Bard part 1

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The bowman had squeezed his eye shut as the others of the original company had each gone into their new fandom. Slowly he peeked between his fingers. And just what do you think he saw?

Eager Reader: An orc!

Me: No

Eager Reader: An orc playing piano?

Me: double no

Eager Reader: oh oh I know!! The entire fellowship in one of those photo booth things at the mall!!

Me:.... you do know this was just a hypothetical question, right?

Eager reader: *slowy backs away*

Anyway..... Bard peeked between his fingers and saw, a banana split.

Eager reader: what?? All of my ideas were better than that!

Me: will you just let me finish?!

Eager reader: fine we'll do things your way. Authors are so grouchy....

Bard eyed the suspicious; yet creamy, cold, fruity, and chocolately desert, with uncertainty.

Eager reader: thanks. Now I'm hungry.

Me: why do you keep popping like this?

Eager reader: you have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me.

Me: pardon?

Eager reader: I AM YOU!!

ME: lol! For a second I thought you were going to say, I am your father, which would have been really weird and- I'm going to stop talking to myself.

The banana split was in the furry hands of the devious monkey. A light bulb seemed to go off over the bowman as he said,

"Why am I still here?"

The monkey chuckled most cunningly.

"You have a purpose far greater than the reminder of that clown company you keep."

Bard frowned. "They are not clowns!"

"Oh really? Then how do you explain this red squishy clown nose thing I found?" Asked the monkey as he held out the object.

"That's for the bottom of Gandalf's staff so it doesn't scuff the floor. He must have lost it when he was transported! Now his fandom will be scuffed."

The monkey tossed the clown nose behind him and held out the Banana split that was now beginning to melt.

"Here Bard, eat and enjoy!"

"What's with the special treatment?"

The monkey smiled. "Oh my dear bowman. Please, sit back and enjoy yourself. Did I not tell you I would never steer you wrong? Care for nothing, I shall take you to your destiny."

Bard stood, in the process the banana split fell to the floor.

"Where are you taking me! I demand to know!"

"If you must know. The queen demands to meet you."

"What queen?"

"The queen."

"No." Refused Bard

"Yes." Smiled the monkey




"No." Said the evil monkey

"YES!" exclaimed Bard.

The monkey jumped and clicked his heels.

"Ha ha! I win."

Bard frowned and slapped himself in the forehead. Prehaps a bit too hard because he then went unconscious for the remind of the journey.

The monkey left and went above deck happily. He then rolled up the sleeve of his Jedi costume and spoke into a secret watch/chip/radio on his wrist  and said,

"The Bowman is on his way, your highness."

A sticky sweet voice replied,


To be continued......

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