Minho part 3

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The sky grew dark quickly as the dwarves and Minho kept running, because their lives depended on it.

Critical reader: you use that quote a lot.

Me: it's fits though.

The motivational speaker, who's really Bilbo but Minho doesn't know that yet, had taken the lead when a warg jumped right in front of him!

Minho watched as the dwarves had caught up and began fighting back the wargs. One of the monsters ran at Minho.

Minho stared wide eyed at the thing and a shudder went down his back. Suddenly he was rescued as the muscled dwarf suddenly flew at the war and sliced him in two.

Minho looked at the dwarf in amazment.

"The wild is not for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves." Said the dwarf quickly as he cut down yet another warg.

'We need more Gladers like that guy.' Thought the runner.

It was then Gandalf shouted, "Climb into the trees, all of you!"

Minho glanced up at the huge trees. Regrettably he thought 'I'm a runner, not a climber.'

One by one all the dwarves flew in to the trees like birds. With each one that left the ground, Minho was getting more anxious. That's when he noticed that the short person was still on the ground. He was trying to pull his sword, although it looked more like a letter opener, out of a dead warg.

Minho rushed over to him. The wargs were in the not so distant distance.

"Hey you, we need to climb a tree!"

"My name is Bilbo!" he replied quickly.

'Bilbo!' Thought Minho. 'I need your contract!'

Minho was ready to take it right then and be done with it. Just as he was about to jump at him, Bilbo sprang into a tree close by.

"Seriously!?" Minho shouted.

"Hurry!" Gandalf shouted from above.

"You think I don't know that?" Minho yelled back.

He was too late though. Wargs were running past him, at him, and jumping over him. Minho backed up against the nearest tree trunk.

Two hands quickly grabbed him and hauled him up. Minho looked up to see that muscled dwarf had once again come to his rescue. Safety in the tree, Minho let out a breath of relief and slumped against a branch.

In another tree, Gandalf had reached out his staff and picked up a moth. The wizard muttered a few words and sent the bug off again.

The plans were soon spoiled though as-

Reader: as Glitter entered the scene.

Me: precisely! My, you are good at knowing when Glitter is at work.

Reader: I only have to follow the trail of tears and destruction.

Me: .... yeah about that.... I know these latest chapters have been, well, slightly devastating. But have no fear, we are not done yet and things have a way of righting themselves.

Reader: I'm sure everyone appreciated that.

Me: anything to calm a reader's frailed nerves.

Reader: which is exactly what they have been getting out of this 'funny' story.

Me: well let's get move on, we must see what Glitter is up to now.

As- a bird of prey was flying by. A hungry bird of prey, might I add. The bird saw this tasty morsel of magical moth and swallowed him whole.

Gandalf gasped and nearly dropped his staff.

"Azog!" Thorin said with much anger and well, more anger.

Indeed, Minho looked down and there, sitting upon a large and scary warg, an equally large and scary orc sat. He began speaking orcish. The wargs jumped at the trees, reaching uncomfortably close.

All of a sudden the trees began to shake and move! Minho held onto the tree for dear life.

'If only Sprinkles were here, that writer could save us!' He thought mournfully.

Suddenly the first tree tipped over in to the next one. It was like dominos.

Eager reader: oohh I live Domino's Pizza!!

Me: not that kind of dominos.

Eager reader: oh what have you done?? I'm so hungry now!! Must have pizza!!

Minho and the few dwarves had to make the jump and boy was it a tricksy one! When they were all in the same tree, the one closest to the edge of course, the wargs all jumped at it.

Minho let out a scream as the tree went down.

"Worse than Grievers! Worse than Grievers!" He exclaimed.

No one could respond for they were all holding on and in terror themselves. That's just about the time when-

Reader- *hides behind hands* Glitter?

Me- No silly! She can't ruin everything.

When a fiery pinecone flew down at the wargs. Minho looked up to see Gandalf lighting another pinecone on fire with his staff. The wizard tossed the flaming cones down to the dwarves, who tossed them at the wargs. For a while all was ablaze and the dwarves had a good cheer over it.

Until.. the tree tilted more! Now dwarves were falling out and hanging by their fingers.

Minho himself was not enjoying this at all. In fact he was wishing he was still on the ship with his friends. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Thorin stand slowly. There was sudden dramatic music in the background and Thorin started walking in slow motion towards the big scary orc.

The dwarves and Minho watched in awe as the brave Thorin charged, shield up, toward the orc. The fight was on and it was not looking good for the proud dwarf.

Then Bilbo stood! Minho at once remembered the whole reason he was there. Bilbo pulled out his sword. Thorin was in terrible danger, as an orcish blade was held at his neck.

Bilbo made his move, ready to save the dwarf. Minho also choose to move then. Quickly he tackled Bilbo and fought him for the contract.

"No stop! I must save Thorin!" Pleaded Bilbo.

"And I need your contract!" Shouted Minho.

Bilbo gave a confused look. Suddenly Minho found the contract in Bilbo's coat pocket.

No help came for the dwarves in the tree, and Bilbo was too late to help Thorin. But on the bright side Minho got the item and vanished instantly.

To be continued.....

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