Minho part 1

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Minho could tell when he arrived at his new fandom. The air was chilly and damp. All was dark....

"Well this is a depressing fandom. Oh wait- never mind, mine's worse." He said.

Suddenly he heard a dreadful sound! Something choking or gagging. Carefully in the dark he stepped foward.

Then he heard a rather miffed voice exclaim:

"You must gives us three guess!"

Minho gave a look of disgust at the idea of riddles.

"Nasty things. Makes one late for dinner." He concluded.


Minho stopped himself from bursting out laughing. It's either a child or some mutten form of a griever!

The voice again spoke,

Fish bones, goblins teeth, wet shell, bat wing- Knife!! Shut up!

Minho backed up considerably and made a look of pure horror.

What kind of fandom am I in!?

String! Or nothing!"

The voice then began to cry. Minho was getting freaked out and decide find a way out.

On our poor misguided runner went carefully stepping through the neverending darkness. When all of a sudden!


Quickly Minho took off, fearful of whatever was to come next. Feet behind him pounded on. The chase was on!

Things began to happen quickly! So quickly in fact that Minho could hardly keep track of what was going on or where he was going. Twist and turns, a narrow opening he squeezed through and finally could see daylight!! Things were going to be alright!!!

When suddenly he found himself falling face down! Feet stepped over and on top of him as they pushed through to the exit. Looking ahead as best he could, he saw that is it was a group of short people with some crazed beards.

"Hey watch where you're going!" He exclaimed as he tried to get up.

"Hurry!" Shouted a old man-

"Hey! It's that wizard dude! Gandalf!" Minho shouted.

After the last person had rushed past, stepping on the runner's arm in the process- he stood and ran after.

The daylight shown and the runner stood, basking in the sunshine until-


Down the runner fell (again) as a figure rushed past him.

"S-sorry!" The timid voice called as he kept going.

Minho stood and brushed himself off.

"This is one pushy place!" He grumbled as he followed after.


A very long overdue update but here it is!! And kinda short too. Hope you guys enjoy it!

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