Part 4

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

Cranky talk, a dead caterpillar, when qoutes go bad, a crying Legolas and a highly over excited reader. (I hope all my readers are having just as much fun! ;)

Continue Part 4

The mission seemed over before it could start. Gandalf looked on as chaos erupted.

Legolas huddled in the corner and whispers the word cupcake over and over again while Katniss shot arrows around him, missing every time of course. Minho was in agony over finding a dead caterpillar on the floor, Thomas and Newt were having a heated argument over cheese and the word "Sugarcube" was bounced around from group to group.

The wizard grew tired of it and came to a decision.

The room was silenced by a long rrrrrriiiiiiiippppppp.......

All turned to look and to everyone's horror- Gandalf had ripped the list in half, right down the middle.

"What have you done?!" Legolas exclaimed.

"I have got everyone's attention."

"But the list! You-" Newt began angrily.

"You think I'm a fool? That was not the list. This"

Gandalf held out a piece of paper, showing it off majestically.

"This is the list!"

Suddenly the fanciful dressed monkey, came in swinging from a vine of some sort that magically grows from the tears of all fangirls, swung in and swiped the list!

"AHH monkey!" Katniss screamed as she notched an arrow and aimed.


"How do you know?" Asked the Orc.

"I speak monkiness. Lower that arrow and he will give it peacefully."

Reluctantly and with a scowl that could burn a hole through the sun, she lowered her arrow. Sure enough the monkey strolled over, giving nasty looks at the girl.

"Ah yes, I'll be taking that list, a monkey has no use of-"

"I beg your pardon my good man but a sophisticated creature as myself has a highly irraguler need for the treasured word."

Every mouth dropped as they listened to the monkey speak.

"You can talk?!" Katniss asked in utter disbelief.

"Correction, you can talk, I have the ability to think rationally and hence forth communicate."

"We offer our aplogizes. We had no idea." Gandalf said gently.

"Certainly. Most of your- species, have little to no- how to put it delicately, thought process."

Gandalf frowned at the rude but yet intelligent monkey but decided the list was more important.

"May we have the list back, please?"

The monkey gave a slight smile.

"But of course, after all I have no intrest in such things. I shall gladly return this deceased tree to your crusty fingers- for a small price."

"Name it." Gandalf said, prehaps a bit to quickly.

"None of you, beings, can imagine the weariness one feels from seeing your short but equally adorable life flash before your very eyes."

Katniss, Minho, Legolas, Thomas, Newt, the Orc, Gandalf and the inn keeper all answered,

"Yes, we do."

The monkey shrugged. "Then you understand the term recompensation."

"Just what are you getting at fur ball?" Newt blurted.

"I want that girl to stand over there while I shoot arrows around her."


"Dejavou!" Four and Tris whispered together.

"That is absurd, you can't-" began Gandalf.

"I suppose I cannot speak either?"

Katniss looked about the room for support.

"The choice is simple really- either I shoot or I devour this ridiculous list whole." The scheming monkey replied.

Gandalf nodded at Katniss. "We can not waste anymore time."

"This beast won't miss will it?" Katniss grumbled.

"Depends on my mood, prehaps a nicer target would better my aim and accuracy."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Minho asked.

From behind the monkey, Legolas lifted the corners of his mouth in a large grin and squinted his eyes.

"I get the idea." Said katniss gloomly.

Here, Haymitch Abernathy peeked in the window.

"Katniss is going to smile? This I gotta see!"

"I as well- a smile is rare for her." Effie said as she joined Haymitch.

Rue and Prim joined the window and smiled warmly.

Before long all of district 12, and peeta were there watching the dramatic turn of events. Madge gave a thumbs up. Gale soon had a meat stand, selling roasted squirrel that he had caught. Peete passed out little cakes that he had frosted himself with the words:

Go Katniss! Run! Get out of here! Go!

A few of the men began taking on bets to see if the monkey would miss.

Soon the audience was silenced by the author's nails going down a chalkboard, slowly and loudly as she was eager to hear what would happen next.

The monkey sneered at Katniss and held up the notched bow with no problem. Aiming, he let the first arrow fly!

To be continued!!!

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