Fluffy McGiggles part 3

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Fluffy glared at the people that stood around him. He was becoming more Orcish by the second and it's best to keep your distance from Orcs.

Finally Peeta spoke. "Well I guess we are allies now?"

Fluffy snarled. Prim still kept her face buried in Katniss' jacket.

"Who are you?" Katniss asked the Orc.

"He's New." Said Peeta.

"I can tell he's new." Said Katniss.

"No, his name is New. N-E-W." Corrected Peeta.

Before anyone could respond, they all heard someone, no a number of someones crashing through the woods. They were getting nearer. A shout of pain sounded out.

"It's Cato!" Peeta said quickly.

Katniss looked down at Prim. "Come on!" She said as she started to run.

Peeta followed after. Fluffy looked back and forth from the oncoming angry Cato, to his fleeing fellow tributes. He never liked conflict. In aggravation he ran towards Peeta, Katniss and Prim.

It took no time for him to catch up to them. Unfortunately they had all climbed up a large tree. Peeta looked down at 'New' and waved his hand, motioning him to come up.

"Orcs don't climb!" Fluffy Mcgiggles growled.

"What's an orc?" Asked Peeta.

"Someone is coming!" Squealed Prim in terror.

The three in the tree stayed deathly still. Fluffy turned to face the new arrivals.

Indeed, it was Cato. And boy was a mess. A wild look in his eye, he limped foward. Blood running from his cut. Behind him followed a blond girl and a couple other boys.

"You are going to pay!" Shouted Cato through clenched teeth.

The girl stepped up with a bow and arrow.

"Let me Cato."

"No Glimmer! This one is mine." Growled Cato.

Fluffy ran at the girl, grabbed the bow, and broke it in two over his large orcish knee. Up in the tree, Katniss silently mourned the loss of that beautiful bow.

Glimmer gasped and stepped back. Cato limped foward.

"Just what is your game?!" He asked.

"The Hunger Games." Snarled Fluffy.

"Well duh! What is your problem?" Returned Cato.

Fluffy then surprised everyone by sitting down right where he stood.

"A lot of problems. Chasing hobbits. Fighting men, elves and dwarves. Being a slave to a wizard. Being the most hated bread- I mean bred of race of all Middle Earth. Even the bear guy hate orcs more than dwarves, and dwarves are just- awful!"

Fluffy, who's therapy session was long over due, let a few tears fall. Cato, who was mildly creeped out at the sight of a crying orc, turned and left. I mean have you ever seen a crying orc?

Reader- as you so bluntly said before, orcs are fictional.

Me- so I take that as a no.

From above, Katniss gave a quick whistle. Fluffy looked up. Peeta, once again, waved the orc up. Fluffy McGiggles sighed and began to make his way up the large tree.

"That wasn't so bad." Offered Peeta once the Orc was safely sitting in the tree.

Fluffy went to hit the boy, when little Pirm moved in.

"No fighting. I've watched enough of these to know when allies argue, the blood flows."

Katniss looked wide-eyed at her sister. It shocked her to hear such words from her.

"They will be back." Finished Prim quietly.

"We need get away while we can." Added Peeta.

"No, we need to stay and think." Corrected Katniss.

"I don't think that such a good idea Katniss." Replied Peeta.

"If we leave the tree, we are back on their level. They don't even know we are up here."

"How long will that last though?" Asked Peeta.

"Rest. We need to rest. I'll take the first watch." Said Prim.

Both the Girl on Fire and the Boy with the Bread stayed silent. Fluffy grunted his agreement. Without a word, Katniss laid down. Peeta smiled at Prim.

"You will definitely be getting sponsors."

"I just want to go home." Said Prim.

"You're not alone." Said Peeta as he laid down as well.

Fluffy slowly laid down but didn't close his eyes. He heard the sounds. He knew they were coming. He quickly sat up.

"Career filth returns." Said Fluffy angrily.

Prim shook Katniss awake. Peeta bolted up. Sure enough, the filth approached. From up in the tree, they could easily watch and hear all that was said and done.

"He's gone." Whispered Glimmer as she was referring to Fluffy. Glimmer had been sent to scout ahead.

Cato came limping foward. "Good, let's make camp here."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Asked one of the boys.

"Are you saying I don't have good ideas?" Cato returned dangerously.

"N-no. I mean yes. No wait! I mean no, no you don't Cato."

"Oh shut up!" Growled the angry boy.

"Y-yes sir!"

Glimmer smiled in amusement then went to set up their little camp. Fluffy kept watching in annoyance. It seemed like forever before the Career pack settled down and went to sleep.

"Ok, I definitely think we need to get away now." Whispered Peeta.

"Sure, and as we climb down, maybe we could ask them if we could build a fire together. Then we could all hold hands and sing?!" Katniss said with a angry tone.

Before Peeta could respond, there was a slight sound in a neighboring tree. All turned to see what was up. In between the branches, there was a little girl.

Fluffy growled. 'Not another person!'

"It's Rue." Said Katniss and Peeta together.

Rue seemed to be pointing at something. Fluffy followed the finger and that's when he saw it! A brownish colored nest hung from a nearby  branch.

"Tracker Jackers!" He said in a loudish whisper.

Prim gasped. Peeta groaned. Katniss saw an opportunity. Just as she started up to the nest, Fluffy was on the move. He pushed her out of his way. In the process, she fell out of the tree, just grabbing out for a lower branch. Prim let out a scream and went to help. Peeta hurried to help as well.

Fluffy reached out and grabbed the nest. He broke it in half, short- wise, with his bare hands and tossed the nest halves away.

Katniss was hanging on for dear life. Prim was in tears. Peeta was bugging. Rue got stung by a tracker jacker. The Careers were waking up.

Fluffy quickly caught the tracker jacker in his orc hands and instantly vanished, leaving the Hunger Games.

To be continued.....

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