Part 12

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

Titanic teasing, the subject, argument and reports of balding elves, A Bard pushing button that will change the course of the entire world!

Continue Part 12

The button was pushed. Bard immediately stood and backed up as if it was going to explode and burn off his eyebrows.

"What did you do?" Asked Newt.

Bard looked slowly at the ex-runner and tilted his head.

"W-what?" Asked Bard slowly.

"I said- I" Newt spoke, the words would not come.

Suddenly he felt very unstable and stumbled around a bit. Bard grabbed for the wheel but missed and landed on the rubber chicken which then smacked Newt in the back of the head. Needless to say, both were out for the count and possibly the rest of this part...

Meanwhile below deck :

"Newt has been gone a while." Murmured Katniss as she pulled out an arrow out of the side of the ship.

Minho looked over at the girl and began to inhale and exhale quickly,

"Do you think something happened to him?" He asked nervously.

"You think the glue found himself in a rather sticky situation?" Asked Legolas as he focused his attention on a game of Pac-Man.

"That's not funny!" Minho shouted.

"It is certainly not funny!" Gandalf said "Prehaps we should go up there and check on him."

"I volunteer!" Katniss exclaimed

"Why does that not surprise me?" Said Legolas.

Suddenly Sprinkles sat up and sniffed the air. "Something bad is about to happen!"

"What do you mean?" Asked Minho.

"The world is changed. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air-

"Stop stealing lines and just get on with it!" Shouted Gandalf

"I have felt this before. Just before I physical and emotionally destroy a character, the overwhelming joy and grief that overflows my whole being, twisting and ripping their heart out until it is no more than a shriveled up, unrecognizable, piece of something that used to belong to-"

"THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH OF THAT!" Stormed the wizard!

Sprinkles looked to see the crew had backed up considerably, a few hid under cushions of the couch.

"I was only kidding, I'm completely safe..."

"HA! If words could kill, You'd be digging out graves for us!" Trembled Legolas.

Sprinkles let out an unexpected laugh,   "I promise I am completely safe in this story, now if I had an evil twin sister- that would be bad."

"Do you have an evil twin sister?" Asked Katniss slowly.

"Not to my knowledge." Sprinkles said reassuringly.

Suddenly she began to cough, grabbing her throat she shrieked out,

"It's coming!"

Almost all at once, (I suppose) our adventurers began to grow tired, their limbs felt limp as a bone fish, their eyes grew heavy and their vision failed them.

"W-what is hopping?" Stumbled out Minho .

"A- deerful, deadful, dreadful illness" Gandalf spluttered.

"It's the- the Mirkwood Madness! Father used tea- to test it on prisms- prisoners to prove it's wart, worth."

"It certainly works!" Gasped Sprinkles.


"Did your farter-father use Tracker Jackets- Jackers?" Coughed Katniss as she huddled in a ball on the floor.

Legolas could not answer for he was asleep. One by one each brave member dropped like flies, Sprinkles was the last to go and as she laid down she spoke very dramatically,

"To die would be an awfully big adventure!"

The fellowship has failed, or have they?????

To be continued!!!!

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