Part 11

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

Intense laughter that hurts, the inside of the ship, sausage insults and confusion at the wheel.

Continue Part 11

"Hey! Don't hog all the chips!" Minho shouted at Newt as he lunged for the bag.

Newt held them out of arms reach just before Minho was about to grab it. Then Newt tossed the bag. It sailed a hundred yards into the air and went down a rabbit hole, and so the battle was won and the game of golf invented at the same time.

Opps wrong story. I mean it landed in Sprinkles' hands.

"Got it!" She exclaimed.

Minho jumped from the couch, in the process tripping over his feet. After quickly standing up, he pulled a mirror and comb out of his back pocket and began the very long and very tedious process of perfecting his hair.

Katniss watched Minho with a frown.

"How did he ever survive the maze?"

Minho looked up and smirked. "You think I'm bad? Newt is the dramatic one who decided to play Titanic and ended up falling from the wall and broke a leg."

Newt glared at his friend. "That was one time! You swore never to mention that!"

Minho put away his beautification tools and spread out his arms and shouted!

"I'm king of the world!"

Newt was about to charge when suddenly the lights went out. Everything was pitched black!

A few screams were heard and Legolas decided to take advantage of the situation and flicked on a flashlight, the beam shown on his elfish face,

"Once there was a young elf, fair and skillful at all things elves were skillful at! But one day he became cursed! (Scary sound effects) And this young elf was... BALD!!!!!!"

The flashlight was knocked out of Legolas's hand by Gandalf's staff.

"This is no time for ghost stories! No matter how frightening!"

"How did the elf just become cursed? It doesn't happen that way!" Complained Katniss.

"How do you explain how awesome elves are!? It just happened." Finished Legolas solemnly.

"What's the big deal about a bald elf? Orcs are bald and we are regular superstars." Fluffy McGiggles said.

Author, ok did I just write that?! *Shudders* it's weird, it works.

Sprinkles suddenly had a coughing fit as she tried to imagine a bald elf.

"A truly ghastly sight!"

Of course the Orc was offended because he thought she was talking about Orcs.

The lights overhead suddenly flickered back to life.

"It must be Bard trying to work this ship." Gandalf decided.

"Maybe we should go help him." Newt suggested.

"Yeah, before he takes this thing on water!" Laughed Minho.

Everyone glanced at the runner.

"That's not funny anymore." Legolas said.

Minho frowned. "Is that a bald spot I see?" He said as he pointed at the elf's glorious hair.

Thranduil suddenly appeared in from nowhere and said sternly,

"My son is not balding because he gets his hair from me and to say he is blading is to say I am balding AND I AM NOT BALDING, GRIEVER APITIZER!"

Before Minho could defend himself the elf was gone.

"So uhhh as I was saying we should go help the dragon slayer." Newt repeated.

"That would be wise." Answered Gandalf.

Meanwhile above deck

Bard had found a compartment below the wheel and was pushing buttons and pulling out all sorts of crazy stuff: Rubber chickens, golden rings, fluffy hats and even a stuffed doll of saurmon. The doll was immediately tossed overboard.

Finally he found a button he had not pushed yet. It read Do Not Push

Bard thought long and hard over this button.

"To push or not to push." He pondered.

Just as he had almost made up his mind, Newt came up behind him.

"You need help?"

Now Bard was not expecting anyone to come up behind him, so naturally it frightened him which led him to push the button that read Do Not Push.

And what do you think happened? Well I'll tell you what happened. The-

We inturpt this program to announce that it is a bad idea to ever push a button with such lettering.

Me- yes I know-

Ever! No matter if you are scared, dared, or even think it will find the cure for the common everday balding elf.

Me- elves don't go bald-

We are receiving reports EVERYDAY of uncontrollable balding

Me- can I just go on with the story?!

Seeing as you're talking to yourself, yes. Now back to our regularly scheduled story which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

To be continued!!!!

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