to write and that's all for today!

Eager reader: But- But the list!

Me: I may put you at the top of the list, seeing as you're as distracting as the rest of the characters.

Eager reader: *leaves annoyed but secretly thrilled at maybe being in the story.*

To be continued!

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