Part 14

111 15 49

Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

Mixed up memories, an abrupt end to musical ants, greetings from an old character, temper flaring victor and the quest officially begins.

Continue Part 14

"Are you positive?" The monkey asked darkly.

"Yes yes! We all agreed!" Gandalf grumbled.

"No matter what it takes to retrieve these powerful items?" Asked the monkey as he raised an eyebrow.

Katniss suddenly jumped in.

"What exactly will it take?"

Thorin suddenly peaked his head in and spoke solemnly,

"Loyalty, honor, a willing heart, I can ask no more than that."

Legolas glanced at the dwarf prince- king I mean and said,

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

Thorin was thrown off by the question but came right back with-

"Is that a bald spot I see on your head?"

Thranduil came charging in on his elk and jumped off in slow motion, allowing his hair to flow behind him. He ran up to his son and began to carefully check his head for any signs of balding.

"DAD! STOP THAT!" Exclaimed Legolas as he inched away.

"Twice now you've been accused of balding- I must see for my self!"

Legolas rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Thranduil went through each strand of hair.

Suddenly Thranduil let out such a scream that would make an Orc cry. Uhh sorry Fluffy McGiggles.....

"WHAT? WHAT IS IT?" Legolas asked in a Gollum voice.

Me- really? Picturing this now... creepy!

"Is he really going bald?" Asked Newt.

Thranduil finally stopped screaming and exclaimed,


Sprinkles carefully stepped out behind the glamorous elf and gave a sheepish shrug.

"I couldn't resist."


Gandalf stepped over to have a look and said,

"She simply braided your hair."

"She wha-t braided?"

Suddenly the monkey, who by now had had had had a costume change and was dressed in a runner's outfit,  pounced in the air and deliberately destroyed Thranduil's most beautiful braid and in the process, well, I'll let you picture for yourself what happened.

Thranduil began to cry as he fingered his scalp and pulled at strands here and there.

"No no no no no no!" He wailed!

Legolas and everyone else was taken back and their hearts went out to the uhh- fabulous elf.

"Now, may we please return to the subject at hand?" The monkey asked with a huff.

No one could answer. Legolas finally knelt down beside several shards of hair.

"That which was broken can be made new again ....."

Katniss pulled out her squirrel skin hankie and blew loudly.

Gandalf laid a comforting hand on Legolas's shoulder and said,

"I'm afraid this is a different matter entirely."

Minho suddenly got behind Newt and gave him a shove.

"Here is some glue, will it help?"

Newt turned back and shoved a hand in his friend's face.

"You stupid Shank!"

Thranduil silently climbed back on his elk. He would have left feeling dejected if not for our oh-so talented writer.

"Wait!! I have something that may help!" She shouted as she hurried over to the fallen elf.

Thranduil looked curiously at Sprinkles then gasped when he noticed what she held in her hands.

"Is that?" He began as a tear fell.

"A wig made of gleming starlight, only the best for an elf such as yourself." She answered.

Everyone clapped as Thranduil put it on, it was his proudest day!

"How did you- how can I repay you?"

Sprinkles blushed and answered,

"I had to jump over this writer's block to get to it but it was nothing."

"Writer's block?"

At that precise moment, Fluffy McGiggles tripped over a large wooden block of mahogany wood that had the words 'writer's block' inscribed on it.

And of course Effie had to show up and scolded the orc.

"That is mahogany!"

Thranduil turned back to Sprinkles and again asked,

"How can I ever repay you?"

Sprinkles gave one of those evil author smirks and said,

"Oh I'll let you know when I think of something. (It's not everday you can ask a favor of the elven king and NOT get thrown in prison)"

With that Thranduil nodded and rode off gallantly, leaving a trail of star dust as he went.

"Prepare the ship! The adventure awaits!" Cried the monkey while everything was silent which doesn't happen often in this story.

Bard followed the monkey up the stairs that were still labeled for old sausages.

"Has anyone told you that this ship flies?" Asked the monkey.


"Sounds like good friends you have." Said the monkey.

Bard nodded slowly. "Yeah... real good friends."

They stood by the wheel and he showed Bard how to start the ship.

"Am I truly the only one to give you this straight answer?"

"Yes." Bard said, clearly feeling hurt.

"Stick with me Dragon- Slayer. I shall never steer you wrong."

Suddenly the ship lifted from the pavement from where it had been sitting for the last four parts.

"It really flies!!" Said Bard as he held on.

"But of course! Where we are going we don't need roads!!" 

To be continued!!!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I myself had to leap over the writers block ;) lol

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